The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 836 The decision is yours, Harleymon!


Harry's unexpected choice completely shocked Bell's outlook and made him clearly aware of the unbridgeable 'generation gap' between himself and these brats.

This is different from the script! Can you still play your cards according to the routine?

"No, Harry, it's wrong for you to think like this! Look, you are only 17 years old, so young. You should value your life! You can't commit suicide!"

Bell pulled Harry to persuade him earnestly. If Hermione hadn't been right next to him, he would have just cast the Imperius Curse to control him and be done with it.

"Thank you, Bell, for caring so much about me."

(Bell: 'I care about you big-headed devil! I care about my experimental subjects...ahem, they are volunteers!')

"Of course I value my life, but in this world, there are always some things that are more important than life. In order to completely eliminate Voldemort and to protect the most important people in my life, I am willing to devote my life .”

Harry's words were so majestic and deafening. From Harry's body, Bell seemed to see endless brilliance, which made him feel so ashamed...

Ah bah!

So great, why not just start a revolution and liberate the suffering people all over the world?

If Harry hadn't been the only suitable candidate now, Bell would have kicked this kid away. He wants the other person to die!

However, there is no if in reality, and the only suitable experimental subject is Harry. In desperation, Bell could only take a deep breath and continue racking his brains to deceive.

"Harry, it is precisely because there are many people in your life who are more important than life that you cannot die! If you die, they will be so sad and grieved. Can you bear to Let them spend the rest of their lives in regret and pain?

Harry, think about Ginny, if you die, she will have to..."

"Ginny? Why should I miss Ginny? What happened to her?"

Harry interrupted Bell's lie with a confused look on his face.

"...Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, I mean, think about Ginny's brother, Ron."

By the way, Harry still doesn't know that Ginny has a crush on him? No way? How stupid a person is to be able to do this for so many years and still not notice it?

Or is it that Ginny has long recognized the cruel gap between her childhood fantasies and reality, so she doesn't care about Harry anymore?

This melon is worth eating!

After Kagura's problem is solved, he must investigate it in secret.


Ahem, let’s get down to business…

"Harry, think about Ron and Neville, they are your best brothers! Think about how sad and desperate they would be if you unfortunately passed away!

Is it Ron? "

In the adult battlefield, there is no right or wrong, only interests!

In order to convince Harry, Bell did not hesitate to win over Ron, hoping to break through Harry's psychological defense from the inside!

"Yes, Harry. Although I hate this guy Bell, I have to say that his words still make sense.

If you really have to die to completely eliminate Voldemort, although I am sad, I may not stop you. But now, since there are other ways, why don’t we try it? "

For the first time in his life, Ron sided with Bell. This made him feel intense physical and mental discomfort from the inside out. But for the sake of his good brother, he still chose to be patient.

‘When you go back, you must take 8, no, 10 baths! ’

"But just in case..."

"Even if it fails, we can still think of other solutions at that time.

Harry, you are a man who has defeated Voldemort before. If bastard Bell's method fails to kill Voldemort, then wouldn't it be nice for you to kill Voldemort with your own hands again?

Don't worry Harry, no matter what time, I will stand by your side and fight alongside you! Believe me, and believe yourself, Voldemort, we will definitely be able to defeat him.

Live and conquer! "

Ron's eyes were filled with tears and he looked into Harry's eyes sincerely. The atmosphere in the place was very... permeable for a time.

‘Oh, I’ll go! I have goosebumps! ’

Bell rubbed his arms vigorously, wanting to kill someone from the bottom of his heart.

It was obvious that Ron was helping him deceive Harry, and it seemed that the content of what everyone said was pretty much the same? But why did he feel awkward when those words came out of Ron's mouth?

"Harry, although it may not be very good from me, Bell is really, really powerful. He said he could help you destroy Voldemort's soul, and he will definitely be able to do it. If he makes a mistake then, We will also help you until Voldemort is completely eliminated."

At this time, perhaps touched by the sincere friendship (?) between Ron and Harry, Hermione was also extremely moved. So she decisively stepped in and made a promise for Bell.

Bell's eyes twitched and he looked at his girlfriend, but he didn't dare to speak out against her at this moment. Seeing that Harry was getting more and more shaken and was about to enter his bowl, he didn't want to fail.

Taking a deep breath and feeling the concerned eyes of the three people around him, Harry felt for the first time that it was great that he could enter Hogwarts!

In Hogwarts, he not only met his best brother Ron... Oh, by the way, but also Neville...

Ahem, and even Hermione and Bell, who usually didn't say a few words to each other, were willing to help him without hesitation at critical moments. Sure enough, as Professor Dumbledore said, love is the greatest power in the world!

"Okay! Bell, then it's up to you! Please help me to completely eliminate Voldemort!"

Harry held back the tears that were about to overflow from his eyes, bowed deeply to Bell, and sold himself to Bell without asking for a penny...

"You're so polite! You're so polite! We are all classmates and we should help each other!"

Bell also suppressed the corners of his mouth that were about to rise crazily and prevented himself from showing a strange expression. He has overcome all nine or eighty-one difficulties, and there is only one last tremor left. He must not make any mistakes.

"So, Bell, when do we take action? Also, how exactly are you going to do that method of yours?"

Harry asked.

He has waited for this moment for too long, and he can't wait to destroy the last fragment of Voldemort's soul immediately to comfort his parents' spirits in heaven!

And Professor Dumbledore's.

"It's getting late today, and my method will take a lot of time, so I'll wait until this Saturday. You can also take advantage of these few days to adjust your condition.

As for how to do it, you will know when the time comes. Don't worry, it's not difficult. "

Bell didn't intend to tell Harry the specific method, because he wouldn't understand it anyway. The other party only needs to perform the duties of a toolman and follow his instructions when the time comes.

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