The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 775 But what if the defense is not broken?

Bell and his team have been busy for a long time, but the damage caused to the elemental lord is not as good as the slap he gave himself. Seeing this, Bell was even more afraid to let the opponent attack.

"This is really...cheating!"

Watching the elemental lord's saucy operations in the distance, Bell felt a huge toothache.

It turned out that after lying on the ground, the elemental lord did not try to stand up. Instead, his body squirmed and deformed, changing from lying down to standing.

This made Bell, who had planned to continue to use his strength to let the opponent lie down for a while, completely failed.

"How are you?"

Taking advantage of the fact that it would take a while for the elemental lord to complete his transformation, Bell turned to look at Huang Quan beside him.

Huang Quan's condition was not very good at this time. His face was as pale as paper, without any blood. The most important thing was that ice was spreading upwards in his lower body at a speed visible to the naked eye.


As he spoke, Huang Quan swung the long knife in his hand and without hesitation slashed his legs across his thighs.

Now that she was in the middle of a tense battle, there was no time to remove the ice from her body. In contrast, directly cutting off the legs and using the power of the killing stone to regenerate them would consume a lot more power, but it would save a lot of time.

"Uh... don't push yourself too hard."

Bell's eyes twitched, and he placed his left hand on the back of Huang Quan's heart. The magic power was converted into heat and passed into Huang Quan's body, dispelling the remaining chill in his body.

Huang Quan, whose face regained the color of blood, nodded at Bell and rushed towards the elemental lord again. Now that the opponent has completed his transformation and is about to attack again, she has to find a way to restrict the opponent's movements and buy time for Bell to prepare the spell.

The thrilling battle started again, and this time, Bell changed his strategy.

Huang Quan's attack power is basically on par with Bell's, and even surpasses Bell's in terms of close range bursts. Since Huang Quan's wave of explosions just now failed to cause substantial damage to the elemental lord, it means that the same will happen to Bell.

After trying to attack with force, Bell began to try to find the weakness of the elemental lord. He flexibly circled and danced around the elemental lord's huge body, hitting different parts of the opponent's body with devastating spells.

In this way, the battle continued for several hours. Bell's magic power could still sustain it, but his mind was too consumed and he could no longer sustain it.

He had no choice but to ensure that he successfully evaded every attack from the elemental lord. This kind of psychological pressure consumed his energy very quickly.

By this time, Bell had attacked roughly all parts of the elemental lord's body, but the results were far from ideal. The defenses of all parts of the elemental lord's body are so abnormal that there is no weak spot.

This expected result made Bell no longer intend to continue, but before retreating, he wanted to do one last experiment. Although it is an experiment that does not make much sense.

"Zannah! Use the Eternal Flame!"

Bell restrained his voice and transmitted it to Shanna in the distance through magic power.

"Okay, brother."

After responding subconsciously, Zannah raised the wand above her head, closed her eyes slightly, and prepared to cast the immortal flame spell.

Now Zannah can basically cast immortal flames instantly. It's just that it's less powerful, so it may be no problem to use it against wizards, but when the target is a behemoth nearly a kilometer tall, that little 'little flame' is obviously not enough.

Wisps of bright purple flames mixed with darkness were generated above Zannah's head, and gathered into a small fireball. Then, the fireball expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in an instant, it became a huge fireball nearly ten meters in diameter.

Zannah gritted her teeth and swung her wand forward with difficulty, and the fireball formed by the immortal flames also slowly moved forward.

After all, the eternal flame is a powerful fire, and its difficulty in casting and controlling is far beyond that of ordinary flames.

If it were an ordinary fire spell, Zannah could easily condense a large fireball with a diameter of tens of meters. But in Li Huo's case, the scale of ten meters in diameter was already the limit of the little girl.

As it moved forward, the speed of the immortal flame gradually accelerated. After just a few seconds, the fireball flew towards the elemental lord at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Against the backdrop of the dark environment, Zanna's whole body was colored black. The Lord's fireball is even more difficult to detect.

Of course, even if he is aware of it, with the elemental lord's intelligence level which is almost non-existent, he probably will not take this insignificant 'little' fireball in his eyes.

Silently, the fireball hit the elemental lord's calf. Then, the flames quickly spread and spread all over the elemental lord's body in the blink of an eye.

Waves of heat waves hit, and for the first time the concept of 'heat' appeared on this cold [Dark Star].

Under the burning flames of immortality, the elemental lord no longer cared about destroying the 'little bug' Bell. The biting cold air centered on the elemental lord and suddenly spread out to the surroundings. The 'summer' that had just arrived was kicked away by 'winter' in just an instant, and the blazing eternal flames became much dimmer.

But that's about it.

After all, the Eternal Flame is an improved version of the Self-Strengthening Fire Curse. This devilish flame can burn all things, and ice is no exception.

The ice magic power erupted by the elemental lord not only failed to completely extinguish the eternal flames, but after a short period of suppression, it provided more magic power for the eternal flames to burn, making it more powerful. .

‘Boom, boom, boom~! ’

The elemental lord struggled in vain to extinguish the flames. But it had no effect other than spreading the flames over a wider area.

"Huang Quan, come here and help me!"

Seeing that the effect of the Eternal Flame was better than expected, Bell felt a headache.

Since the ice element itself is an elemental creature made of magic power, in theory, it should be an excellent fuel for powerful fire. Therefore, the Eternal Flame Spell can restrain the elemental lord, and this is all as expected by Bell.

But you must know that Bell's purpose of this trip is not simply to kill the elemental lord. Such behavior is purely thankless.

Bell has only one purpose, and that is to obtain the ice core within the elemental lord. The ice core in the body of an ordinary elite ice element is comparable to an inferior version of the magic stone. Now the strength of this elemental lord is completely different from that of ordinary elite ice elements. Bell cannot even imagine how powerful the ice core in his body is.

In addition, the ice core has ice properties, making it an excellent material for the core of his exclusive weapon. Therefore, when his father had given up hunting the elemental lord, Bell went to the [Dark Star] to personally test the elemental lord's power.

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