Bell, who successfully survived the crisis, decided to go shopping in Diagon Alley with his mother and sister the next day.

As for William? There is so much work waiting to be done. If he doesn’t go, how can Elena be allowed to do it?

After breakfast, the three of them set off in the speed car. If you think about it, this is Bell's third trip to Diagon Alley. Except for the two purchases of wands, Bell directly ordered Lim to buy textbooks, magic materials, etc. Hermione probably went to Diagon Alley more times than he did.

Speaking of Hermione, the little witch invited Bell to go to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks and other items needed for the next semester. However, because Bell was busy studying alchemy at that time and was not sure whether he would go shopping in Diagon Alley after returning home, he regretfully declined Hermione's invitation. The little witch is still unhappy about this, and she doesn't know if she is in a better mood now.

After arriving in Diagon Alley, Bell suddenly remembered that he had never been to Gringotts, so he suggested to his mother that he go to Gringotts' underground vault.

Elena, who had nothing to buy originally and just came to hang out with her son and daughter, agreed without any hesitation.

The three of them walked to the center of Diagon Alley, where a tall, white building was located.

There were two goblin guards standing at the door of the building, guarding the safety of Gringotts. As for how effective it can depends on each person.

Another thing I have to mention is that goblins are really ugly. Bell felt that his house elves were much cuter than goblins.

After entering the gate of Gringotts, a goblin in a neat suit immediately greeted him.

"Hello, dear Lady Menethil, I am Bailey, the hall manager of Gringotts. How can I help you?" Bailey said respectfully, bowing.

Bailey is one of the Hall Managers at Gringotts. He enjoys his job because it is both relaxing and comes with access to a large amount of Galleons. It would be even better if those cute golden babies could become his.

The job of the lobby manager is to receive distinguished guests who have their own vaults underground in Gringotts.

As for these poor people coming and going in the hall?

If you have any questions, why don’t you go to the counter and ask them yourself? ?

There are very few VIPs with exclusive vaults. The longest time Bailey went for a whole week, he didn't receive a single guest. He just drank tea and read the newspaper every day.

But that doesn't mean the job is easy. In this position, Bailey never slacked off for a day. He takes care of himself carefully every day and does not allow his distinguished guests any chance to find fault.

You know, in order to be promoted to lobby manager, he worked hard for a long time, defeated several competitors, and even had to pay some golden treasures for it, before he finally got the job. If he was replaced by another goblin because of his own negligence, he would definitely regret it and commit suicide by throwing himself into the river.

"Yes, I want to go to the underground vault."

Elena took out a gold key and handed it to Bailey.

Bailey took the key and checked it carefully before returning the key to Elena.

"Please go this way."

Under Bailey's leadership, the three of them got on a mine cart. Bailey pulled the handle of the mine cart, and the mine cart rushed out quickly.

The underground of Gringotts is very complicated. If Bell were left here and asked not to use magic, Bell, who is a bit of a wanderlust, would probably never want to go out in his life.

Sitting on a bumpy mine cart feels a bit like riding a roller coaster. Bell didn't like this feeling, but Shanna found it very interesting.

Bell looked up and looked at the underground of Gringotts, and after a while he felt a little bored. As far as the eye can see, in addition to the dark cave, it is still a dark cave. Perhaps to increase the safety of the underground maze, these caves were built almost exactly the same.

After about 20 minutes, no one knew how far underground it was, Bell almost fell asleep, and the mine car finally stopped.

After getting off the car, what appeared in front of several people was a huge stone door that looked very solid. Bell could feel the strong magic wave emitted by the stone door, so he must have had powerful protective magic applied to it.

"By the way, haven't you ever thought about improving the user experience?"

Bell rubbed his butt and back and asked the goblin beside him. The experience I just had was really not a good one.

"What do you mean?"

Bailey looked at Bell with some confusion.

"The experience of sitting on a mine cart is not very good. Have you ever thought about changing it to a flying car?"

While making suggestions, he also did not forget to advertise his own speed car and expand the market. Bell silently gave himself a thumbs up in his heart and firmly remembered what he had just said.

The next time William complains to him and dislikes him for not doing things, he can use what happened today to confront his father.

You know, he is only a 12-year-old baby! How is it possible to understand those markets, transactions, and the like!

"This is not something I can decide, but I will respond to your request to the superiors."

Bailey said, taking the key handed over by Elena again.

Walking to the door, Bailey tapped his fingers in a certain order. The magic power spread from his fingers along the door, and then a keyhole appeared under the door.

Bailey inserted the key into it and twisted it slightly. With a 'rumble~' sound, the door slowly opened.

Standing outside the door and looking in, I can only see darkness and nothing else.

Bell followed Elena into the door, and a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared, making his eyes uncomfortable.

The spacious vault is filled with gold galleons and various gems. It will give people a very shocking feeling when they first see it.

"How's it going? Our treasury is great, right?"

Elena looked at her children proudly, anticipating their reactions.

Unfortunately, neither Bell nor Zanna had much reaction.

After the initial shock, Shanna quickly became calm. In the little girl's opinion, no amount of gold can compare to a hair of her brother's head.

Bell, on the other hand, walked around the vault, looked around carefully, and nodded.

"That's right, nothing useful is left here to gather dust."

Elena was speechless, she really wanted to pry open Bell's head and see what was inside.

Why is there nothing useful? Isn't so much gold galleons useful enough? You must know that now that the family has so many subordinates, the annual expenditure is less than one-tenth of what it is here.

After the three of them casually grabbed some gold galleons in the vault, they returned to the ground in a mine cart. After leaving Gringotts, Zannah tilted her little head and asked her brother curiously.

"Brother, why are there so many goblins in Gringotts?"

"Because Gringotts is run by goblins, and the goblins basically gather in Gringotts to work."

"But why do we give galleons to goblins for safekeeping? I heard that goblins are very greedy for money. What if they take our money and don't give it back to us?"

Bell laughed disdainfully.

"Don't pay back? Shanna, you have to know that wizards are the overlords of the magical world. We are in an absolute dominant position, and other creatures depend on us for survival. If the goblins dare to take the wizard's money and refuse to pay it back, the angry wizard will It won't take us a few days to wipe them out. As long as we can keep ourselves strong, we will never have to worry about the goblins causing trouble. No matter how greedy they are or how much they love gold coins, as long as they don't want to die, I can only hand it over obediently."

Many people don't understand why the only bank in the wizarding world is managed by goblins. Aren't wizards afraid of being controlled by goblins?

The answer is: ‘Don’t be afraid! Who would be afraid of their own guard dog? ’

Powerful wizards don't care about money at all.

To give a simple example, Voldemort never worried about being short of money. Returning to Gringotts was like going home. The fairies here are all talented, they speak nicely, and most importantly, they are all very enthusiastic. As long as he tells the goblins about his little troubles, these little guys, who may not look like much, but are very kind-hearted, will rush to stuff a lot of gold galleons into his pocket. , even if you don’t want it.

As for where the money came from?

Who cares? Who dares to care! ?

Weak wizards care about money, but unfortunately they can't do anything about it.

Wizards could, of course, choose to build their own bank. However, let’s not talk about how much manpower and material resources it would cost to build a defense facility like Gringotts’ underground maze. So what if Gringotts is run by wizards? If you don't lose your pants, you are considered excellent.

You know, Hogwarts doesn't teach finance.

As for arranging for wizards to study finance?

Only a mentally retarded wizard would do something like that. If you have enough time to study finance, why not spend more time learning magic? Wouldn't it be nice to make yourself stronger? What if I accidentally become as strong as Dumbledore? Is there anything you want then?

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