The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 777 The Curse of [Elder Wand]

However, Bell's reminder was still a step too late. In addition, Huang Quan's consciousness was focused on conducting magic power. By the time she reacted and wanted to escape with Bell, a huge black shadow had already shrouded the two of them. .

‘Boom~! ’

The ground trembled violently, gravel and smoke flew into the sky, and a huge ice ball hit Bell and the two of them hard, and a large crater appeared on the ground as if it had been hit by a meteorite.

"Pfft~! Ahem!"

"Bell! How are you!?"

"Fortunately, I can't die."

A large amount of blood spurted out from Bell's mouth, and the right half of his body seemed to fall apart. Waves of severe pain were felt, making him unable to hold the wand tightly and falling to the ground.

Just now, just before the elemental lord's attack arrived, Bell freed the snakes on his right wrist. With the huge magic power provided by the magic stone, Wan Snake's figure instantly surged and he hit the ice puck.

However, Bell's response was ultimately a step too slow. The main reason is that he did not expect that the [All Curses Are Ended] cast by the magic power of the Killing Stone would be extremely corrosive to matter. Even the elemental lord's perverted defense could not withstand it, causing the other party to As soon as the Lihuo went out, they launched an attack.

The result was that although Wan She had offset most of the impact, some of the force was still transmitted along Wan She's snake body to Bell, causing the bones of his right arm to shatter and multiple ribs on his right chest to be fractured. The internal organs suffered varying degrees of impact.

Moreover, what was most difficult for Bell to accept was that after [All Curses Are Ended] was dissipated due to the inability of the successor, in just a few seconds, the elemental lord's body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Judging from its current recovery speed, it is estimated that it will not even take a day for the body that was previously burned by the fierce fire to completely recover.

How can we fight this! ! !

"No more fighting! Withdraw!"

After stopping Huang Quan, who was a little out of control, Bell quickly flew towards the distance with the support of the other party. For safety reasons, the two did not choose to evacuate to the direction of Shanna and others.

"Apparate back to base!"

On the other side, Shanna's figure suddenly paused in the air, and then gritted her teeth and said to the others.

If you observe carefully, you can see that the back of the little girl's right hand is shining with a faint light.

"But Bell and the others..."

Hermione looked worriedly into the distance, where Bell and Huang Quan were dodging the attacks of the elemental lord while trying to escape. Because Bell was seriously injured, the two of them looked quite embarrassed at the moment.

"This is my brother's order!"

After giving a final glare to the huge figure of the Elemental Lord in the distance, Zannah didn't waste any more time and appeared next to Hermione in a flash. Then, in a burst of space distortion, she grabbed Hermione's arm and disappeared. In place.

On the side, after seeing Shanna and Hermione leaving, Jennifer had no choice but to suppress her worries, imitated Shanna's actions, grabbed Penello's arm, and apparated back to the base.

"Speed ​​up, don't worry, I can hold on."

After sensing that Shanna and others had left, Bell said to Huang Quan, who was trying his best to dodge the attack.

Hearing this, Huang Quan hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

‘Bang~! ’

The sonic boom exploded, and Huang Quan's speed suddenly increased several times. With just a few flickers, he took advantage of the elemental lord's unpreparedness and escaped from his attack range.

It can be said that any qualified wizard's life-saving ability exceeds his front-on combat ability. If a wizard wants to run away, even if he is much stronger than him, it will be difficult to catch him.

Therefore, after making up his mind to retreat, Huang Quan quickly got rid of the elemental lord's pursuit and completely disappeared from the opponent's perception range.

A dim red light cut through the dark sky of [Dark Star] and crashed into the towering cliff. The gravel fell along the steep cliff, and its echo was not heard for a long time.

In the newly opened cave, Bell put his left arm on the ground and turned over with difficulty.

"Hey! How are you? Are you still alive?"

Bell's weak voice sounded.

A jade hand stained with blood was raised and struck "hard" on Bell's head. While declaring that he was still alive, it also conveyed his owner's dissatisfaction.

"Well, it looks like you silly girl is still alive."

With that said, Bell reached into his arms with difficulty with his left hand and took out the [Elder Wand] that he had always carried with him.

Since the [Elder Wand] had been held by Dumbledore before, many people knew this 'Dumbledore's wand', so in order to prevent trouble from coming, Bell has always used this wand as a spare wand and research sample. .

But now it seems that there must be a very powerful and evil curse on this [Elder Wand]. Otherwise, why had he lost two of his own wands in less than a year since he got the [Elder Wand]! ?

Holding back the stinging pain in his body, Bell injected magic power into the [Elder Wand] and cast a healing spell.

The emerald green magic power containing vitality slowly flows into Huang Quan's body, gradually calming down his restless aura.

This stupid woman, when she was running for her life, had covered Bell's body with all her magic power, leaving her body without any protection. You know, the fastest flight speed the two of them had previously reached several times the speed of sound. At that speed, the oncoming wind was even sharper than the sharp steel blade. In just the blink of an eye, Huang Quan was cut to pieces.

Although the magic power in the Killing Stone is nearly unlimited, Huang Quan itself is a mortal body after all, and there is a limit to the magic power it can withstand. The battle that lasted for several hours had brought Huang Quan to the limit. The large amount of magic power that was finally injected into Bell's body also needed to be transferred through Huang Quan's body.

The combination of a series of consumption made Huang Quan not only unable to use the power of the killing stone to repair his body, but he even had to spend energy to suppress the self-healing instinct of the killing stone to prevent himself from being further eroded.

The jade hand stained with blood raised and grabbed Bell's wrist. Huang Quan exerted a little force and tried to remove Bell's left hand, but because her body was so severely injured, her current strength was not as good as that of Bell, who was also severely injured.

"Okay, just lie down and we'll be fine."

Although Huang Quan did not speak, Bell immediately understood what the other party meant. However, he had no intention of obeying and still maintained the healing spell in his hand.

In the dark cave, the passage of time could not be felt at all. After an unknown amount of time, the space outside the cave was slightly distorted, and Shanna and Jennifer suddenly appeared.

"Don't, don't turn on the light~"

Before Zanna and the others could take any further action, Bell's weak voice came from the cave.

Zannah and Jennifer looked at each other for a while, and finally put down their wands.

With the strength of the two of them, even if there is no light nearby, they can still sense everything nearby through magic power. So although they didn't know why Bell made such a strange request, the two of them chose to comply.

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