A few weeks after the date of Frey’s resignation.


The monarchs and heads of each continent.

All other representatives with qualifications gathered in one space and had a serious expression on their faces.

“Everyone, thank you for being here today.”

As it was a gathering place for top people from all walks of life, the sense of intimidation was considerable. An ordinary person would not even dare to even breathe.

Representing such people, the girl sitting at the front of the round table starts talking while looking around in a breathtakingly chilly atmosphere.

“Everyone knows… I’m Limia Solar Sunrise. I’m here on behalf of the absent Clana 3rd Princess.”

No matter how rotten it was, the Sunrise Empire was the most powerful country in the whole continent.

Read at https://readwn.com

Even now, having lost the glory of its heyday, it is enough to wage an all-out war with half of the nations gathered here.

“Bu, do you have any complaints…?”


It was only natural for a representative of such a country to assume the position of chairman of the monarchy council. However, the expression of the monarchs looking at Princess Limia, who served as the chairman, seemed unusual.



In fact, it was for a simple reason. In a meeting where all of them, without exception, were made up of a monarch or a high-ranking person, it was because Limia had lowered her rank.

Read at https://readwn.com

Even though Clana, who is still a princess, has not been crowned, the situation is very difficult, but since Limia, who has a far lower rank of succession, came, it was very disturbing to plant.

“…it’s nothing.”

“Come on, let’s get started.”

However, now was not the time to be counting face. Although the situation was urgent, it was too urgent.

“Ah, I see… Then…”

Thanks to this, Limia, who was wiping away a cold sweat, relieved of the fight that ended in a rush, starts reporting to the monarchs of all continents sitting at the round table.

“Today’s talk… As you know, it’s about the Demon King and the Hero.”

Having said that, Rimia sighed and snapped her fingers.

– Jiying…!

Then, from the magic stone in the middle of the round table, the ghastly changes in the western continent began to rise.



– Whoops…

Starting from the completely frozen Cloud Kingdom, the ice extending across the western continent and neighboring kingdoms being invaded by the ice. And a bitter blizzard that is constantly hitting the entire continent.

– Ha, that floating in the sky… What is it?

– Ma… Demons?

– Kwajik, Qwajijik…!

– My, damn it! It’s an attack!!

And even Aishi, who is driving the Demon King’s army and fighting across the western continent.

“That’s… the Demon King.”

“Princess of the Cloud Kingdom… She’s been involved with her father several times in a monarch’s meeting. She must have been a demon.”

The monarchs, who looked at the scene with wretched expressions, began to utter one word at a time.

“Have you been hiding that kind of power until now? Even the elite soldiers can’t compete.”

“It could be. Then we wouldn’t have noticed.”

“Is it going to freeze a whole kingdom and freeze the world because that’s not enough…?”

“By the way, there is something strange.”

In such a serious atmosphere, someone raised a hand.

“The world tree of the Great Forest has not withered at all.”

Read at https://readwn.com

Everyone’s attention is focused on the elf queen’s remarks, which appeared after almost several decades.

“You mean the world tree wasn’t affected by the cold?”

“No. In the first place, we were blocking the cold coming to the Great Forest with our magic. I don’t know how long it will last.”

At the harsh voice of the head of the barbarian, the representative of the Western Continent, the Elf Queen furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

“But our world tree is fatal to ‘death of life’.”

“The death of life… you mean?”

“Yeah, if the whole kingdom was frozen like that, the death toll would have been impossible to ignore… It’s a little strange that none of them withered.”

“I’ll explain that.”

With that said, the elf queen’s curious gaze and everyone else’s eyes once again turned to someone who stood up.

“As a result of our analysis in the tower, there are currently no official deaths.”

She was none other than Matapju, Irina and Glair’s teacher.

“That’s right!”

“Yonseok-ah. Be quiet.”


“If you let me follow you, you’re going to be a good listener in the future, and then you’re going to shame me now?”

Ma Thap-ju, who was about to start a briefing with them, feeds a little honey chestnut on the head of Glair, who was arguing next to him.

“Hmm, I’m sorry.”

– Shaa…

“Anyway, look at this.”

Then, with her mouth open, Glare pointed to the image reflected from the crystal ball she pulled out of her arms.


“Are people trapped in the ice?”

“Are you sure you’re alive?”

The figure was a figure of people frozen in a huge block of ice with their eyes closed.

“That’s it. Everyone who has been defeated by the Demon Lord so far is trapped in the ice, unconscious.”

“Oh my gosh…”

“I don’t know what kind of magic it is, but it is clear that he is still alive. No one has died yet.”

Ma Thapju, who was staring at the figure, muttered with a cold expression on his face.

“I don’t know why they don’t kill people.”

As soon as those words were finished, silence began to flow.

“Uh um… Anyway, that’s good, isn’t it?”

Princess Limia, who broke the silence, continued to speak with a smile on her face.

“Lord, he’s not dead… there’s still hope!”

The atmosphere in the conference hall quickly became harsh at that reckless remark.

“Well, so… umm… um, I want to make a suggestion to you guys… This, I have…”

Limia, who was looking at them like that, broke out in a cold sweat and was about to tell the story.

– You sound funny.


Suddenly, a low, cold voice resounded in the conference hall.

– There is no hope.

“Uh, what…!?”

“Hey, what is this?”

The magic stone that had been showing the video to everyone was suddenly engulfed in a mixture of sky blue and purple magic, illuminating the image of Aishi in the air.






– You guys know it well. That one month is enough for me to acquire the entire western continent.

“Everyone, shut up!!”

“Carrier! How do you manage Magic Stones!!”

“I’ll cut the connection.”

Fierce voices begin to pierce Aishi, who broke into the monarch’s meeting.

