The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 779 Staying Overnight

"Where's Shanna? Did you run out to play again?"

After breakfast, Bell wiped his mouth while asking about his sister's whereabouts.

Since she could not deal with the powerful elemental lord for the time being, the little girl had no choice but to vent her temper on the other ice elements. In the past few days, she would go out hunting with the base staff every day.

"Well, I ran out as soon as I got up in the morning."

After using magic spells to clean the dishes skillfully and send them back to the kitchen, Hermione leaned lightly on Bell's body.

"Bell...I'm sorry..."

"Fool, you didn't do anything wrong, why do you have to apologize?"

Bell rubbed Hermione's long hair vigorously, messing up the hairstyle she had carefully styled in the morning.

It seemed that after so many days, Hermione finally couldn't bear it anymore. By the way, if Hermione endures it any longer, Bell might go crazy first. Although it was great to enjoy his girlfriend's service every day, he didn't want Hermione to keep suppressing herself.


"Hermione, can I go to your house when I get back?"

Without giving Hermione a chance to speak, Bell took the lead in asking a question.

"Go to my house? Why do you suddenly want to go to my house?"

Hermione looked at Bell confused.

What is there to see at her house?

There are neither powerful magical stone statues nor cute magical animals in her home. It is just an ordinary Muggle family. Why would Belle suddenly go to her home?

"Speaking of which, I only stopped at your home for a short time when I picked you up, and I didn't even take a good look at your home. Besides, we will be in 7th grade when school starts again, and we will graduate soon. There are some things that you should discuss with your uncle and aunt in advance."

"Something? What thing?"

Hermione was even more confused. Is there anything Belle needs to discuss with her parents?

Bell raised the corners of his mouth and whispered something into Hermione's ear.

Then, Hermione's ears turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and white mist floated from the top of her head with a 'bang'.

Suddenly, Hermione looked up at Bell, hesitated for a moment and then said:

"But, Bell, can I really do it? Compared to me, it really is ugh~!"

After a long time, their lips parted, and Bell rubbed Hermione's head vigorously again.

"What are you talking about? This kind of thing has been made very clear a long time ago."


In the end, Hermione didn't say anything more, or in other words, she didn't know what she wanted to say. Instead, she pushed hard into Bell's arms again, as if the cold climate on the [Dark Star] was making her unbearable.

Bell also cooperated and hugged Hermione's hands tightly, and the two of them remained silent, quietly listening to each other's heartbeats, saying nothing.

"Bell, get up and have breakfast soon."

Hermione's call rang in his ears. Bell closed his eyes and stretched out his hand in the direction of the sound.

"Ah!? You guy, stop making trouble and get up quickly. Mom and dad are still waiting below!"

Hermione, who was suddenly attacked, pinched Bell's cheek angrily and struggled to get up.

"Mom and dad?"

Dimly, Bell always felt like he heard some strange names. By the way, when did Hermione become so self-conscious? Before I even got through, I changed my words first...

Suddenly, Bell sat up suddenly. He looked around and looked at the slightly unfamiliar room in front of him, and then he remembered that he was now in Hermione's home.

They returned to Earth the day before yesterday. After the conversation with Hermione that morning, they stayed on [Dark Star] for another four days before teleporting back.

Mainly because Huang Quan's injury was serious, they stayed for a while to be on the safe side.

After returning, Bell came to visit Hermione's parents yesterday afternoon as agreed with Hermione.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger expressed a warm welcome to Bell's arrival. Mrs. Granger even asked for leave one day in advance to prepare for Bell's visit.

In the evening, while enjoying a sumptuous dinner carefully prepared by Mrs. Granger, Bell told Mr. and Mrs. Granger interesting things that had happened in the wizarding world over the years.

Unknowingly, it was late at night, and the Grangers invited Bell to stay overnight, and Bell naturally agreed. Hermione, on the other hand, almost became angry when faced with the teasing looks from her parents.

"Why are you dazed? Get up quickly and get dressed."

After getting up and tidying up her clothes and hair, Hermione slapped Bell angrily when she saw Bell still sitting on the bed in a daze.

"...Oh, right away."

After dressing neatly and washing up, Bell took ten minutes to take care of his personal hygiene and went to the restaurant on the first floor with Hermione. In the restaurant, Mr. and Mrs. Granger were already sitting at the table waiting.

"Good morning, Bell. How was your rest last night?"

Mrs. Granger was the first to say hello.

While speaking, she glanced at her daughter with a half-smile, which successfully made Hermione grind her teeth again.

"Uh, very, very good."

Feeling the heart-wrenching pain in his waist, Bell forced out a bright smile.

Her parents slept next door, so naturally, Hermione wouldn't allow Bell to cause trouble. Bell is not the kind of person who has no self-control, and it is impossible for him to demand anything forcefully in this situation. Last night, he and Hermione really did nothing and slept until dawn.

So why is he being pinched now?

"That's good."

Mrs. Granger covered her mouth and smiled.

By the way, why didn't she know before that her house was so soundproofed? She and her husband spent a long time listening in the corner last night, but they didn't hear anything.

As for the possibility that Bell and Hermione did nothing?

Mrs. Granger had indeed thought that way, until this morning.

She had heard from her daughter before that Bell even got up earlier than Hermione every morning. As a result, today, Hermione was asked to go up and wake Bell up, and it took a while for the two of them to get down. She didn't believe that Bell didn't work hard last night anyway.

Could it be that the two of them used those magical spells to eliminate the sound last night?

(Actually, Bell has been recuperating from his injuries during this period and has not done any morning exercises. His old habit of staying in bed has relapsed.)

Of course, Bell didn't know what Mrs. Granger was thinking, so he could only sit on pins and needles under Mrs. Granger's teasing gaze, Mr. Granger's scrutinizing gaze, and Miss Granger's two-finger meditation. Arrived at the table.

It was said that he felt that Hermione's family atmosphere was very harmonious last night, and it was quite comfortable to stay here. Why did the atmosphere change drastically just after waking up?

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