Cheng Fenglang turned dark, and sneered back: "This is what you call a childhood sweetheart, young and affectionate. I'm afraid someone doesn't even remember your name? I feel ashamed for you."


The two losers couldn't please from Su Yayan's side, so they had to turn to attack the "allies" around them, pecking at each other for the rest of their short and long lives.

Su Yayan brought Huo Chenhuan out from the inside, the whole person was still full of anger, as if he wanted to hit someone.

Huo Chenhuan was also a little angry at first, but when she saw her, she calmed down, curled her lips, smiled lightly: "Didn't you say that you are coming? Why are you still awkward now?"

"I regret it." Su Yayan snorted coldly, and said unhappy, "I originally wanted to come over and I could irritate these people. Who would have thought that they were so weird. I irritated them before I angered them."

Huo Chenhuan knew what she was angry about, and said softly, "It's okay, it's impossible to see them again anyway."

Su Yayan was silent for a moment, and tentatively asked: "How long will they be locked up like this?"

Huo Chenhuan didn't answer her right away, but instead asked, "How long do you want them to be locked up?"

"I naturally hope that they can be locked for as long as they can, and they won't be released to harm others."

"It will be as you wish."

Su Yayan looked up at him with a puzzled look, but didn't ask much.

The Cheng Fenglang's affairs are quite a big deal, and the Cheng family can't hide it and don't want to help their family conceal it.

Although Cheng Junhao’s company was a company he founded, he did not receive less help from relatives and friends when he first started his business.

Cheng Junhao is not a person who slays the grievances and kills the donkey. After the company grows, most of these people who have helped him have been rewarded. He has a certain ability to serve in the company. In this regard, his talent is limited and it is difficult to be an important task. The initial investment basically has dividends available every year.

Cheng Fenglang did this series of things with the intention of destroying Cheng Junhao's company and the Cheng family. Strictly speaking, why didn't it touch the cakes of many relatives and friends?

People who had a good relationship with their family, quickly turned against them after learning about it, sharpened their swords and wanted to teach them a lesson, but found that Cheng Fenglang had stopped arresting them.

Cheng Fenglang's mother had liver cancer, and she and Cheng Fenglang's father had no money to treat the illness and lingered in the hospital.

Of course, Cheng Fenglang’s father was not much better. Perhaps because of the various chaos in the family, he was in a bad mood. He went out to buy drunk by himself, and ended up drunk crazy outside, rammed or almost assaulted a pregnant woman, and scared others. Almost no threatened abortion.

The pregnant woman's husband naturally couldn't swallow this breath when he knew it, and directly beat Cheng Fenglang's father into the hospital.

The most terrible thing is that the man made too heavy a move, kicking Cheng Fenglang's father into a problem, and it was basically useless without accident.

When Cheng Fenglang's father woke up and learned of the bad news, he almost didn't come up to see his dead old father.

His eldest son saw that he was abolished, and he wouldn't be able to get out of that crime after all. Even if he did, he basically didn't count on it.

His wife has become like this again. He originally thought about divorcing or simply putting people to death, marrying another one by himself, trying to have another child.

It's fine now, it's completely hopeless.

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