“Anyone dissatisfied with me?”

As Frey said that while looking around everyone, the ministers quietly bowed their heads.

“If you are dissatisfied with me, please bow your head.”

When Frey, whose eyes lit up when he saw it, said so, the sound of raising his head resounded from all over the place.

“Isn’t that strange? Judging by it, no one seems to have any complaints.”

Frey furrowed his eyebrows at the reactions of the ministers and made a mysterious expression.

“What was the story you just heard?”

As soon as those words came out of his mouth, the atmosphere around him became cold in an instant.

“Uhm… big.”


Uncomfortable coughing sounds began to be heard in the imperial palace where silence began to flow.

No matter how noble Clana Princess Clana belonged to the normal axis among the nobles, the sense of nobility remained.

So, although he was the eldest son of the duke, he had no idea how to treat Frey, who is now a commoner.

“Mr Frey.”

In such a situation, when Hafran talks to Frey, everyone’s eyes turn to him.

“You come with a sword to the place of the Imperial Princess. It’s not against the imperial etiquette, but you can be punished for treason.”

Having said that, Hafran fell down in front of Princess Clana and said:

“Now that’s like treason. His Majesty the Princess! If Frey draws her sword and attacks the princess right now, who can stop it!”


“Princess, the more you do this, the more you need to establish the authority of the imperial family. You must rebuke Frey severely!”

After saying that, Hafran quietly smiled and muttered inwardly.

‘Of course if you can.’

“What do you mean ‘if of course you can’?”


However, with the same smile, Frey, who asked that question, begins to approach Hafran, who was lying on his face.

“Gee, what are you talking about…”

“I can actually hear the human heart, Sir Hafran.”

“Oh, don’t come!”

Then, when Frey fiddled with the sword on his waist, Hafran looked at the archbishop with a puzzled expression and shouted so much.

No matter who had already been slicing, dark liquid was dripping down around the sword.

“His Majesty the Princess!! Entering the throne room with a weapon is a crime of blasphemy and treason!!”

“This is not a weapon.”

“What, what?”

“It’s just a sword.”

Hafran, who was shocked and shouted so much thanks to this, looked at it with a blank expression as Frey drew his sword from his waist.

“…that’s true.”

Upon closer inspection, Frey was only wearing a scabbard around his waist.

I was only mistaken because of the mysterious dark liquid flowing around it and Frey’s life.

“Why, do you look like a madman who comes into the palace with a sword? I am still the princess’s servant. I mean, he is a loyal servant who jumps like this as soon as he finds consciousness.”

“That’s right.”

“I don’t think you are.”


After hearing Frey’s next words, Hafran was slightly relieved, but as Frey suddenly whispered in a cold voice, his eyes widened.

– Fast!!

“Shut up!!”

And in the next moment, Frey, holding the scabbard like a bat, slammed Hafran’s leg down with all his might.

“Sah, save me…”

“It’s okay, I won’t kill you.”

Hafran, who stumbled from his seat thanks to him, stretched out his hand to pray, and Frey answered with a smile.

“In the beginning, during the imperial rebellion, I never killed a single person? Rather, if you or the guards killed me, I killed more.


“But why are you asking to be spared? They will spare you anyway. Of course, some bones will be crushed.”

“Why, why are you doing this?”

When the crowd is overwhelmed by Frey’s atmosphere of horror, he realizes that no one can help him, so he clenches his fists and starts asking questions.

“Why the hell are you doing this!! How in this sacred space…!”

“First of all, you said remarks to Princess Clana that you shouldn’t have dared to say.”


Frey, who slashed his fist with a scabbard, soon began to speak in a cold voice.

“Don’t forget how you got there? Have you ever thought about how it could be interpreted?”


Hearing that, Hafran made an expression of wanting to miss it.

“It can be interpreted as a daring servant Naburangi trying to check the imperial power, or it can be interpreted as questioning the legitimacy of the treason that occurred a few days ago. Furthermore, it could even risk the princess’s childhood family history and fall. “

Frey spit out words to him with a rapid-fire cannon.

“The fact that the princess came to this position was only achieved through her efforts.

“Oh, I see. I see. I was wrong. So stop…”

“And you’re a spy, aren’t you?”


Hafran, who had been humbly begging for Frey, withdrew from her previous dignified appearance, widened her eyes and frowned upon hearing those words.

“You’re a spy planted by the Church.”

“Wow, what a nonsensical frame!

“Desperately undermining the power of the princess and increasing the power of the public servants, at the same time checking or expelling me. That must have been your purpose.”


Frey, who started interrogating him, cut Hafran’s foot with a scabbard and turned around and asked.

“You said you were trying to instigate my servants to kill me when I was unconscious? How did you know that even now? I’m still thinking like this. A scumbag who doesn’t even know the grace you’ve been given.”

