The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 767 [Ice Element]

After much talk, Bell finally gave up many of Jennifer's 'fantastic ideas'. Without wasting any more time, the group formed a small team and headed towards the base.

There are six people in Bell's team, including Jennifer, Penelo, Huang Quan, Hermione, Zannah, and finally Bell himself.

"Jennifer, is it really okay for you to come out with us? In fact, you just need to give me the latest information."

Bell said.

As the general person in charge of the [Dark Star] base, Jennifer undoubtedly needs to deal with a lot of things every day. If Jennifer got a lot of extra work out of thin air due to her own reasons, Bell would feel bad about it.

"Don't worry, young master. For this operation, I have arranged everything in advance, so you can have a good time... ahem, yes... in short, there will be no problem!"

Just kidding, even if the sky falls, it can't stop her from following her young master to cause trouble! So she has already told other people in the base that if anyone dares to cause trouble at this important moment, be prepared to be her sandbag in the future!

"Moreover, Lady Elena specifically told me before that I must protect the safety of the young master and young lady during this operation."

"Oh well."

Bell shrugged and said nothing more.

Since it was his mother's order, Bell didn't have the guts to disobey it.

A group of people used flying shoes to fly close to the ground, neither fast nor slow. Among them, Jennifer and Bell opened the way in front, and Huang Quan was at the back of the palace.

Jennifer used magic to create a ball of light and controlled it to float above her head, dispelling the darkness and guiding everyone in the direction.

After flying for about half an hour, Hermione finally couldn't restrain her curiosity and asked Bell aloud:

"Bell, what's the danger you're talking about? Is it the [Ice Element] you mentioned before?"

Because of the conversation before coming to [Dark Star], Hermione's heart had been tense, always prepared for danger.

As a result, half an hour had passed, and she didn't even see a hair of danger, let alone danger. While she breathed a sigh of relief, she still felt empty in her heart.

‘Have you been fooled by that guy Bell again? ’

Hermione couldn't help but think.

"That's right, it's [Ice Element]."

Bell replied.

"[Ice Elemental] is a type of elemental creature living on [Dark Star]. Their entire bodies are condensed with ice-cold magic power, and they will attack any being whose body temperature exceeds 0 degrees Celsius."

With that said, Bell turned his attention to Jennifer.

Although he had read the information about [Ice Elemental] in advance, he still didn't know why he hadn't encountered an [Ice Elemental] for so long.

"Because all the [Ice Elements] near the base have been cleared."

Feeling Bell's gaze, Jennifer immediately understood Bell's confusion and explained.

"Since the temperature in the base is much higher than outside, even if it is blocked by a barrier, it will still be attacked by [Ice Element]. In order to ensure the safety of the base, we will clean up the surrounding area of ​​the base every day."

Normally, when personnel in the base go out to perform tasks, they will directly apparate to the boundary of the warning range. Only when the other party is a newcomer to [Dark Star], they will be led by the ‘old man’ when they go out for the first time, and they will first adapt to the environment of [Dark Star] in a safe area outside the base.

So far, the Menethil family has explored many planets. But except for gaseous planets that are completely impossible to land on, there are few solid or liquid planets with such a harsh environment as [Dark Star].

It would be okay if it was just an ultra-low temperature, but for humans who live in the sun all year round, a dark star without any light will really put a lot of pressure on the human heart.

Under normal circumstances, people who have just arrived at [Dark Star] will have an adaptation period of about a week. That is to say, Bell and others will not be stationed on [Dark Star] for a long time, and will leave immediately after solving the problem, so Jennifer will lead Bell and others out on the first day. For example, the other 10 people who came here with Bell and others are currently undergoing adaptive training in the base.

After nodding to express understanding, Bell then asked:

"How long will it take to leave the safe area?"

"Come on, we are now close to the boundary of the safe area. In fact, the area we are currently in can no longer be called absolutely safe. [Ice Elementals] often wander into this area."

As the saying goes, good things don't work but bad things don't work. I wonder if Jennifer has a thin prophet's blood in her body? As soon as she finished speaking, Bell and others all turned their heads and looked to the front right.

There, at the end of the field of vision, an icy blue ball with a diameter of about two meters was rolling rapidly towards Bell and others.

【Wingardim Leviosa】!

Bell took out his new wand, pointed at the approaching [Ice Elemental], and easily used the floating spell to restrain the opponent.

Controlling the [Ice Element] to float in front of them, the five people except Jennifer were curiously looking at this strange creature in front of them.

Strictly speaking, there are many wonderful magical creatures in the magic world, such as [Boggarts] who no one knows what their true form looks like, [Dementors] who are formed by the aggregation of negative emotions, and [Dementors] who are half souls and half entities. Evil Spirit], etc.

But elemental life like [Ice Elemental] really does not exist on earth. So at this moment, everyone's faces were full of novelty, and Bell wanted to dissect the opponent on the spot.

"Is this [Ice Element]?"

Hermione muttered.

Only after she got closer did she realize that the [Ice Element] was not a life composed of ice as she had thought before. Its body is filled with an ice-blue gel-like substance.

At this time, [Ice Element], who experienced the feeling of flying for the first time, was constantly deforming its body surface, trying to escape the control of the floating spell. If pressed, Hermione felt that compared to the name "Ice Element", the other party was more like a super-large "Slime".

In addition, Hermione really couldn't tell where the big guy in front of her was in danger?

Isn’t it easy to control this?

Rather than saying it was dangerous, Hermione thought this [Ice Elemental] looked silly and quite cute. I wonder if I can get one as a pet?

Ever since Fina's 'little' guy was addicted to games and couldn't extricate himself, her Crookshanks has been lonely. She had also thought about giving Crookshanks a personal terminal to relieve her boredom, but Crookshanks was far less intelligent than Fina and could not learn to use a personal terminal at all, let alone play 'online games'.

If she could bring an [Ice Elemental] back to Crookshanks as a companion, Crookshanks would be very happy, right?

After all, cats like to play with balls.

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