The Magician Who Rose From Failure: Tales of War and Magic

83 Episode 82 Pressure of the First Team

The right flank cavalry unit of the Nahdar army was almost destroyed in the battle with the left flank Seiran's Kingsguard unit.

The rear of the enemy cavalry unit was stripped of their weapons and armor by the Magnetic Force that they had just received, and the effects spread to the entire cavalry unit. The front of the cavalry unit, affected by the confusion in the rear, was defeated by the assault of the Kingsguard.

Now, half of them have been killed and the rest are in retreat. It is unclear whether they will escape or be absorbed by other units, but the fact that they were able to crush the cavalry unit will be significant for the Konoe.

After inflicting irreparable damage on the enemy cavalry unit, they slowly made their way from the front line to the left side of the battlefield, south of the Mildare Plains, as originally planned.

The ...... troops acted alone and broke off from the ranks.

It's a move that could have led to isolation, but not this time.

This is because this action is the key to this operation.

"You guys! You guys! Fight to the death and take out Siran!

Count Polk Nadar was shouting in the center of the infantry troops that were closing in on them in pursuit.

Count Polk Nadar is a man of luxury, with a body that looks like it's never been in good health.

The arrogant attitude of a man who is convinced of his own superiority.

He has a face and figure that remind me of both a pig and a toad, reminding me of the typical corrupt aristocrat in stories.

The Count is the second person I've seen with such a face, but unlike the Marquis of Gaston, this one has a look that could be described as "just right".

He is currently wearing armor and seems to be prepared for a fight.

I can only imagine the difficulty of the craftsmen who made the armor to encompass his highly assertive flesh.

He rides a large horse, surrounded by cavalry guards, and is constantly ordering the infantry troops he leads to attack him.

His target, of course, is the Crown Prince of the Kingdom, Ceylan Crosselrode.

The infantry, hurried by Polk Nadar, is chasing after the Kingsguard. The right flank infantry troops were also caught up in the chase.

They don't seem to understand that this is just what Ceylan wants.

The Kingsguard, on the other hand, has divided its forces into two and is dealing with the pursuit.

While one unit is dealing with the pursuing enemy unit, the other unit moves south. This time, the retreating troops responded to the enemy's attack and repeated the process, gradually moving back.

In the midst of all this, Ceylan shouts a provocation to Poluk Nadar.

"Poluk Nadar! You filthy pig! If you have the courage, you will strike me down with your sword! If you have courage, show me how you can defeat me with your sword! Hahahahahaha!

"You little ...... bastard!

You're even uglier when you're angry! I thought you were an ugly pig, but a squashed frog is hard to beat!

Ceylan taunts Poluk Nadar as if to say, "Take him down!

What is striking is the way the guards are moving to protect Ceylan.

Even with the ball of Ceylan in their hands, they were able to retreat without sustaining any damage.

Their level of skill is nothing short of amazing.

"What are you doing! Why can't you take out Siran! Why can't you take out Siran? Even though he's on horseback, there are fewer of them than us!

"But their infantry is too skilled. ......

If that's the case, send more infantry troops to our side! I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what to do with it.

Shh! But then the battle line will be ......

I don't care about the battle lines! As long as the quality of our troops is lower than that of the vanquishing army, our battle line will eventually collapse! We already have no choice but to take out Ceylan! I'm not sure what to do.

"......! Yes, sir!

I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've.

"Hey, you there.

"Yes, sir! What do you want from me?

Come here.

The soldier obeyed the sudden call and approached.

Suddenly, Poluk Nadar drew his sword.

"To ......?

The soldier's confusion was short-lived as Poluk Nadar flashed his sword. The soldier who had been slashed in the chest let out a scream and fell down, not moving an inch.

Poluk Nadar, who had made an example of him, shouted on the spot.

"All right! I will not listen to your whining about the enemy being strong! If the enemy is strong and formidable, you must attack him with your life! Anyone who disobeys this order will end up like this man!

To make such a harsh order known, he kills his own soldiers.

It was an atrocious act, but the effect was extraordinary.

The infantrymen, fearing execution, screamed in panic and rushed toward the Kingsguard like sheep driven by wolves.

It was hell to advance and hell to retreat.

Soon, as if the previous order had been conveyed, infantry troops followed from behind Polk Nadar's troops.

