The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 893 Planet Menethil

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed since Bell and others arrived at [Planet Life 1].

Thanks to Bei Advanced Toolman Er coming online again, researchers quickly determined that the atmosphere on [Planet Life 1] would not cause harm to humans. Not only that, after the initial discomfort, they discovered that the unknown elements in the planet's atmosphere could actually have a weak strengthening effect on the human body.

Of course, all this is not without cost.

The cost is that over the past week, Bell has been scolded by his own family N+ times every day. After repeatedly promising that he will act cautiously next time, he still has to continue to receive criticism and education the next day.

"Brother, look! This is the 'magic strengthening potion' I just made. It can increase the power of the spell by 10 to 30% in a short period of time!"

Shanna held a bottle of potion that had not completely cooled down and ran over happily to share her joy with her brother.

It has to be said that [Planet Life 1] is really a treasure. It has only been a week. Bell and others only explored a small area around the station and discovered dozens of precious magical animals and plants as well as The richness of mineral resources far exceeds that of those desolate planets without life, and even exceeds that of the earth several times.

For example, the 'Magic Strengthening Potion' that Shanna initially successfully produced was made using a plant named 'Magic Vine Flower' that Shanna discovered a few days ago as the main material. This kind of potion, which can temporarily strengthen the quality of the wizard's magic power and thereby increase the power of the spell, is simply impossible to make with herbs on earth.

Coincidentally, in addition to herbal medicines, Bell and others have also discovered several precious minerals and delicious small animals these days!

All in all, it was quite rewarding!

Putting down a bright flower that had just grown from a seed in her hand, Bell took the potion from her sister and tasted a little with her fingers.

Closing his eyes and carefully feeling the changes in the magic power in his body, Bell opened his eyes and said:

"It's great. I felt that the activity of my magic power briefly increased for a moment, and the activity of my thinking also increased a little. It seems that this magic potion can not only be used for fighting, but also can be used for breakthroughs during research. bottleneck."

"Yes! However, the number of magic vine flowers picked so far is too rare, and the production process of magic power enhancement potion is also relatively complicated. If it is only used to temporarily increase mental activity, it always feels like a waste."

Zannah stared at the potion in her hand with some confusion.

Magic ivy flowers are very rare in the forest. She has been looking for them these days and only picked 10 flowers. A bottle of magic strengthening potion requires the use of three magic vine flower extracts, and this is without calculating the success rate.

In fact, magic power-enhancing potions are high-end potions with a relatively complicated manufacturing process. Even if she makes them herself, the success rate is only about 70%.

"It doesn't matter, there will be more and more magic ivy flowers. And there should be a lot of room for improvement in this potion, right? The production process should be simplified in the future."

Bell rubbed his sister's head and encouraged her.


The fighting spirit in Shanna's eyes became more intense.

"Finally I found you! What are you doing on the balcony?"

At this moment, Hermione's voice suddenly came from behind the brother and sister, interrupting their conversation.

"What's the matter, honey?"

Bell asked in confusion.

Normally, Hermione should be working at this time, so why did she suddenly come to see him?

Could it be that Hermione finally planned to goof off with him?

Hermione glanced at Bell, who was pale and had a lazy aura all over his body, and threw an instrument in her hand to Bell.

"The explorers have just sent back the information on the last area. This is the compiled planetary intelligence."

"Have you finally done it? It seems that the creatures on this planet are quite xenophobic."

It's just general surface information. Normally, dozens of explorers would work together to collect it in two to three days. But this time, during the intelligence collection process, the explorers were attacked by native creatures many times, which delayed a lot of time. It took a whole week to finally complete the preliminary collection and arrangement of intelligence.

Picking up the triangle-shaped instrument in his hand, Bell pressed the switch on it. After hearing a soft beep, blue magic lines shot out from the triangle, and the light intertwined and entwined, eventually forming a sphere. It is the planet that Bell and others are standing on.

Tap a red light spot on the sphere with your finger, and the scene where the light spot is located is projected into the air, which is where the exploration team is stationed. Whether it is the "Williams" in the sky or the wooden houses and research laboratories built by members of the exploration team on the ground, they are all shown in detail.

As Bell operated, the planet projection continued to zoom in and out, showing Bell different landforms in different areas.

"I made a decision!"

Suddenly, Bell yelled, startling Zannah and Hermione.

"From now on, this planet will be renamed [Star Menethil], and it will serve as the headquarters of the Menethil family in the future!"

This idea actually appeared in Bell's mind as early as the first time he came to this planet.

As the saying goes, the situation on earth is uncertain now, and it is very necessary to prepare an escape route for yourself and the wizards. Not to mention, this planet has an even better environment than Earth, so it must undergo in-depth development.

One sheep can be driven, and two sheep can be herded. Bell decided to simply put the focus of his family's future on this planet, so as not to be distracted by the many trivial things on the earth.

"But, Bell, we have not yet conducted a detailed exploration of this planet. We have not been able to rule out the many dangers that may be hidden on the planet. Now we have decided to put our family's focus here, will it? Too hasty?"

Lady Hermione Jane Menethil said worriedly.

Now that she has married Bell, Hermione can be said to have truly become a member of the Menethil family in every sense. Of course, she must carefully consider decisions related to her family's future.

"What are you afraid of? If there is danger, just step on it and it will be fine!

That’s it! Zannah, you go contact your father and tell him to stop arguing with those politicians all day long, and quickly pack up your belongings and transfer everything that is easy to transfer to [Menethil], and the remaining real estate and the like are just Just leave some people to take care of it.

In addition, other families and forces in the magic world are informed that starting from today, [Menethil Star] and [Menethil Galaxy] will officially become the private domain of the Menethil family. Other forces without permission can Unauthorized entry is strictly prohibited. Violators will be responsible for the consequences! "

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