
Clarina smiled with a good stretch on the earth she hadn't stepped down in a long time.

"It's been a while since I've been here, but I can't really see it from here."

"Um, it's been two years since we've been here, but if it was before, I could clearly see where the town stands. You're getting black because of the filth."

Town visible a few kilometers away.

But the town is bleak and boisterous as if it were only shadowed there.

"The largest port town in the Kingdom of Lydian," Manrinha "is now a dirty land in the demonic nest……."

"Well, if you don't have people, you can control them quickly."

"Instead, we have to do something about the extermination and obscenity of the demons."

"That's a hassle."

"Whatever it was," Manrinha "was a place I had to pay in my hand, and let's get this over with. Myra."

The space in front of her was distorted by Clarina's call, from which a giant bird appeared wrapped around a flame burning in red and blue.

It's Myra from Phoenix, Clarina's demon.

"What can I do for you?

"I want you to sweep away the demons in that town."

"As you wish, my lord."

Myra, who saluted Clarina's words as if she were a human being, went to Manrinia with a powerful wingspan.

"Well, shall we wait until Myra returns?"

"Are you sure you want to relax like that?

"That's okay. Myra is brilliant, so I'm sure she'll even tie the line after she sweeps away the demons. We're not gonna make it this time."

"Mr. Myra, Panese."

"It's our demon."

A few explosions were heard in Manrinha, ahead of Clarina and the others who had stretched their chests.

"Looks like it started."

"If you do it with compound magic, you'll get rid of it quickly, but that'll get you tired. Hey."

"Uh, I get it. I don't want to do anything after compound magic."

"I wanted some more magic, mainly gentle magic."

"Widespread and powerful magic magic with low power consumption... nothing."

A large fire column rises from Manrinia where both of us sigh.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Sill, this is where you picked me up two years ago, isn't it?

"Oh, did you remember? That's right. Well, it's not a regular port, so it's usually a no-stacking place, but two years ago, and it still is, because of some nasty circumstances."

"Well, now it's dirty and it's not a stopover in the harbor, and two years ago, it was the" welcome "of a young lady who was deported from the country."

"Uh, that was terrible. We hired a whole bunch of exile ship people, and then they brought us here. We were ready to take Silty to the" stop tree shield (headquarters ship), "and we couldn't even read the boulders without sending Silty to the harbor and leaving the country alone."

"You're in a hurry, seriously. Me, Klu and Jin, all the other" two names "were absent at the request, and the master was in the midst of being called by the kings of the Lulan kingdom at the master."

"Truth is, she could have died because Silty's" allies "within the Kingdom of Lidylan didn't help the country to the point where they couldn't find out..."

"Then Jin killed us..."

"Right...... I just saw the silty of full creation, because I half-baked a branch in the Kingdom of Lulan, that guy. But yeah. I think I did something really bad to Silty back then. I should have read a little further. Two names cry," witch of foresight. "

Saying so, Clarina cluttered up her beautiful black hair.

The two names given to "Clarina Hamley" are "witches of foresight".

It was a fact that many people in the world knew, and even from those who actually knew her, those two names were enough to say that she deserved them.

But the "many" don't know.

Her "ability" is not just to predict, guess, speculate on, present, execute, and execute numerous countermeasures to every situation.

Her true "ability" to Clarina Hamley is not "foresight," but "future vision."

I can't choose the future to see, but I can see the things that concern her and the future of people.

What a pitiful thing Sirtina's "future" she saw.

"To my fiancée from an early age, a brother who divided the blood. To a servant who could forgive his heart, a king he loved. To friends who laughed, the people who have been merciful. All of them are taken by the" leftovers "who come from just one other world. Until then, all that has been built up at the expense of all things, without sacrificing anything, is held by those who are sheltered, tolerated and loved just by being" otherworldly ". That would be a terrible humiliation."

Still, I knew I couldn't change the "ending".

For example, if the struggle sees a "future" of great defeat, Clarina can use all the power and brains she can have to transform it into a great victory.

For example, if you see the "future" of the death of a friend who ran through the battlefield together, Clarina can turn it into the "end" of saving his life by exploring all the connections and strategies she can have.

However, that was not possible in Sirtina's "future".

"No matter how much power we boast, work our heads, rely on every person, we can't move to the feelings of people. I also told Silty that people's feelings were too involved in her" future ". That's why I suggested it."


