A few months after the Demon King’s declaration of war was declared.

A woman was walking with her head bowed down the roadside of the Empire, which had cooled down thanks to the darkened sun.

– Squeak…!

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Even though it is a date that still transitions from summer to autumn, a cold wind that makes her bones ache is wrapped around her.


Thanks to her, she staggered and did not stop walking, but then stopped walking and looked down.

[Breaking News: The Demon King’s Army Landed on the Imperial Coast!]

[I can’t predict when I will advance to the capital… Instantly]

[A sealed empire, is there really no way out…]

Newspapers with a date written a little before now, burnt by many people’s hands, were flying around and getting hit by their feet.

– Sreuk…

She stared blankly at the newspapers, then reached out her trembling hand and grabbed a handful.

Before long, she sees hopeless news that has hit the Empire recently.

[An innumerable number of demon kings are encamped on the shore.

The number is indescribable, but according to the rough estimates of sources, it is about […]

[Even if you mobilize all the people of the Empire, let alone the Imperial Army, it would be almost impossible to stop them.

In such a situation, where is the hero who will stop the Demon King, and the head of the Starlight family who has the right to enlist?

If they are seeing this devastation, they must never look at this situation…]

– Cuckoo…

As she reads the commentary written a few days before the declaration of war, she crumples it and opens the next newspaper.

[A month has already passed since the Demon King’s army landed on the shore.

Not only that. The dragons allied with the Demon King have taken over the sky and blocked even the last escape route, and the land route has long been covered by an unknown erosion phenomenon.

Fortunately, not all of them have been advancing towards the capital.

The demon lords and demon lords on the coast have not shown any signs of moving for a month, the dragons are just casting shadows on the ground, and the erosion phenomenon that has descended has stopped expanding for a while.]


While reading a relatively recent newspaper, she sighed and looked up at the sky.

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Even at this moment, the dragons were flying low in the darkened sky.

It radiates a unique energy to the things below the ground, with a bright gaze fixed on it.

[But, can we really call it lucky?

The ice that began to cover the entire empire from the coastline brought an untimely winter to the empire.

Is it really because of the Demon King of Ice? Or is it because of the setting sun?

In either case, it is a self-evident fact that the darkness and cold that came to the Empire at which the sun rises are pushing the people to their limits.

where is that only

The energy and gaze emitted by the dragons occupying the sky is giving everyone fear and panic.

The twinkling eyes of the demons seen in the distant darkness are taking away everyone’s hope.]

After staring blankly at the dragons in the sky for a while, she lowered her head and read the newspaper.

[Is there really no hope for the Empire?

No, it was originally.

We just took it with our hands.

Now there is only despair in the Empire.]

Then her hand begins to tremble quietly.

[Nevertheless, I would like to walk on a very small possibility.]

A summary of the imperial public opinion, which slowly began to coalesce as the desperate situation arrived, was written in the newspaper.

[No one knew, a noble and noble boy.

The savior of everyone who was persecuted by everyone.

Champion of false evil.]

If you are reading this article.

Unless it’s all too late.]

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Eventually, strength enters her hand holding the newspaper.

[Please give us a chance to kneel.

Please give the empire a chance to atone for its lost light.

Thanks for your dedication, now is the chance to respond.

Would you dare to ask?]

The newspaper was completely crumpled thanks to you.

[Now with the expected end in sight.

I just hope that this useless article will reach you.]

Seeing the last line of the newspaper, she immediately puts the newspaper she was holding with a blank expression.

[Please, even to the innocent, just one tolerance…]


After that, she let out a soulless sigh and began to stutter again.

[Sorry, warrior.]

[Please come back, hero…]

[Please don’t abandon us…]

[Help me…]

Around her like that, people in tightly wrapped clothes were walking down the frozen street with pickets.

The last struggle that put the hopes of the people of the Empire on the line that started a few weeks ago.

In a situation where there was no way they could survive, the last thing they could do with the least of their hope.

– Beep beep… Beep beep…

However, a mechanical sound is heard from her arms as she quietly watched the act, which is quite painful for those who know the truth.


– Berner, where are you?

“Wait… I’m getting some air.”

– In this weather?

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Eventually, she took out a communication crystal ball from her arms, and as Benaire answered with a stern look, a mysterious voice was heard from the crystal ball.