“Come on, wait.”

“Since when? Was it from the beginning? Or was it recently bought?”

“Fake, who is it? I…”


Hafran was trying to make excuses by clenching his teeth, but that didn’t stop Frey’s ‘heart reading’ skill.

“Ze, evidence. Do you have any evidence?”

“Evidence will come when you search your house and room. The important thing is that I found out now.”

As Frey said that, he raised his scabbard high, and Hafran trembled and closed his eyes.

“Frey, stop.”

At that desperate moment, Clana’s voice suddenly resounded.

– Gugugugugu…

At the same time, her ‘Emperor’s Aura’ began to fill the space of the throne.

“Come here.”

As she said, Frey took the sword and Clana called him to her side.

“Calm down, Frey.”

Clana, who had approached her like that, sat down next to her and gently stroked her hair.

“Right, good job.”

Frey, who had accepted her touch as she had just disappeared, suddenly became as quiet as a gentle cat in the world.

– Whoops, whoops…

Not just talking, but in fact, Frey was rubbing his cheek against Clana’s neck with her eyes closed.

He was doing the same to Clana that Lulu had always done to him.


Clana’s dignified expression cracks for a moment, thinking that it looks like her own pet Frey.

“Guards, follow your orders.”

However, I had to be alert.

These were all sacrifices and help Frey made to her. I couldn’t ruin the situation.

“Bring out the treason Hafran.”

As the ministers’ eyes widen at that command, Clana opened her mouth as she looked at Hafran lying on the floor with a cold gaze.

“The information that he is a spy is information I also had. Search his house and warehouse, and interrogate him at the same time.”

“”All right.””

“Wow, Princess! I am! Your henchman!!”

Hafran, who was screaming in embarrassment at the same order, lost his temper and started screaming as the guards approached him.

“Hey, that monster has possessed the princess!”


“That stray cat will take over and destroy the Imperial Family and the Empire!! The princess is firmly possessed by that damn guy…

However, it was Hafran who could not finish his words before he was overpowered by the guards and dragged out of the palace.


In such a situation where the public servant and public servant, who can also be called the princess’s right arm, is purged in an instant, the ministers bow their heads with frightened faces.

In fact, there were quite a few among them who agreed with Hafran.

Thanks to the absolute power of the Lycan Emperor, the empire was rotten, and they were dissatisfied with the high power of the emperor.

There was also a reason why greed began to creep up as there were signs of seizing power and becoming the mainstream.

However, looking at the situation, I thought that for the time being, Hwanggwon would rise far and high.

It was because she was the only one who could control Frey, who is now sitting next to the princess and stroking her with a look like a simple country young man.

“Shall I introduce my daughter? If you succeed, you have power that no one can control…”

“Bullshit. To that madman?”

“I wonder what number you used…”

So, they were the ministers who were satisfied with just looking at the princess and Frey and lowering their voices among themselves.

“And, I have nothing to share with you.”

Then, they stop babbling at the words that came out of Clana’s mouth and start paying attention again.

“You are the enemy of the Empire.”

Falling out of such a chaotic situation, Clana’s declaration.

“You seem not afraid of ripples, Princess.”

“Where are you talking about?”

When the archbishop, who had been quietly observing the situation until then, speaks in a cold voice, Clana responds with an angry voice.

“Faiths from all over the world, and the faiths of all members of the church, will gather in one place and flood you. Let’s see if an empire can be an empire even after it is defined as a heresy.”

“Hey, take that old senile old man and lock him in.”

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Eventually, the atmosphere quickly reached an uncontrollable situation.

“Are you sure you don’t understand the fear of the excommunication declaration? Little princess.”

In such a situation, the archbishop, who begins to radiate divine power while glaring at the guards walking towards him, begins the story by wrapping his body with a shield engraved with geometric patterns.

“In the first week, the energy of the body will disappear, and the mana and sword energy that have been infiltrating the body will be scattered, and the senses of the whole body will become dull.”

“Wow, what kind of old man is this…”

“In the second week, the body will begin to rot and become bruised, God’s grace and miracles will be reaped, and only unfortunate things will always happen, and the emotions will dry up.”

– Dumpling…

The merciless divine power emanating from between the shields causes the guards to stagger in a cold sweat, and the archbishop, who looked at him like he’s not the same, looks at Clana as if chanting a spell and continues muttering.

“In the third week, the right to speak and the right to think rationally will be destroyed. And in the fourth week, you will be deprived of even the right to live and die in agony.”

When Clana did not respond to that, the Archbishop snorted and said:

“This is only a small part of what happens to the excommunicated, and it doesn’t even talk about all the political issues involved in the excommunication and the duties of world monarchs.”

“Should I go on my own, you senile old man?”