"Yes," Suggestion. "Strangely, there were two" ends "to Silty's future. One is considered a risk factor for treason and treason against the royal family. The other is the same crime but" deportation ". So I couldn't get it together, and I accepted that the future would be empty, and I suggested that we at least" end up "with something that we wanted.

Don't let the worst happen.

So let Sirtina's life never end.

Priority was given to survival.

"But, well, with all the hand-wrestling, she... Silty hoped it wouldn't happen. I believed in a lot of people involved in the future. I believed in what I had built up to that point."

The "future (reality)" was too brutal, but Sirtina still couldn't give up hope.

"Hey, Mr. Rain, can you imagine? You still have to trust the people you know will betray you from the bottom of your heart until that moment, but you have to turn your hand around for when you are betrayed. And they shall be shattered by those who believed, and believed, and believed, and plotted, and leapt, and ran, and believed in their weary hearts. Can you imagine the feelings of those who did?


"We had no idea. When I taught" The Future, "Silty just looked sad and meditated on her eyes. When I made the" suggestion, "I just gave up something and nodded. When the people of this country betrayed me when I saw the" future ", I just sighed quietly and deeply. Shirty didn't say anything, so there was no way to tell... because we don't see people's hearts even when we see the" future ". But now I know Silty was deeply wounded."

Desperate for the informed "future," he was wounded by the "end" betrayed by those who continued to believe.

And still, Sirtina chose.

"I'm sure you've been ready for a long time in Silty. So when she was really betrayed, she was deeply hurt, and at the same time she gave up." The future of walking with the people of King Lidylan's country... "

If I gave up, the rest was already early.

She still didn't say anything when she started moving for the future from there, using all of them as "the past".

"Love turns into hatred. Even if the hateful person doesn't want to clear it up... No, no (...) (...) or (...) or (...), we can't forgive them the other way around."

If it was good for us, if it was too much for her to spit in her heart and forgive them, we wouldn't have seen them this far.

As those who betrayed my people, I must have been in a position to laugh and watch no matter what kind of predicament I was standing in front of them.

But Sirtina didn't say anything.

I didn't say anything, I just accepted.

That's why we can't forgive ourselves.

As those who betrayed and injured their people, they put their hands down instead of watching them perish trying to end their lives on their own.

"Well, at first, we weren't going to do anything if Silty didn't want us to."

If we succeed in reaching the "end" of "exile from the country", we will be welcomed to our former (twin swords), from which we will live as mere "Sirtina".

At first, yes, when I spoke to Sirtina about the "future" and made the "proposal," it was certainly there that her engagement with the Kingdom of Lydylan was due to end.

"Well, that wasn't possible when Master Jin found out."

"Uh, as good as it gets. You told us because Master Jin found out."

"That's right. Master Jin found out and told everyone in the guild to tell him everything because he had an idea. From there, Rayne, as you know. There was no way that Jin would end up with the" ending "of Silty's" expulsion from the country, "and a" plan "was drawn up.

If Sirtina didn't want it, she wasn't going to take revenge.

But I was also certain that it was against my feelings.

"If Silty doesn't want it, it's also true that he was thinking about it. But I also had the idea that I would give the people of the Kingdom of Lydylan who hurt Silty the happiness of the crowd. So I got on with a plan that I could carry out."

Decided to denigrate him thoroughly when he rode.

It didn't waver when Sirtina said that she would never be involved in the implementation of the plan.

"Well, in the end, Silty ended up in the form of a plan, and when this happens, we're just going to make the best of it so that the plan succeeds."

"Is it possible that the plan failed?

"It's impossible. Not one in 10,000."

Kippari and Clarina ran out of words.

"Well, it looks like Myra and I are done, and we're going to go all the way around Myra and this country to connect to towns and villages, so Rayne, you're going to have to ask about the people who are coming here."

"You mean the people on our side in this country? Most of the members are listening, but are they going to let them join the plan?

"That's true. Eyes on your eyes. Give teeth to teeth. Despair is despair. Betrayal is betrayal. That's true."

Myra, who is back from Manrinia, descends next to Clarina.

Clarina grinned nicely, stroking Myra's head without taking the flame around her.

"All they have to do is taste equally the despair and fear of being betrayed, disparaged and cornered by those who believed"

Still, it's not enough.

Rayne did listen to Clarina, who said so without words.

"People in our guild are better off not pissing themselves off"

Rain takes a breath as she drops off Clarina, who flew off on Myra's back.

"People in this country are pathetic."

That's what I said. There was a little grin on Rayne's face.

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