It's a pity that these words have no effect on the audience who are already laughing crazy.

[Yes, yes, not so exaggerated, we understand, we understand. 】

[See through, don’t say through, it’s not suitable for discussing this topic in public, skip skip...]

[Look at this car, it's big, yellow and driving fast, not bad, not bad...]

Su Yayan: "..." It seems that I didn't listen at all!

Seeing that it didn't make sense, Su Yayan sighed helplessly, and didn't continue to struggle, and talked about the second soup in business.

Fuck this thing, you really get used to it.

When talking about the first soup, Su Yayan was still a little at a loss, but when talking about the second soup, it was a little broken.

"Angelica **** mutton soup, angelica can nourish blood and regulate essence, mutton can nourish the kidney, and **** can drive away cold, it has a great effect on kidney yang deficiency."

[Kidney Yang deficiency? I seem to know something...]

[I seem to also...]

[Me too...]

A lot of meaningful barrage floated by, and was finally broken by an audience member.

[Anchor, are you planning to make a villain with your husband? 】

Su Yayan suddenly blushed when she saw this barrage.

This year's audience is really too bad, and everyone's thoughts are so big!

Huo Chenhuan, who was watching the live broadcast, saw that his face was black, and even Zuo Yanbai, who was with him today, suffered.

Fortunately, he quickly calmed down and said in a low voice: "As far as I know, Miss Su's uncle should arrive at Su's house today."

Huo Chenhuan raised his eyebrows and motioned for him to continue.

"Ms. Su’s uncle and aunt have been married for nearly 20 years, and they have not been able to get pregnant. I saw that Miss Su’s previous live broadcasts are full of dishes for women to restore their bodies and increase their chances of pregnancy. Judging by the combination of these two soups, I’m afraid It was for her uncle and aunt."

After hearing his explanation, Huo Chenhuan's expression finally improved slightly.

Zuo Yanbai breathed a sigh of relief without a trace, thanking that he had been paying attention to the movement of the Su family, and saved his dog's life at a critical moment!

It just so happened that Su Yayan finally couldn't help but let out a light cough, and explained embarrassingly: "It's not me, it's the elder in the family."

[It turned out to be an elder, a little disappointed. The anchor said before that he is married, don't you really try to make a person? I can’t be the husband of the anchor, the child of the anchor, I can...]

[Birds, what do you want to do to the anchor’s cubs? 】

[Why are you so excited upstairs? I just want to say, I can be the anchor’s in-laws, where do you want to go (puck nose) (puck nose)]


[Is it stupid that the anchor makes people? If the anchor is pregnant, it means that she has to have a baby. Can we broadcast the baby so frequently? Find out the key points and don't lose big because of small ones. 】

[Fuck, I didn't expect this! 】

Su Yayan: "..." Hey hey hey, you have enough. Before, you only stayed at creating villains. So, will you begin to raise your baby? Whether or not the brain hole is opened so big, I can't keep up with the client!

Fortunately, the last viewer awakened the dreamer with a word, and the army was quickly crushed by the shocking idea of ​​"The anchor is pregnant, and the live broadcast may not be live". The aspiring people closed their mouths and started to start lemonade as Su Yayan wished. The elders of Su Yayan family.

[The elders who envy the anchor, even the anchor can help with things like making villains, oh oh oh, why don't I have such a caring and lovely younger generation? 】

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