"Ha! Tell me, what exactly do I think?"

After careful observation, she found that Bell was not injured except for looking slightly embarrassed. Hermione felt relieved and became even more angry.

'what? You kid really wants to blow up the earth! ? ’


Bell was speechless.

He didn't know how Hermione misunderstood it now. He just suddenly thought of that sentence in a hurry, and then said it casually.

"Hermione, actually..."

"Okay! Stop telling the truth! Tell me, where are you now!"

Hermione, who was in a irritable mood, didn't want to listen to Bell's nonsense, which could only be used to fool her.

"Where am I now? I, I am..."

"You think about it first before you speak! Let me tell you, you only have one chance. If you dare to lie to me, I will send a message to Aunt Elena now and tell Auntie that you are doing dangerous things again. Aunt Lena."

As the saying goes, all things in the world are descended from each other. Hermione really had nothing to do with Bell, and there was nothing she could do with Zannah, but she could complain to Aunt Elena, and then ask Aunt Elena to take care of Bell.

She has practiced the skill of 'complaining' for a long time and has rich experience!

"Ahem! Don't! Don't! I said! I said it's not okay!"

After finally escaping from his mother's clutches, Bell hadn't had time to enjoy the long-lost 'freedom'. If Hermione went to complain, he might have to live under 'surveillance' for the rest of his life.

"I'm actually on the moon right now."

Those who confessed were given leniency and those who resisted were given strict punishment. Seeing that Hermione was about to open up, Bell had no choice but to give in.

"Moon? Why are you going to the moon?"

Do you want to warm your hands by blowing up the moon before blowing up the earth?


"I remember Aunt Elena's magic number is..."

"Stop, stop, stop! I said! Don't worry! I came to the moon to do experiments!"

At this moment, Bell fully realized how powerless 'non-nuclear' countries were when facing 'nuclear' countries...

"Why do we have to go to the moon to do experiments? Couldn't we just do it on the earth?"

Hermione was puzzled.

During the last school year, Bell spent most of his time in the underground classroom doing experiments. After the initial loneliness, Hermione gradually got used to it. So it wouldn't surprise her if Bell continued to experiment all day this year.

But the question is, if the experiments were done well at Hogwarts, why did they suddenly go to the moon?

Why, the earth can no longer accommodate you, Bell, why do you still have to go to heaven?


"Hello? Is this Aunt Elena?"

"I confess! Isn't it okay if I confess!"

His weaknesses were carefully pinpointed, and after several fruitless struggles, Bell gave up completely.

"Alas~! Actually, this experiment is too dangerous. I'm afraid I might blow up the earth accidentally..."

"You really plan to blow up the earth!"

Hermione looked at Belle in disbelief.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You said you were afraid of accidentally blowing up the earth, so you went to the moon to do experiments."

Bell rolled his eyes at Hermione. He only went to blow up the earth when he was full. The earth is so delicious... No, there are so many delicious animals and plants on the earth. It is too late for him to protect the earth, so how could he want to harm the earth?

At most, I can only occasionally consider the 'Human Completion Plan' or something...

"The moon can't be blown up either!"

Although Hermione has never been exposed to natural science courses since graduating from elementary school. But even so, she knew that once the moon was blown up, it would have a great impact on the earth. In that case, God knows what kind of disaster will happen on the earth and how much human and economic losses it will cause.

"I didn't say I was going to blow up the moon!"

Rubbing his forehead, Bell felt a little headache.

By the way, what happened to Hermione today? Why do you always think he wants to explode something?

That is clearly the scope of my sister’s responsibilities!

"Don't worry, Hermione. Although experiments are indeed dangerous to a certain extent, it's hard to say that you have done experiments these days if you don't explode a few times."

Just kidding, in almost every class in Potions class, there will be some accidents caused by students failing to brew potions. Among these accidents, those with the prefix 'explosion' accounted for at least 50%. Therefore, it is very normal to explode once, twice, 5678 times or something during an experiment.

"And the explosion just now was really just a small accident. I recently found an experimental assistant. That guy is a novice, and it is understandable that he occasionally makes small mistakes. We need to be more tolerant of newcomers, so that Only then can we draw more and more fresh blood and let the magic world flourish."

Bell quoted scriptures, reviewed history, and looked forward to the future. The sincerity of his words and the realness of his emotions made Hermione nod her head subconsciously, and she was about to be convinced.

"Master, the explosion just now really has nothing to do with me. And I am no longer a novice. I have joined the family's research institution for almost 5 years. Many seniors have praised me for my rich knowledge and strong practical ability. .After this research is over, I can lead a group to conduct independent experiments when I go back."

Domis's "frozen" voice came from outside the screen again. It was so "frozen" that Bell wanted to set a fire to warm him up.

"Watch your game! If you keep talking too much, I will prevent you from being promoted in your life!"

Bell looked like a demon and roared at Domis.

You haven’t even mastered the basic art of taking the blame for your boss, and you still want to lead a team to conduct experiments independently?


Faced with the pressure from Bell in the workplace, Domis could only continue to watch his Quidditch game aggrievedly.

"Ahem, Hermione, Domis actually...well...he actually has delusions and often imagines himself as a big shot. You know, we shouldn't discriminate against disabled people, so..."

"Bell, what kind of experiment are you doing? A more advanced soul experiment or something?"

Hermione impatiently interrupted Bell's lie. She was very serious now and had no time to listen to Bell's nonsense.

"It's not a soul experiment, but...Hermione, is there anyone else with you now?"

In the middle of speaking, Bell suddenly paused and turned to look around Hermione.

However, the screen of the personal terminal is only so big. If Hermione doesn't change the angle, even if Bell puts his head into his personal terminal, it will have no effect.

"No...forget it, if it's confidential, there's no need to tell me."

Hermione didn't want to cause trouble to Bell and Bell's family because of her own reasons.

Although she is now very skilled in Occlumency, she is not confident that others will not be able to obtain information from her mind.

Take Luna for example. As long as Luna wants to, she has no secrets at all in front of the other party.

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