When Su Yayan said this, she raised her eyes and glanced at the number of people online in the upper left corner of the live broadcast room.

With the effort of this small meeting, a large number of spectators flooded in again, rising from the seven-digit number to the eight-digit number like a rocket, which is undoubtedly the highest.

As soon as Su Yayan said this, the message on the barrage immediately increased, and a lot of rainbow farts and confession were quickly put in place.

[The anchor really doesn't have any points for his popularity, and now these are just a small group of people. Many talents just got off work at this time, and it is estimated that they have not reacted. If it is later, I am worried that the live broadcast room will be overcrowded. 】

[Hahahaha, I am also worried, so I occupy a seat cleverly, no one wants to squeeze me out. 】

[Hello, uncle jc? I want to report someone wicked here first. It's obviously that the anchor family of three happily forgot us, but in turn wronged us for forgetting you. We should be punished! Just fine the anchor to cook a big meal today to reward us (¯﹃¯)]

[If the anchor is not off, we will not go, and walk the flower path with the anchor to the end of the world! 】

[The anchor is not here during this period, I always feel that something is missing, now the anchor is back, the reward will come first. 】

After stopping the broadcast for such a long time, countless enthusiastic viewers spontaneously swept the gift rain, but within a short time, Su Yayan was back on the gift list.

Su Yayan was taken aback by the enthusiasm of the crowd. After a moment's stunned reaction, she couldn't help but laugh and cry: "Thank you for supporting me. Don't buy gifts anymore. I have stopped broadcasting for so long and I still receive gifts from you. Sorry."

[Hahahaha, just to make the anchor embarrassed, so that the anchor can broadcast more to us in the future. Brothers, brush it up! 】

[Fuck, there is this operation! Get it, get it, brush it up. 】

Su Yayan's words not only failed to persuade them, but made them happier.

"..." She really couldn't keep up with these people's brain circuits.

"Ah, what I want to bring to you today is some dietary medicinal meals for children's illnesses."

【child? Does the anchor want to do this live broadcast because the baby in the family promotes himself and others? 】

[Speaking of the anchor’s cub, it’s almost full moon, right? I want to see the cute baby! 】

[+1 upstairs, the anchor and the anchor’s husband’s cubs must be very cute, you can’t see the anchor, just look at the cubs! 】

[As an older single dog, what I love to do is cloud sucking cubs. If the anchor let the little baby show up, I promise to abandon the previous harem cub, and I will pet the anchor cub alone in the future, please cub, please cub...]

Su Yayan looked at the messages that flicked by, and across the screen, one could imagine the group of weird aunts with green eyes and sharp knives at the cubs. The corners of their mouths twitched, decisively ignoring their request.

"Children’s intestines and stomach are immature and squeamish, and will be weaker than adults. Normally, they really have some minor illnesses and pains. Parents are also afraid that if the child takes too much medicine, it will not be good for the body. Today I will bring you a few. This is a medicated diet that suits children’s tastes, improves their physique, and speeds up their physical recovery."

While talking, Su Yayan found out the ingredients for the dishes to be made today from the cabinet on the side, arranged them briefly, and put them on the table.

"The first thing to do today is the radish honey drink and the lily, pear, and white lotus root soup."

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