The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 807 Magic Experiment

In 30 seconds, neither more nor less, Domis put away his wand and connected the polar snow monster meridian in his hand to the instrument in front of him.

The instrument itself is not complicated. Its main body is three crystal clear balls. The small ball is mainly made of the inner membrane of the demon-absorbing ghost, and has strong magic capacity and magic binding power.

(Although the ghost has the word "ghost" in its name, it is actually a magical animal unique to Australia. The ghost looks like a jellyfish, but it lives on land. This creature floats in mid-air through magic power. It can use its tentacles to absorb the magic power of other magical creatures and store it in its body in large quantities. The inner membrane of its body is very tough and can bind a large amount of magic power to prevent the demon-absorbing ghost from exploding and dying due to excessive magic power absorbed.)

Under each small ball, a complex array is drawn. The array under the center ball is particularly complicated and is the core of the entire instrument.

Now, the three small balls that were originally independent have been connected together by the stems and meridians processed by Bell and Domis acting as magic conduits. Next, only the magic power is injected to start the instrument and start again. A new round of experiments.

After Domis installed the catheter, Bell also completed the magic infusion into one of the small balls and put away the inferior version of the magic stone in his hand.

Then, he took out an ice core of ordinary ice element and injected magic power into the small ball at the other end.

After a while, the small balls located at both ends of the instrument were filled with blue magic power and white magic power respectively, shining with a faint fluorescence.


Taking a deep breath, Bell resolutely turned on the switch of the instrument.

First, the magic circle at both ends lit up, and the magic circle under the white magic ball on the left emitted a suction force, sucking out part of the cold air in the magic ball, thereby weakening the ice attribute in the magic power.

At the other end, the magic circle under the blue magic ball emits waves of heat, pouring the heat into the magic ball, making the magic inside it stained with a light fiery red color, adding a little fire attribute to the magic.

Then, the connection between the magic ball and the conduit was opened, and the magic power was poured into the small ball in the center through the conduit like a slowly flowing stream.

The formation at the core of the instrument emits a faint light, and an invisible force acts on the magic power in the small ball above. The bright white ice-attribute magic power and the orange-yellow fire-attribute magic power are distributed on both sides of the ball, clearly separated and not touching each other.

It was not until all the magic power in the small balls at both ends was injected into the central ball that the opening was closed and the conduit fell off. The two magic powers with completely different colors began to rotate rapidly around the center of the ball under the influence of the magic circle.

By the way, the step of detaching the catheter was newly added by Bell in this experiment.

There is no way, the magic grass is okay, but the polar snow monster is a powerful and rare rare magical animal. The meridians with the strongest magic conductivity, located in the heart of the polar snow monster, are very precious magic materials. If they are randomly blown up like before, even Bell will feel distressed.

The magic rotation speed is getting faster and faster. When the speed reaches a certain critical value, the center of the ball suddenly generates a strong suction force.

Under the action of suction, crystal white and orange mist-like magic power is generated and floats towards the center of the ball.

As soon as two magical powers with completely opposite properties came into contact, a fierce conflict broke out. However, under the control of the previous magic circle, the ice and fire attributes contained in the two magical powers were completely equal. Therefore, after the incompatible conflict, , instead they annihilated each other, and in the end, only the pure magic power remained and merged together.

So far, the experiment has gone well. It stands to reason that as long as the fusion continues, eventually the magic power of the magic stone and the magic power of the ice core can be completely integrated.

After seeing the experiment progress to this point, Bell and Domis, who had waited for a long time without any unexpected incident, were so bored that they almost fell asleep, so they went out to rest and relax.

Conducting experiments with full concentration is very energy-consuming, not to mention that the experiments conducted by Bell and the two are dangerous experiments that may explode at any time. After working for a long time, the two of them were really tired.

But this time, with the previous explosive experience, Bell will certainly not leave again. I saw him holding a layer of 'turtle shell' on his head, carefully observing the fusion process of the magic power in the small ball, not daring to relax at all.

From the surveillance video of the last experiment, Bell did not find anything abnormal. The explosion happened so suddenly, as if it exploded for no reason.

Of course, the explosion cannot be without reason. Since there was no abnormality until the moment before the explosion, it means that the fuse of the explosion was probably laid from the beginning.

Taking out the magic glasses and putting them on, Bell also carefully injected magic power into the fragile eyeballs to further enhance his own magic vision. With the help of a two-pronged approach, the magic in Bell's eyes was analyzed layer by layer, showing a completely different side than usual.

Finally, when his brain began to feel tingling, protesting that the input of too much information per unit time was making it difficult for him to process, Bell finally observed a situation that he had not noticed before.

What Bell thought before was that the ice and fire attributes would cancel each other out and annihilate each other. In fact, it was not completely done. Compared with the fire attribute that was added later in the magic stone's magic power, the ice attribute in the ice core's magic power was innately carried and penetrated deep into the 'bone marrow'.

Therefore, after the fire attribute in the magic stone's magic power is exhausted, the ice attribute still remains in the deepest part of the ice core's magic power. And when these ice attributes gradually accumulate, they will eventually completely destroy the balance of attributes between the two magic powers, leading to the birth of 'art'.

The output of the magic circle gradually decreased, and the rapidly rotating magic power in the small ball gradually returned to quietness, and finally stagnated clearly on both sides of the inside of the ball.

"Do you understand what the problem is?"

It wasn't until the instrument stopped running completely and Bell took action to extract the magic power from the spheres that Domis asked.

He had also worn magic glasses for careful observation before, but since he was unable to inject a large amount of magic power into his eyeballs to improve his vision like Bell, he did not discover the problem.

"Well, it seems that the ice and fire method won't work."

Bell said.

Then, he explained in detail to Domis the various phenomena he had just observed.

"Then what happens next?"

After listening to Bell's story, Domis scratched his head and showed a sad face.

Although his research field covers the two magical sources of magic power, the magic stone and ice core, he has never touched upon the fusion of the magic stone and ice core.

After all, instead of fusing an inferior version of the magic stone with an ordinary ice core to create a more powerful source of magic power, it is better to make an official version of the magic stone, or to strengthen the ice core alone to upgrade it from ordinary level to Elite level.

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