“The people of the empire, and even people from all over the continent, will not see you as a person. Can you continue to be there even if you are invaded by countries around the world? I guess…”

“That, there. His Majesty the Princess.”

But at that very moment, Frey, who had been quietly stroking Clana until then, suddenly smiles and joins the story.

“Can I negotiate for a moment?”

“Uh, uh… So… no, please don’t.”

Clana, who was trying to answer her face with a smile on her face but her facial muscles trembling uncontrollably, with her usual shriveled look, quickly came to her senses and answered with a dignified voice.


And in the next moment, Frey jumped out of the throne with an excited expression on his lips and started running to the Archbishop.

“You have come across a magical creature of the century that the princess desperately devotes herself to, even giving her own voluptuous body. How many times have you overlapped the navel with that wicked heretic b*tch?”


The archbishop, who looked at Frey with a relaxed expression, muttered quietly, wriggling his arms.

“I don’t know what you did to get that kind of power, but no matter how strong your power, it will be destroyed by the Holy Father’s declaration of excommunication.”

– Whoa…

“And on the day that I received power directly from the ‘True Sun’, only four guys can win…”

– Kwajijijik!!!


By the way, Frey’s scabbard that crushed his shield like a tofu.


“Why so many people don’t know that they’re going to be beaten up until right before they get hit? Isn’t it usually something harsh?”

Then his scabbard strikes the Archbishop’s face, shattering his teeth, and he staggers and takes a step back.

“Did you think the imperial family would even kneel before you guys?”

– Kagang! Kaga River!

“Declaration of war, the denomination. You have crossed the line too far.”

– Kaga Gaga River!!!

“mm, you idiot… If the excommunication declaration is over…”

Frey, who was wielding a scabbard with an excited expression on his face, began to respond with a voice full of irritation when the archbishop, who had been backing away while holding onto his mouth, narrowly blocked the attack, spoke in a ferocious voice.

“I’ve been talking about excommunication declarations and excommunication declarations since a few days ago. Where the hell are you going to declare them?”


“Your guys holy land, I split up? The original declaration of excommunication should be declared there, right?”

When Frey said that and laughed out loud, the archbishop responded with an angry expression on his face.

“Yeah, since we lost the Holy Land, it will take some time. However, we can declare it within a week. If the church members and cadres all over the world have the faith, even if we don’t declare it in the Holy Land, it’s enough…”

“one week?”

Frey, who flew a sword strike using a scabbard at such an archbishop, tilted his head with a bright smile.

“Not one day, not three days, but a week or two?”

Then he uttered one word in a creepy voice.

– Archbishop, this is a big deal!


It was at that moment that the archbishop’s head began to receive communications from officials and priests from all over the world.

– A massive air strike on the Western Continent Branch!

– Terrorism occurred in the Cathedral of the Eastern Continent Branch! There were no casualties, but the relics and the cathedral were all gone!

– The remaining denominations in the empire are being attacked all at once! Looks like I’ll have to withdraw!

– The former vice-captain and priests who performed the ceremony disappeared…

– All hideouts are clogged with dirt or stones!

As the archbishop began to stumble at the countless communications echoing in his head, Frey muttered in a low voice as he looked at him.

“Will the denomination remain on the map a week from now?”

“Your man…”

“This is medicine. I will personally come forward and remove the organization called the Sun God Church from this world without a trace. My friend, the Sun God, said it was okay.”


Having said that, he swung his scabbard violently, and the Archbishop, who had vomited blood even though he had blocked it with a shield, stopped walking backwards and looked back.


The back was blocked by a wall. There was no more room to go back.

“Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!!”

“At this point, I’m getting tired of laughing at this timing. Why don’t you cry instead?

“Do you think you won, Frey? Are you really going to win like this?”

Frey, who was looking at the archbishop, who had suddenly started to rush, with pitiful eyes, listened to his words with a little interest.

“Aren’t the princess and the saint so close friends?”

Then, his eyes soon turned round.

“And you’re the one you need, Frey.”


“Who has the saint who disappeared from the academy a few days ago?”

“It’s f*cked up.”

“If a saint’s life is precious, it’s better to behave well.”

The archbishop, who had said so, saw Frey’s true color and smiled slyly.

“…we’re not f*cked.”


But, looking at the bishop, Frey slowly opened his mouth.

“You guys, you’re f*cked.”

He was the one who whispered with a genuinely sad expression on his face.






Meanwhile, at that time.

“Now, what did you say?”

Kania, who had been using her favorite dagger for a while in the basement to steal the black magic of a metallurgical demon, was asking while tilting her head.

“Mom, don’t pretend you don’t know!!”

A demon who looked at Kania like that and screamed out.

“Why are you so young, you have my Godhead!!”


“Hey, when did you steal it!!!”

It was Kania who quietly tilted her head at those words she couldn’t understand.

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