"Um, Mr. Rain!


At the camp, a clam came to Rayne, who was colluding with Alhardt, and became entwined in his arms.

"Mr. Rain is strong, isn't he?!

"Uh, well, two names at a time."

"Awesome!! I like strong people!

"What is it?"

Akali snuggles her body even closer to Rain, who laughed vaguely.

Alhardt, sitting next to Rain, quickly moved the scene as soon as the acari appeared.

Rayne turns a resentful glance, but ignores it.

If you get involved, it won't be a busy thing.

"I think it would have been very safe for me to travel if Mr. Rain had told me about the escort from the beginning."


"I know that Mr. Alhardt and the others are strong, but I don't feel comfortable... so I've been anxious for a long time."


"The first person told me to protect it because it was a request, and then again, I was really anxious and anxious..."

"……… That's ridiculous."


Half the time Rayne, who was silently listening to Akali's words, is forced to unravel (the more) the Akali's arm tangled in his own arm.

"There's no such thing as a" safe journey ”in this world."


"No matter how tough a guard you hire, no matter how tough a guard you consolidate, there's no guarantee of“ absolute peace of mind. "I don't know where or what will happen. We all have the same anxiety."

"That may be... but..."

"Besides, it's not natural to protect it because it's a" request. "We're guild people. Contract a request and fulfill it to get paid. I'll protect you because I asked you to escort me. What's so funny?

"That is……"

"Well, I'm not obliged to protect you from such a request, so if there's an imminent crisis, please rely on Mr. Al or Mr. Shill."


A crooked clam turns towards the carriage.

"Well, if a favor comes to me, I refuse."

Bae. And Alhardt came back to Rain, who put out his tongue and dropped off the acari boarding the carriage.

"Out of the way. You got rid of it fast."

"'Cause it's ridiculous to deal with them."

"You have a good personality every time I see you..."

"Is that so? Well, there's a lot of examples around!

"Uh, sure."

Sirtina comes this time to the two of us who were sitting back again and talking about no other love.

"Hey, I'm relieved the Virgin won't purify me again, what did she say?

"I'm just telling you the truth."

Sirtina takes a breath on Rayne, who answers openly.

"He's the one who bends the umbilical cord when he tells you the truth, so think about the time and the circumstances."

"Got it. So, what about the Virgin?

"Yuto is forgiving me now. Let's wait here for today. Purification will probably be tomorrow, so you can spend as much time as you want."



Sirtina was right when she left for a sigh of relief, and she ended up waiting that day without fixing her clam mood.



- I'm sorry.

The Next Day That Came That Way.

Before noon, when the sun rose, Akali also managed to regain his mood and came to the entrance of Manrinha again.

If Sirtina touches the junction, the junction disappears so that it spreads from it.

"It's time for your final purification, Acari."

"Yeah. Hey Ut, will you stay with me forever after this journey?


Instead of answering, Uto holds Akali's hand.

Either that was taken as an answer, or Akali smiled happily and leaned against Ut.

He gives the expression that Rain can't understand the strange farce that takes place in front of the dirty land.

"…… Is it always like that?

"It's always like that."

"Mr. Ute's in trouble, too."

"Oh, I'm having fun with that."

"Yuto has a sadistic side too..."

"The epitome is Jin, after all."

"I can tell you... Speaking of which, what's wrong with Mr. Kihato and the others?

"Yeah, they're meeting up with the cousins."

"As far as it goes. Here we go."


Acari started purifying it while we were talking about it.


"It's a shame you found this."

"Well, I thought it would be nice to feel sarcastic that the mind of the guy who's doing it isn't pretty at all."

"Al, that's what you thought?

"Oh, my God, that's not a mistake, is it?

"It's more of a target than that."

"You guys can't call me sadistic about Yut or Jin..."

Five times, Sirtina looked at the “purification” of the acari.

Every time you look at it as a beauty, and you think.

"I wish I could purify people's minds, too," he said.

"Well, where I could do that, nothing would change now."

"Huh? What is it?


The light gradually subsides and the purification ends.

"Now the last curtain is up."

The sound of the pattin and tinkling fingers echoed on one side around on the manipulative wind of Tiltinkle.

That was the signal of the end.

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