Poluk Nadar's troops are ...... unaware that the entire Nadar army is getting deeper and deeper into the swamp that Ceylan is creating.

The first unit retreats. Second squad, cover the first squad's retreat.

Ewlid was quietly giving orders to the Kingsguard.

Perhaps because the infantry's attack had become more fierce, they were slow to react, leaving a hole in the formation.

Poluk Nadar, who had spotted this, ordered the cavalry that had formed a perimeter to battle.

There! Cavalry! Charge in!

The three cavalrymen who had received the order came charging at Siran.

They crushed his infantry, slipped past his bodyguards who were holding him back, and headed straight for him.

"Ceylan Crosselord! Prepare yourself!

A cavalryman approaches with a yell, aiming for Seyran.

(This is ......)

I was about to cast a spell, fearing the uncanny pressure, but...


"What ......?

"You will watch in silence.

Ewlad turned his horse's head to stand in front of the charging cavalrymen.

Ewlid skillfully maneuvered his white horse to meet the three cavalrymen who were charging.

He dispatched the spears that were thrust at him at the same time with a stiff blow, and dealt with the cavalry one by one.

With his skillful movements, the three cavalrymen were immediately killed by him.

"What's going on! Poluk Nadar! What's the matter, Poluk Nadar? Your army is only this good with cavalry!

Ewlid's voice echoed.

He took advantage of the Kingsguard's slip-up to belittle his opponent and make up for his blunder.

If the well-equipped cavalry could be beaten so easily, the infantry would naturally fall back in command.

On the other hand, Poluk Nadar, who had also been attacked by Ewlid, was ranting in a frenzy.

I can't hear what he's saying because it's not in words, but I'm sure he's gnashing his teeth at the Ewlid.


"......, please continue to provoke Poluk Nadar. Leave the command of the Kingsguard to me.


Ewlid will give the order to fall back again.

And I and Kazui are going to ride along with them.

It sounded good to say that we were just following, but this was quite a challenge.

We had to be vigilant at all times, and there was no time for peace of mind.

Although the Kingsguard was also knocking down the front of the approaching infantry, the number of enemy troops was increasing rather than decreasing under Poluk Nadar's orders. Because they are trying to kill Ceylan even by cutting off the infantry units that make up the flanking line, they are receiving more pressure than they expected.

Due to the increase in the number of enemies, the sound of footsteps and metal hitting metal is getting louder and louder.




More and more.




All I can hear is that sound. They reverberate in your head and don't seem to go away.

"...... Hey.

The screams are drowned out by the shouts, and the shouts are swallowed by the noise and disappear.

Driven by such sounds, they move southward like a retreat, and then southward again.

How long can this behavior continue?

"Hey! Hey! Can you hear me? Hey!

As I sank into my own self, Kazi suddenly shook me by the shoulders.

What? Oh, yeah, I can hear you ....... What's wrong?

...... are you okay? I've been calling you for a while, but you haven't said a word. What's wrong with you?

No, ......, that's right.

He's right, I couldn't react to the call immediately.

No, he wasn't. I couldn't hear him at all.

Before I knew it, I didn't even have time to listen to the voices around me.

...... is pretty hard. I feel like I'm going crazy.

I'm going to lose my mind," he said to Kazi, revealing his honest feelings.

Although he had been able to maintain a minimum level of tension during the first round, the shouting and screaming had unintentionally worn down his spirit.

Not if we were on the offensive, though.

Our troops were always in retreat, and we were being squeezed by the enemy.

It was mentally taxing.

Well, it's your first battle. It's understandable. ......

You're in good hands, Cazi.

I've experienced it a few times when I've been mobilized at the Academy of Magic, though on a smaller scale. Some ...... really some, but I'm tolerant.

Cazi said and shrugged his shoulders.

The way he looks is almost exactly the same as the man who is always talking lightly.

The fact that the people closest to me have the luxury of time is very encouraging to me right now.

But even so, when I let my guard down, I still feel the urge to run away.

The soldiers rushing towards me made me feel like I was watching a huge fire or a tsunami, and for some reason I felt the need to evacuate quickly.

I guess this is what it means to be buoyant.

I had never thought that the violence of numbers could be so terrifying.

