Chapter 81 Year-End Dinner

"I remember during the previous Christmas vacation, weren't you very much looking forward to going home? Why now, I can't see you looking forward to it at all?"

Bell, who was calm just now, immediately looked like he was about to cry.


"Because I can't go back!!! I have some very important things to deal with, so I don't know when I can go home yet! I want to go back to see Shanna -!"


Just when Penello didn't know how to comfort Bell, the noisy auditorium suddenly became silent.

Penello looked up and saw that it was Harry who had arrived in the auditorium. Everyone was looking at Harry. Even some who were far away stood up and stood on tiptoes just to get a clearer view. A hero's appearance.

Shortly after Harry sat down, Professor Dumbledore arrived.

After a brief summary of the year, it was finally time for the exciting Academy Cup award ceremony.

The little wizards in Slytherin were very excited about this. Because this year, Slytherin's house points are the highest again!

The Snakes have won the Academy Cup for six consecutive years. And today, they will achieve an unprecedented 7 consecutive championships! The little snakes worked hard to suppress their excitement and build up their strength for the explosion they were waiting for.

Bell looked in the direction of Slytherin with pity. Poor children, they must not imagine what will happen next. I hope they can withstand the next blow and not lose hope in life, or even take revenge on society.

"Currently, the scores of each house are: fourth place, Gryffindor, 312 points; third place, Hufflepuff, 352 points; second place, Ravenclaw, 426 points; and the last First place, Slytherin, 472 points."

The little snakes burst into thunderous cheers. And the way Bell looked at them became more pitiful.

"However, several recent events must also be taken into account," Dumbledore continued.

Then he added 50 points to Ron without hesitation, 50 points to Neville, and finally 70 points to Harry. In the end, Gryffindor turned around and won the Academy Cup with a score of 482 points.

Deafening cheers erupted with a momentum that was about to lift the ceiling.

However, as noisy as Gryffindor's little lions are, so silent are Slytherin's little snakes.

Looking at the Slytherin table with a face full of 'You're kidding me! ? ' The little wizards with expressions on their faces, as well as Professor Snape, whose face was so gloomy that he was about to drip with tears. Bell had no doubt that if they hadn't really been unable to defeat him, they would have taken out their wands and cut Lao Deng into pieces.

In this way, the dinner started with the Slytherins excited and the Gryffindors depressed and silent, and ended with the Slytherins depressed and silent and the Gryffindors excited and excited.

So happiness is conserved. When one party is happy, the other party will be unhappy. And when one party becomes unhappy, the other party becomes very happy.

Bell found that he had verified a truth in one careful step - the law of conservation of happiness.

the next morning.

Today is the first day of vacation. After breakfast, the little wizards will take the Hogwarts Express to King's Cross Station in London, and then each will find their mother and go back to their respective homes.

However, today, which was supposed to be a joyful day, was slightly clouded by the announcement of test results.

To Bell's expectation, his grades turned out to be very good, and he was tied for first place in his grade with Hermione.

Since he never took Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, Bell thought it would be great if he could pass this class. But because Quirrell had already followed the footsteps of his 'senior sister' (losing his head), the test scores for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class were judged by other professors. They didn't know that Bell had never taken a class, so they gave him full marks.

In any case, Quirrell has cooled down, Bell has achieved a good result, and everyone is happy.

The classmates in Ravenclaw House were all surprised. They didn't expect Bell, who usually kept quiet, to have such good academic performance! At the same time, they were also a little relieved that Ravenclaw was not beaten by Gryffindor in terms of grades.

After breakfast, Bell sent Hermione to Hogwarts station.

"Bell, are you really not going to take the car with us? You didn't take the car last Christmas."

Hermione looked at Bell with some dissatisfaction. It was not easy to take a train with him.

"Hermione, there is really nothing we can do this time, and I really, really want to take the car home! But I have something to do, and Professor Dumbledore is waiting for me in the principal's office."

Bell was also unhappy. Not being able to go home to see Shanna during the holidays already made him want to burst the earth from the inside.

And he, who had been trying to avoid contact with Dumbledore, in order to see Nicolas Flamel, finally had to avoid Lao Deng and had to be taken to Nicolas Flamel's residence.

After putting the unhappy Hermione on the train and watching the train go away, Bell returned to Hogwarts Castle again.

Without delay, Bell carried his suitcase and arrived at the principal's office. Dumbledore was already sitting inside, waiting for Bell.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, Professor."

"It's nothing, I just waited for a short while." Dumbledore said with a smile, "If you are ready, let's set off?"

After Bell nodded in affirmation, Dumbledore stood up and came to Bell's side. He stretched out one hand to grab Bell's arm, and waved to Phoenix Fawkes who was lying on a support with the other hand.

Bell carefully observed the legendary phoenix, and then felt that the name 'English Long-tailed Turkey' was more suitable for it than the name 'Phoenix'.

Phoenix Fawkes flew over and landed on Dumbledore's shoulders. It let out a crisp cry, and then a sense of space distortion similar to apparation came, and the figures of the two people and the bird disappeared into the principal's office.

After the distortion disappeared, what appeared in Bell's eyes was a dense forest. After signaling to Bell to wait a moment, Dumbledore raised his wand into the air and tapped the air in front of him twice.

Bell could sense a wave of magic emanating from the tip of Dumbledore's wand, spreading deep into the forest in front of him.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, there was a sudden wave of magic in front of Dumbledore, and a space door opened in front of him. The scenery inside the door is completely different from the forest in front of you.

Dumbledore motioned to Bell to follow him. After the two entered, the space door disappeared immediately.

What appeared in front of Bell was a weird house.

The house doesn't look big from the outside, but its shape is strange, just like the building blocks that Shanna had piled up randomly when she was a child.

Outside the house is a small garden with some common but beautiful plants planted in it.

In the eyes of uninformed people, they would probably only think that this is the home of an eccentric wizard, but would not think that this is the home of the greatest alchemist in history - Nicolas Flamel.

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