"Is this purification?"

"Heh! I've never seen it before but it's a beautiful mon na"

"Really, it's fantastic."

The three Kihatos, who saw Huyune purified, raise their exclamation.

The sparkling particles of light that rise to the sky indicate that the purification has been carried out successfully.

"This brings us to the next location………………………………."


Seeing the sight, Sirtina and Alhardt exchange words.

"Fighting has already begun in Lacayan, Elaine and the others are on their way to Lacayan, and the masters are already waiting at sea"

"The people are starting to notice the battle, and the chaos is spreading."

"It feels like it's all moving rapidly towards the end."

"It's moving. Just like we planned.

"I wonder what the people of this country will do?

"Come on? Either way, the kingdom of Lydylan is doomed. This will be the" Kingdom of Lulan "because the Kingdom of Lulan will put this continent under its control. I'm not interested in what they'll do afterwards. If you don't want to be a citizen of the Kingdom of Lulan, you will take some action, and if you don't care about the name of the country or the king, you will live as before. Well, I don't know how far I can go" as always. "

Alhardt laughed bitterly at Sirtina, who spoke with a body she said was not even interested in.

Mars rushes to the two of them, pointing to Kihato and the others.

"Sister! The knights called."

"Yes, I see. Thank you."


Marth holds on to Sirtina, who stepped out to Kihato and the others with Alhardt.


"This journey is almost over, isn't it?

"Yeah, that's right."

"What will your sisters do when it's over?

"We just go back where we belong."

"Where it should be?

"Yes. We're only here because it's a" request ". If it's over, you don't have to be with us till hours, so say goodbye to the people who've traveled with you."

"Goodbye...... can't you stay with me anymore?

"At least we and the Virgin have decided to go our separate ways."


Sirtina takes a small breath at Mars as she leans down.

For little him, I guess this journey now is one "world" with it.

There's Acari, there's Frakt, there's Tedra, there's Uto, there's Migliane, there's Alhardt, there's Tiltinkle, there's Kreutz, there's Sirtina.

Those who have traveled together on a journey that is not good enough for everyone, but that is never too short.

Young enough for him to have feelings and naturally find it difficult to leave...

Still, goodbye is the present.

"It was an endless relationship."


Everyone was nice to him.

Sirtina, Alhardt, and Kreutz did not advance and engage themselves, but if they could still speak, they returned the words, and if asked, they answered.

He will continue to crave such a kind relationship.


"Remember what I said?


"Remember I told you to pick your own path? I told you not to regret it, not to repeat it again, remember?



Pong, and put his hand on Mars's head and stroke him a few times.

I narrowed my eyes to the back length, which was only slightly higher than when I met him.

"You choose."


"What will you do when this journey is over? You choose. Take the end of this journey right, accept it, that's how you choose, your way. Never regret it."


"If there's something I don't understand, I'll tell you. I'll let you know if I need to know. I'll answer everything for you. But it's up to you to decide what to do. That's all. You can't listen to my words, to the Virgin's words, to anyone else. Think for yourself and decide for yourself. Okay?"


'Cause it's your life.


"Yes. Yours. So no matter what the end of this journey may be, you are free to decide how to live. Don't leave it to someone else. You are solely responsible for your life. You're the only one who can afford it."


"Hehe. Was it a little difficult? Still, don't forget. You're the one who chooses. It's up to you to decide. Okay?"

"Yeah. Okay."

"Good boy."

I stroke Mars' head with a nod one last time and Sirtina walks out.

The smile on my face seemed like a fun-filled thing.

"You're in a good mood."

Alhardt next door said the grin deepened.

"Of course not. Something he misses very much about the members of this journey. Of course the Virgin, but I miss Ut and me and Al as much. I'm not going to look forward to seeing what kind of answer he gives."

"Do you resent or hate or forgive?

"That's right. I can't help but want to know the answer he gives. That's when his life will be decided."

There is no lie or falsehood in the words spoken.

But it is never kindness or mercy that underlies it.

Sirtina laughed again with a small smile in her eyes.

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