The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 797: Give it a shot first!

"Okay, I understand, thank you for your hard work."

Cutting off the communication, Stuart looked again at the figure of [Enzoth] displayed on the big screen in front of the bridge.

Although he had always believed that the other party was just an 'ordinary beast' living in the universe, but now that his suspicion was verified, he still felt a little regretful.

But the next second, Stuart threw away this little regret.

They have just begun to contact the universe. I believe that in the future, they will be able to discover other intelligent creatures in the universe that can communicate.

"Main gun fire! Since we can't communicate with words, let's find another way of communication."

After gathering his composure, Stuart issued an order and officially announced that this time the war against [En'zoth] had begun.

The magic power passed through circuits and converged on a sharp corner of the inverted triangular hull, and a huge magic circle unfolded, even larger than the Williams itself.

[Williams]'s main gun power is divided into five levels.

Among them, the fifth level has the lowest power, which is the level used when attacking the elemental lord before.

The first level is the most powerful, requiring more than half of the magic power accumulated in the magic pool to be extracted. Even with a magic stone that continuously transforms magic power, a main gun with first-level power can only be fired once every 1 hour or more. Moreover, during the 1 hour interval, other functions that consume a lot of magic power cannot be used.

The many slowly dancing tentacles suddenly stagnated, and [N'Zoth] seemed to feel threatened. But by now, it's too late to take action.

The dazzling magic light beam shot out, spanning a long distance in an instant, and hit [En'zoth] firmly.

A silent but violent explosion took place, and the screen in front of the bridge was filled with blue light. Everyone had to cover their eyes to reduce the stinging sensation in their eyeballs.

‘Aaahhhhh——! ’

The sharp screams echoed in everyone's minds, causing everyone to move their hands in front of their eyes and hug their heads with all their strength.

Just as the wizard who was responsible for spiritual communication had speculated, the huge spiritual power indeed gave [N'zoth] a unique spiritual attack method. Even though there was a long distance and even though there was a mental protection barrier, its attack still affected everyone in the battleship.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Shanna looked at her brother worriedly.

When someone is sick or injured, the human spirit and will are at their most fragile. If it was normal, it might be nothing, but at this moment, Shanna was very worried that her brother would be traumatized mentally after his physical condition.

"Don't worry, Shanna, this mental shock is nothing to me."

Seeing that his sister, even though her face turned pale in pain, still looked at him with concern for the first time, Bell felt both relieved and distressed.

Facing [N'Zoth's] mental scream, Bell can be said to be one of the most relaxed people on the battleship. At this moment, Bell felt the power of soul magic even more.

The previous whole school year's research on soul magic did not bring him any powerful means to fight against enemies, but it greatly enhanced the tenacity of his soul. At this moment, even in a seriously injured state, he could still easily withstand the mental impact, but he just felt a slight tingling sensation in his brain.

"Zannah, use Occlumency at full power and don't think about anything else."

Putting his hand on Shanna's head and rubbing it, Bell warned.

Compared to Bell, as the only underage wizard on the battleship, Zannah's resistance to mental shock is much weaker. Even though the little girl had powerful magic power in her body, the damage she suffered at this time was still considerable.

After staring at her brother carefully for a while and confirming that he was not forcing himself on him, Shanna closed her eyes and used her Occlumency technique with all her strength to block out the screams in her mind.

"Battle Wizard attacks! Main cannon recharges, waiting for orders!"

As the captain of the [Williams], Stuart also easily withstood the screams of [Enzos]. He calmly issued instructions and directed the battleship to continue the battle.

Crushing spells, cutting spells, impact spells, and offensive spells were shot out from the deck, enveloping the light mist formed by the magic power of the magic stone, and shot towards the direction of [N'Zoth].

"Captain, the target has moved! It's approaching at an extremely fast speed!"

Before the detection wizard could finish his words, he saw the thick dust formed by the explosion in the distance suddenly being swept away, and a huge thing was rushing towards the battleship at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, [Enzoth]'s long and short tentacles close to the battleship were blown off, and dark purple blood-like liquid was spurting out from the fractures, forming small lakes in the void.

Compared to the miserable situation of the tentacles, [N'Zoth]'s body seemed to be unscathed. The big mouth on its body is opening and closing violently, showing its own anger.

"This guy is so hard!?"

Stuart couldn't help but be very surprised when he saw that the terrifyingly powerful first-level main gun shot only removed some of [En'zoth's] tentacles but failed to cause much damage to its body.

But the next second, his strong psychological quality allowed him to get rid of the influence of surprise and calmly gave orders:

"The battleship is fully powered, move back, and keep distance from the target! The battle wizard stops, how much is the main gun charged?"

According to observations, all the enhanced spells cast by the battle wizard were blocked by [N'zoth]'s tentacles, and the damage they could cause was very limited. Those tentacles, as thick as the Optimus Pillar, showed unusual flexibility at this time, leaving afterimages in everyone's field of vision.

Seeing this, instead of letting the battle wizard waste magic power, it is better to concentrate the magic power on the main gun.

"The main gun charge has reached the fourth level!"

"It's not enough. Let's wait until it reaches the second level before launching."

"But Captain, if you fire the secondary main gun, after at most 10 rounds, the remaining magic power of the [Williams] will not be enough to support the continued use of the main gun."

The wizard in charge of the weapon system reminded awkwardly.

The mana consumption of main guns varies greatly between different levels. Especially the first-level main gun, as the trump card of the Williams, its mana consumption is terrifying.

After firing a first-level main gun, the remaining magic power in the magic pool was no longer enough to support the warship's wanton consumption.

"Of course I know. But if it can't cause substantial damage to the target, the magic power will be wasted."

As the captain, Stuart is of course well aware of the various capabilities of the Williams. He can even instantly calculate the total mana consumption based on the currently activated functions.

But this is not the time to save magic power. As he said, judging from the defensive power displayed by [Enzos], Stuart seriously doubts that even the third-level main gun can only be used by the opponent. Gua Sha, only the second level main gun can cause substantial damage.

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