The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 769 Isn’t this too tough?

As for the fact that her explosive spell had no flames, the smart Shanna figured it out immediately after thinking about it for a moment.

After all, this is not a difficult disease.

However, to be on the safe side, Shanna decided to do another experiment.

[Burning flames]!

A wisp of flame spurted out from the tip of Zannah's staff and flew less than 10 meters before dissipating in the air.

If it were on Earth, the magic power Shanna had just consumed would be enough to set off a sea of ​​​​fire. But here, it just spurted out a wisp of 'small flame'. It has to be said that the environment's influence on the power of the spell can sometimes be decisive.

Fortunately, our ancestors had long considered this situation, so whether it was magic spells, spells, or Yin-Yang techniques, there were all kinds of types, enough to deal with battles in various situations.

【Many obstacles】!

In the vast majority of cases, no matter how harsh the natural environment is, it will not weaken the spell of the speaking spirit type. Of course, there will be no enhancements.

Seeing that [Ice Elemental] had adjusted its body shape while she was experimenting with the fire spell, and swooped over again as fast as lightning, Zannah cast a barrier spell and stopped it in place.

Then, Zannah prepared to cast a crushing spell to crush the [Ice Elemental]'s head. Considering the possibility of accidentally injuring the ice core, Shanna did not choose to use the more penetrating cutting spell and shadowless spell.

However, just when Zannah's spell was about to be cast, [Ice Elemental] opened its big mouth and let out a silent roar at everyone.

As the [Ice Element] moved, light blue cold mist was spit out by it, spreading towards the direction of everyone at an extremely fast speed.

With her brother and others standing behind her, it was certainly not easy for Shanna to dodge and 'betray her teammates'. Without saying a word, the little girl canceled the crushing spell she had prepared, pointed her wand at the ground, and then raised it sharply.

A stone wall stood up instantly, blocking the ice breath of [Ice Elemental]. The ice layer exuding biting coldness covered the entire stone wall in the blink of an eye.

Zannah injected magic power into the stone wall in front of her, and the ice exploded instantly. The stone wall, along with the ice attached to it, shattered into dozens of pieces. With the wave of Zannah's wand, it slammed into the stone wall that had just escaped. [Ice Element] bound by the Obstacle Spell.

Under Shanna's exquisite control, the stones all accurately hit the [Ice Element] without exception.

The ground beneath his feet sunk, and the strong collision even caused half of [Ice Elemental]'s body to sink into the ground.

If it were a flesh and blood life, even if it was as powerful as a fire dragon, its skin and flesh would be torn apart, its bones would be broken, and its muscles would be broken under this wave of attacks.

However, [Ice Elemental] has neither skin nor bones, so the next second, [Ice Elemental] jumped out of the depression in the ground, seemingly unscathed.

"Isn't this too hard!?"

Even though he had read the relevant information about [Ice Element] before and knew that this creature's defense was very powerful, Bell was still very surprised when he saw the scene in front of him.

You know, Shanna's talent is not inferior to Bell's at all. In addition to being inferior to Bell in terms of total magic power, Zannah even surpassed Bell in terms of talent for destruction.

Therefore, the 15-year-old Shanna is actually no weaker than Bell back then in terms of combat ability.

What did Bell do when he was 15 years old?

He killed Voldemort!

Although Voldemort was just resurrected and was still in a weak state, it was not something that just any cat or dog could kill.

In other words, if Voldemort is resurrected again, Zannah is at least 50% sure that she will be able to kill him.

But now, it's just a mob on [Dark Star], and Zanna can't kill it in seconds? Bell suddenly lost confidence in the goal of this trip.

"Yes, except for the [Ice Slime], the [Ice Element] on [Dark Star] has very strong defenses."

Jennifer said.

As we all know, the colder the temperature, the harder the ice cubes become. As for [Dark Star], a planet that cannot receive the light of any stars, its temperature is even lower than that of the outside universe.

Therefore, except for the [Ice Slime] whose body is made of gelatin, the ice that makes up the body of the other forms of [Ice Element] is harder than most steel on the earth.

In addition, [Ice Elemental]'s bodies are filled with icy magic power, so their magic resistance is also very strong, not inferior to fire dragons at all.

"But fortunately, these guys' attack methods are very poor, and their speed is not very fast in comparison, so as long as you are patient and grind slowly, you can still hunt relatively safely."

Under normal circumstances, when base personnel hunt [Ice Elemental], they fight on an hourly basis. A standard three-person team, even if it is hunting the most common [Ice Elemental], it will take an hour to kill it while ensuring its own safety.

And if you are unlucky and encounter an elite monster, it is not surprising to spend half a day or even a whole day.

Nodding, Bell returned his attention to his sister. During the time when he just communicated with Jennifer, Shanna fought with the [Ice Elemental] for several more rounds.

As Jennifer said, the [Ice Elemental] has no other special abilities other than breathing ice breath.

Moreover, it can be seen from the behavior of [Ice Element] that the ice breath consumes a lot of it, and it takes a long time before it takes a breath. The rest of the time, [Ice Elemental] was trying to get close to Shanna, using his strong body to attack Shanna.

When it comes to dealing with melee attacks, no one in the entire British magical world, except Bell, has more experience than Zannah. Although the little girl did not learn close combat skills such as kendo like her brother, she often competed with Huang Quan for training.

At this time, facing the [Ice Elemental] whose strength was far inferior to Huang Quan, Shanna said that she had no pressure, but that the opponent was too tough, which was a bit annoying.

The sleeping spell and the petrification spell are ineffective, and the whole body binding spell will be broken instantly. The Upside Down Curse cannot control the elemental body of the [ice element]. After some experiments, Zanna found that except for the transformation spell, she could not find any other spells. Find a magic spell that can control the opponent.

The wand was waved lightly, and 10 long and thick chains suddenly popped out of the ground. The chain snaked around flexibly in the air like a python, and soon caught up with the [Ice Elemental] and temporarily restrained it.

After erecting a stone wall again to block the breath of ice, Zannah closed her eyes slightly and poured a large amount of magic power into the wand.

The light blue fluorescence lit up on the wand, and then quickly rotated with the wand as the center.

After a short period of energy accumulation, Zannah raised her wand and pointed it harder at the stone wall in front of her.

[Tianyuan Breakthrough]!

Rubbles and ice chips flew everywhere, and a hole with a spiral pattern appeared in the center of the stone wall. Then, the [Ice Element] not far away fell into pieces.

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