Then, Ewlid calls out to him.

"Arx Raytheft.

"Yes, sir!

If your heart is faint, tune yourself to the voice of the Kingsguard. Your fears will dissipate when you are part of the swarm. This is a battlefield. You must take advantage of everything to survive. Even the illusion must be used.

"Yes. ......

He was right. I matched my voice to the occasional battle cry of the Kingsguard.

Then, thanks to a sudden sense of unity, I felt as if I could compete.

Quickly, Ewlid called for more attention.

"Arx Raytheft. Don't let yourself be carried away by the exuberance. If you surrender to it, you will be drawn into the unseen clutches of prominence. Restrain yourself and use it in moderation.

I understand.

Since the teacher is always talking to me, I feel as if I have a teacher who is giving me guidance.

I'm grateful for the leeway it gives me, but I also wonder if it's okay to only care about myself.

...... A closer look revealed that a person who seemed to be the XO was in command of the Kingsguard instead.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life.

How are you doing? Are you settled?

A little better than before.

If you're scared, you can hide behind me, okay?

If I can't take it anymore, I'll do it.

As Kazui and I were discussing this, an ice sheet spread out on the side of Nadar's unit.

"Whoa, are they going all out over there?

I can't see very well, but it seems that Noah is providing some sort of support.

Looking at the situation, it seemed that he was trying to prevent the enemy soldiers from going around in a big way.

In the meantime, the enemy soldiers in front of us began to raise their bows and arrows.

Not only the infantry in the flank line, but also the archers in the rear must have been pulled to this side.

"Well, we can't keep looking over there.

"Oh, I think I'd better use magic on this one--

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I'll take care of it." "Wait, wait, wait, don't be hasty.

What? Oh, .......

I'll take care of the arrowheads!

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

"Algol's handy cloth. I'm not sure what to make of it. Anything can be wrapped in it. Anything pointy, anything sharp, anything that won't make a hole. Once you open it, anything can be wrapped in it in an instant.

Judging from the spell, it's probably a variation of the [Algol's Cloth Quenching Method] he used in the sealing tower.

The cloth that Kazi took out of his pocket was covered in [Arts Glyphs] and grew in size. The area of the cloth reaches the ground, and its thickness has increased, making it somewhat heavy.

However, Kazi waved it effortlessly in time with the flying arrowheads.

The sturdy fabric spread wide to intercept the flying arrows.

It was Kazi's handy cloth that won the battle, as it should have.

While the guards were shouting in admiration, the one who did it was whistling in a relaxed manner.

It's a very reliable thing to do.

"But you're handy again.

Magic is versatility.

I understand that. It's a real mystery why he's been kidnapping people. ......

Don't rehash what's already done!

After a brief exchange with Kazui.

"Don't use too much magic, okay? Don't use too much magic, or you'll run out of steam later.

No, you don't mind if I get out of breath, do you?

What the hell are you talking about? The magic you use won't work on us. If that happens, we won't be able to use it in time of need. So until then, use your henchmen well.

"...... Okay. I'll be counting on you.

When he replied to Cazi, he bared his uneven teeth and gave his usual strange laugh.

I've been taking care of everyone around me for a while now.

I feel like I should be doing something, but since I've just been told not to be overzealous, I have to control myself.

That's when I was suddenly thinking about it.

"Mages! Bring the mage troops forward! Let them attack Ceylan while defending themselves with that defensive magic!

From the front, I hear Poluk Nadar's rough orders.

Immediately after, the mages appeared in front of the Kingsguard.

It was probably the same unit that hadn't provided any cover when the cavalry had clashed with each other.

They broke through the line of infantry and moved forward to form a quick and agile formation.

Compared to the enemy mages who participated in the magic shootout in the first battle, their movements were much better.

In terms of movement alone, they may be comparable to the kingdom's mage troops. That is the impression I get from their skill level.

In order to prevent a long range attack by magic, a squad of Kingsguard immediately goes to kick them off.

In response, the enemy mage troops use defensive magic.

When they cast spells, they produce grayish [Arts Glyphs], which eventually form a regular hexagonal plate. When they were laid out in front of the mages without any gaps, they all fit together to form a single structure.

The translucent gray barrier that allows the view to pass through is reminiscent of a science fiction barrier at first glance.