Since half of the leaders who attended the monarchs meeting were the monarchs of the western continent, it was natural.

– It’s noisy. Shall I freeze the realm of the loudest guy first?

However, Aishi, who was glaring at the monarchs of the Western Continent, spewed magic energy from the magic stone, whispered that, and the conference room became quiet in an instant.

– Hmm… It’s difficult when everything is quiet, isn’t it?

Aishi, who had a cheeky smile at the sight, began to look around with her eyes wide open.

– Would you like to invade from the great forest?

At those words, the elf queen’s expression turned pale.

– Or, it would be interesting to display the frozen beasts in my castle.


A ferocious sound escaped from the mouth of the head of the Baron who was glaring at Aishi with a fierce expression next to him.

– After that, would you like to go to the eastern continent?

Hearing these words, the eyes of the warrior leader who is the master of the eastern continent and the fox warrior begin to shake.

“Wow, the connection is not broken. It seems that the demon lord has used some kind of trick.”

“Wow, what do you want?”

Rimia, who watched the situation with a grin, raises a question with a frown at the urgent whisper of the correspondent.

– Whoops… Very simple.

Then, Aishi opened her mouth with a cold smile.

– I’m going to invade the ‘Academy’ of the Sunrise Empire soon?

“What, what?”

– I want no one to help the Empire at that time.

Princess Limia’s face, who immediately received everyone’s attention, turns pale.

– All I want right now is the ‘Academy’. So, there’s no need to bother with old-fashioned words, right?

“Hey, that’s a lie…”

– Even after all this, if there are countries or organizations that cooperate with the Empire… Is it better to be prepared? After you take over the academy, I will do everything in my power to trample you.


– Whoops, whoops…

Looking at Limia like that, Aishi in a low voice immediately started to shed a mischievous smile.

“Wow, everyone. Have you not forgotten the promise you made 1000 years ago?”


“Everyone, you have a duty to cooperate. You say you forgot that…”

Princess Limia, feeling that the situation is not going well, begins the story with a ferocious expression on her face.

“There are loopholes in the covenant.”

“I’ll have a meeting as soon as we get back.”

However, the monarchs were already whispering to her, paying attention to her.

– After all, they’re insignificant. so easily…

Aishi watched them all with a smile of conversion.

– Ugh…?

However, her expression suddenly begins to distort.

– Yeah, whatever you want… I won’t… I won’t…

And then, a painful voice began to be heard.

– No one… can’t kill anyone… that’s… absolutely…

Aishi grabbed her head and muttered like that for a while, then she blinked her eyes and raised her head again.

– That’s annoying. How long do you plan on making meaningless resistance?

After all, a cold, chilly voice echoed again as if it had ever been.

– Anyway, you’ll have to think carefully about my proposal.

“for a moment…!”

– If you don’t want to roll everything up with useless meddling.

With those words, the figure of Aishi, which had filled the conference hall, disappeared.


He made the conference room cold enough to feel chilly.





“Woah, everyone? No way… you’re not going to fall for such a low-key trick, right?”

The atmosphere has become quite cluttered with signalmen coming and going in and out in preparation for a possible subsequent intrusion.

In such an atmosphere, Princess Limia hurriedly opened her mouth.

“Ooh, they’re trying to divide us. You can’t go past it.”


But the reaction isn’t all that great.

“Woah, everyone. Did you forget that our empire has heroes?”

Thanks to her, she can’t be restless, but when people start to get up from her seat and leave, she hastily starts talking.

“Are you talking about the hero Ruby…”


“Certainly she’s strong. Last time, I turned upside down Hundreds of thousands to find an elixir that restores the soul.”

Then, the monarchs looked at them with a temperamental expression.

“By the way, I’ve been hearing strange rumors about the hero lately.”

“What rumors?”

“Why are you there… Did you say Frey?”

Meanwhile, the monarch of a western continental kingdom spoke out that word.

“Come to think of it…?”

“That’s right. I can’t overlook it.”

“It’s also been reported by the intelligence department of our kingdom.”

Quite a number of monarchs begin to nod their heads at those words.

“Aha, you mean that rumor?”

Limia, who saw them, raised an eyebrow and motioned to the soldiers standing behind them.

“I knew it would happen, and I prepared it in advance.”

– Profit…

“Look in.”

Then, the back door opened and a group of people came in.

“Brave Party…?”

“Why are they…?”

The warrior party, who had a dark expression on their face, entered the conference hall and lined up.

“Today, these guys are going to help debunk the rumors.”

To the monarchs who looked at them curiously, Limia smiled as she said that.

“Come on, everyone. Then… tell me the truth.”

“…Then, let me start with the conclusion.”

Then, taking a step forward, Benaire looked at everyone around the round table with dark eyes and opened her mouth.


“Sometimes rumors are exaggerated. It’s just a minor misunderstanding…”

“…was a warrior.”


After hearing those words, Limia started to look at Bener with her eyes wide open after chattering.

“Fray Young Master… was a ‘real’ warrior.”

Ignoring her like that, Benaire clenched her teeth and started the story.



[Storing records…….]

Looking at her like that, it was Glare who quietly stretched out her hand in front of her.

[Do you want to broadcast all records live to the world?]







Meanwhile, at that time, the Starlight Mansion.

“What, what…? That?”

“What the hell…”

In the cellar inside, the users are looking at the huge image floating in the sky outside the window with a blank expression.


But at that moment, a small moan came from behind them.


Thanks to that, the users who looked back soon opened their eyes and began to look terribly surprised.

“……ha ha ha!”

“Go, my lord…?”

“My son… he succeeded in the end!!”

It was Abraham who looked at them with a bright smile and shouted like that.

A word from the author (author review)

Thanks for watching today!

Today’s lottery is… very late!!

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