At that time, no one would have thought that in a few years, Mrs. Qin's only son would die.

Just look at the fate of Ling Xiaoqi's previous life to see how crazy a mother who lost her child suddenly becomes.

The death of his son became the last straw that overwhelmed Mrs. Qin.

Qin Fangde couldn't wait to take the illegitimate daughter back home and let her replace her son as the new heir of the Qin family, which wiped out Madam Qin's last bit of affection for her husband.

Since then, Mrs. Qin has been involved with her former lover without any psychological burden, and started to transfer company property using her position.

When Qin Fangde was caught and raped in bed, Mrs. Qin was very calm, as if she had anticipated this day long ago.

"Since you have discovered it, it saves me from wasting my tongue. I will send you the divorce agreement as soon as you sign it, and I will move out later."

"How dare you, how..." Qin Fangde was trembling with anger, his face blue.

Mrs. Qin sneered, and ridiculed: "Why don't I dare? You are allowed to spend a lot of time outside looking for a lot of women, but you are not allowed to find a man? Compared to you changing a woman every few months, I just Only this man is already considered to give you a lot of face."

Qin Fangde's face grew darker when he heard the words, and when he raised his hand, he wanted to slap Madam Qin, but was stopped by her adulterer.

Qin Fangde's sensuality for many years has already been hollowed out. Where is the opponent of Mrs. Qin's first love who has been working out all the year round?

Pushed by him like this, the whole person staggered a few steps back and almost fell.

After finally stabilizing his figure, his face became as black as the bottom of a pot.


"What's wrong with us? Want to hit me? I just said wrong? Why are you hitting me? Are there few women I have dealt with for you over the years? If it weren't for... if it wasn't for Junwu, I would have divorced you a long time ago. Now Jun Wu is gone, and your heart is no longer in our home. Simply divorced, it’s good for everyone."

Qin Fangde's eyes are red and his face is twisted: "Impossible, don't think I don't know what you want to do. At this time, divorce and let you two men and women stay together, do I look like such a stupid person? Want to get a divorce? No way. !"

Qin Fangde is naturally unwilling to wear this green hat, but he also has his own considerations.

Mrs. Qin is a member of the Di family. At the beginning, the marriage of the two families was because they were close to each other. The marriage helped the two businesses.

Although the Di family has not developed as well as their Qin family in recent years, it is still a small asset.

Now, he sees that he is about to go bankrupt and carry huge debts. At this juncture, if she is to really leave her with him, he will have to carry all these debts alone.

Conversely, if the two do not divorce, the property is joint property, and the debt is also a joint debt.

Even though he was married to a daughter, he was the Di family no matter what. They really wanted to borrow money. The Di family saw Mrs. Qin's face and had to pull him no matter what, so that he would not be too miserable and embarrassed.

It can be said that Mrs. Qin is the only life-saving straw for Qin Fangde right now. How could he let people go because of a moment of anger?

Mrs. Qin's face changed when he heard him say that. Looking at this man who had been entangled with her for more than 20 years, she had no affection in her eyes, and there was only a lot of indignation and resentment in her eyes.

"Don't agree? Do you still think you are the president of the high-ranking Qin Group? Qin Fangde, wake up, you've already been betrayed, and now anyone can run you down like an ant. ."

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