– Anyway, please come back to the task force room as soon as possible.


– If the chairperson is absent, the atmosphere will worsen.

When the academy was closed, she was the only one outside of the hero’s party.

Thanks to this, she was recognized as a qualified person and served as the representative of the task force, but when she received the telegram, she closed her eyes and nodded her head.

“Don’t go back soon…”

With those words, Bener, who cut off the signal from the communication crystal ball, started tumbling again outside the Empire from which he had been in a long time.


The capital was too crowded for the demon king to attack.

In fact, it’s normal.

The way to escape is completely blocked.

The areas outside the empire and in the forests are already covered with erosion or are occupied by the Demon King’s forces.

Ironically thanks to this, the safest place was the capital at the center of the empire.

In fact, this is the only place you can survive rather than being safe.

And it would be ironic to discuss a safe place in a situation where dragons cover the sky in the first place.

– Tub, Tub…

After suffering from such a dilemma again and again, Benaire finally ran out of the tent of the task force.

With a completely exhausted expression on her face, she recklessly walked through the streets of the Empire, and then turned her gaze to the side.

[Simple shelter]


What came into her view was none other than a simple shelter.

People who act like beggars are gathered in the same space like a pig sty that has been popping up on the streets as all the people of the Empire are flocking to the capital.

They are suffering from cold and hunger as they can’t even eat properly because supplies have been cut off, and in a way they are worse than beggars.

What if there were even imperial nobles among them?

And if those noble people beg for food in the same way as beggars, would anyone really believe it?

Probably, until a few months ago, I would have snorted.

“I, there… that potato… could you give me some skins…”

But at this point in time, the truth is not laughable.

The pitiful-looking girl over there now, shivering in the cold, surrounded by cloth, and complaining to commoner girls, was the countess’s daughter until a few months ago.

“It’s cold, it’s cold… Mother…”


And on the other side, Young-ae and his wife, who are also trembling in the cold, rummaging through the extinguished bonfire.


Behind them, the maids of the marquise writers are holding each other’s body temperature while embracing each other.

Unless they had evacuated from the Empire in advance, even raw and creeping aristocrats could not be free from the approaching apocalypse.

Because the mansion, goods, and food were all frozen in the demon king’s ice, they too had no choice but to come down to the shelter where even supplies were provided.

“Here, potatoes and melted water.”

“Gah, Gaga, thank you…”

“Do you need anything more?”

“Ah, no… Thank you for this…”

Until a few months ago, the common people used to consume several months’ worth of food for one meal.

“These were people I used to look down on…”

“Why did we do that…”

“…If I could go back to that time, I would make a donation every day.”

Who knew that the unity of commoners and nobles would happen so dramatically?

“Wow, that’s a big deal, everyone! W, I’m out of fuel…!”

“Come on, the firewood is gone…! There’s nothing more to burn…”

However, it became clear that even such a small miracle in one shelter would soon wither.

“Well, then we… uh, what’s going on?”


This was because, from a few days ago, the Empire’s supplies had completely run out.

I have been saving and saving supplies, but there are no more supplies to supply.

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Even Bener, who came out now, was already starving for several meals.

“No, my eyes are closed… I’ll sleep for a second…”

“Oh no! You can’t sleep!”

“excuse me…”

Count Yeong-ae, who received the potatoes, says with sleepy eyes as she sees a commoner girl waving her body.

“I’m sorry…”


“Mom, I don’t know… Living like this…”

“excuse me!”

Bener, who had been staring at him blankly, quickly turned his head.


Temporary shelters stretched endlessly along the frozen roads of the Empire.

Perhaps in those many shelters, a situation similar to what she just witnessed is happening.

“…how did this happen?”

Standing on the side of the road like that, Bener, who had lost hope for a while, sat down on the frozen floor and muttered something like that.

“How the hell…”

After muttering like that, she closed her eyes for a moment and began to recall the past in a hazy state.






“excuse me.”


“Are you here?”


Benaire, who had been squatting in the bitter cold with her head bowed for a long time.

Then she opens her eyes at someone’s call and raises her head.

“If you sleep here, you will freeze to death.”

“Ah, yes… Thanks…”

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Eventually, she nodded to someone in front of her and tried to force her stiff body to stand up.


Then, she immediately opened her eyes and looked at the man in front of her.