"Hey, seriously, ......, isn't that a honeycomb structure?

The honeycomb structure of hexagonal planar packing is also used in tank armor.

The fact that the barrier is constructed using it means that its defensive power should be incomparable to other anti-magic.

In the midst of the muttering, the attacks of the Kingsguard reach the defensive magic of the enemy mages.

The tips of the spears and crossbows collide with the barrier.

What the hell?

The spears don't go through. ......

The tips of the spears and crossbows are bounced off the barriers as if they had hit something hard. After that, he attacked again and again, but the enemy's defensive magic did not falter.

Seeing this, Ewlid quickly gave the order.

Fall back! Mage cavalry, take cover!

The mages of the Kingsguard cast a spell.

A mage in the guard chants a spell: "My will turn to fire. Then let the spear that scorches the sky burn through those who stand in its way.

A spear of flame flies against the defensive magic cast by the enemy mage troops.

The tip of the spear didn't miss the defensive magic and collided with it, but the enemy mages and even the barriers were unharmed.

It perfectly blocked the magic of the mages' [Flamrun].

Ceylan, who was watching this, muttered quizzically.

"Polk Nadar had a mage like this ......?

It's unlikely. It's hard to imagine. The skill level of the troops under Polk Nadar is visibly high. No, too high.

Then where the hell did they come from?

It can't be from a mercenary group. After all, as Arx Raytheft said, there must be a shadow of the Empire.

"....... The Empire. It's a d*mn shame.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

And then he immediately increased the magic power in his body.

If the Kingsguard can't penetrate, then my magic can. ......

"Your Highness, you can't do that.

Why not?

If your magic is prevented by any chance, it will have repercussions for the future. And if the Empire is behind it, it will be even worse for them.


That's right. I'm not sure if you'll be able to find a way to make it work. I'm not sure what to make of it.

......, but we can't let that happen. If you're not sure what you're looking for, you can always ask for help. If we continue like this, we could be shot with magic while we are retreating. There are also mages among the Kingsguard, so we can expect them to defend themselves, but right now they are outnumbered. Depending on the quality of the spells being fired, they could do a lot of damage.

The cavalry that had been guarding Poluk Nadar began to move again.

They were probably trying to put more pressure on the vanguard of the Kingsguard to perfect the use of magic.

There was no time to lose.


"Your Highness. May I go and give you a hand?

Arx. Do you have the magic to get past that defense?

Possibly. Possibly.

...... I haven't heard anything about that.


No, it's nothing. You might be able to do that?

As long as it doesn't look like tank armor.

Tank armor? No, tanks don't have that kind of armor, do they?

No, no. Not the tank.

I hasten to correct him. Seiran must have been thinking of the ancient chariots that were pulled by horses. That's what chariots are called in this world, too.

...... Oh well. We'll talk later. A few horsemen! Guard the Arks!

Ceylan gives the order, and the Kingsguard follows.

I gave Kazui a look and he nodded.

I can't waste my magic, but I guess it's a good idea in this situation.

So what are you going to do?

"Maybe that barrier won't let us use magic halfway. So I'll use that magic.

"That magic? What is it?

You know, the one I used on my uncle in the mountains. You saw it.

It's .......

Kazui's face tightened as he remembered that moment.

Don't go in front of me. You'll end up in a beehive.

You'll be a beehive before you're a body.

Cazi, along with the Kingsguard who had come to escort him, charged in front of the Kingsguard troops.

Seeing this, the enemy cavalry split into two groups and came at us from the ten o'clock and two o'clock directions.

I turned my horse to a good position and turned it sideways.

"- Constantly spitting demons. Piercing patterns. A black, twinkling armor. After a shower, all that remains is a red sea. To turn is the law of heaven, to run is also the law of heaven. The lingering heat has not cooled. I still don't know the star I'm aiming for. The race, the race, the race, the race, the race, the race. The race, the race, the custom, the race.

The Gatling gun is a weapon that has changed the way men fight in the world.

The Gatling Gun, a weapon that changed the way men fought in the world, now roars with its own magic.

In order to drive a wedge of change into the battlefield of mages, where fire magic is the mainstay.

--[Spinning Barrel].

First of all, I mutter to the cavalrymen who are coming towards me.

I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do that.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

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