“Oh? Uh-huh?”


Before long, Benaire makes a strange noise and grabs his cheek.

“Dododo, Young Master…? Are you Young Master?”


“Hey, really… did you really come back…?”

“Me, over there? Why are you here?”

After a while, she asks with excitement and then shakes her head with blank eyes when she sees the man’s shaky expression in front of her.


And then, she immediately lowered her head with a gloomy expression on her face.

“Sorry. I misunderstood the person…”


“Yeah… you look very similar to someone I know… you have a similar body shape… you’re the same height…”

After muttering like that, she immediately asks a question with the feeling of grabbing straw.

“Hey, maybe… isn’t it?”

“Yes? What?”




Then, seeing the boy with his still cryptic eyes, Benaire apologizes once again with darkened eyes.

“By the way… why are you walking around?”


“It’s dangerous out there right now. Where are your parents?”

Then she asks the boy who woke him up, and he answers with a scratch on his head.

“Ah, that’s… Actually, I just got here.”


“I’m actually from the East Continent, but I went on a trip to the Empire a few months ago? But when I arrived, the atmosphere was so… strange.”


After hearing the boy’s explanation, Bener looked at him with a blank expression for a moment.


“Is it impossible? What?”

“I, the border of the empire is now… surrounded by erosion. It’s infested with demons.”

“Oh, you mean that dark mist?”

Hearing that, the boy opened his mouth with a shy expression on his face.

“I suffered a lot because of that.”


“I was surrounded by black fog while walking, and I came here fighting for days and days. Thanks to that, I got a lot of injuries.

Having said that, Benaire’s mouth widened as he showed the terrible scars on his body.

“Excuse me, sir… What were you doing in the eastern continent?”

“It’s nothing… a guru? Was it? Anyway, that was it.”

“…what is that?”

“While traveling around the country, I polish my body.

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Eventually, the boy who said so awkwardly spreads his fan and stirs it, and Benaire grabs him by the shoulder and knelt down.

“Ho, maybe… Then… can you help our empire…”


“Gee, right now our empire is… in crisis. It wouldn’t be strange if it was destroyed right away.”


Hearing this, the boy opened his eyes, and Benaire earnestly asked for a favor.

“Jo, even a small amount of troops is very welcome. Judging from the fact that you have crossed the border, you seem very strong… Boo, could you please help us?”

“Well. Actually, I’m not that strong. I’m the last of the sages, and the erosion string… No, even coming through that black mist has crossed the threshold of death many times.”

As the boy shook his head with a burdened expression on his face, Benaire fell flat in front of him and began to ask for a favor.

“Ah, no. Even if it comes through the erosion phenomenon, I can strike you as a knight leader.”

“…Uh, uhm.”

“Most of the knights commander-level talents have gone out of the border to either retire or request reinforcements… Well, so please… Would you like to add a little bit of strength? We will pay you generously.”

Hearing this, the boy, who had a troubled expression on his face and covered his face with a fan, sighed and opened his mouth.

“There is one condition.”


“I really want to judge with my own eyes whether this empire is in such a crisis situation… how desperate it is.”

Having said that, the boy raised Benere upright and said.

“I’ve been training for months… No, I’m coming across the border, so I don’t have any information.”


“So I’d like to tour the Empire a bit to get an idea of what’s going on. So can you guide me?”

Then, the boy smiled and added words.

“…if you think it’s serious enough, I’ll lend you a hand for free.”

“Go, thank you…!”


Then, with a shocked expression, he pushes Bener back slightly, holding his arms.

“I’m sorry. I hurt my left arm a bit… it’s hard to pull.”


“Then, let me guide you.”

“All right…”

Bener, who bowed his head at him, looked at the boy and moved, and the boy started to follow her with his back.

“Hey there…!”

Then he quietly turned his head to the voice he heard from the temporary shelter behind him.

“Go, thank you…”

“Hey, it’s warm…”

The girls inside were sitting around and basking in the energy that was shining like a blazing fire in the middle of the shelter.

“Bar, it’s sparkling…?”

“What is this… what is it?”

The boy, who had seen the energy that twinkled like a star, quietly turned his gaze away.

“It’s worth coming back, whether or not there really is.”

It was a boy who muttered like that and moved on.

A word from the author (author review)

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