As soon as Su Yayan finished speaking these words, the room was quiet again.

There was already a cold sweat on Li Yue's forehead, for fear that this brave Miss Su would be sacrificed on the spot by her angry boss in the next second.

However, to his disappointment, all the changes he had anticipated never happened.

Dou Tianyi looked at Su Yayan calmly, and said with a light smile: "You are very smart, but this is completely different from Wen Jingping."

Su Yayan: "???" I can understand you that what you said...... Are you turning around and mocking someone for being stupid?

"You are so smart, you should have guessed the real reason why I came to find you so much."

"...No, I don't know anything." There is a saying, the more you know, the faster you die, and she won't jump in this pit!

It's a pity that Su Yayan wanted to avoid this pit, but Dou Tianyi couldn't do as she wanted. He had to pull her into this pit.

"Miss Su, or I should call you Manager Su, anchor Su."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Su Yayan was prepared for a long time, and was not disrupted by his sudden revelation. "I said that Mr. Dou is so good that he suddenly became interested in me, a stranger who has only met. It turned out to be the wrong person."

Dou Tianyi seemed to have predicted that Su Yayan would not admit it, the smile on his face remained unchanged, and he whispered: "Whether you admit the wrong person, you and I know it all. Since I said this in front of Miss Su today, Naturally, there is already definite evidence to prove Miss Su's identity."

Su Yayan's face was dark, Dou Tianyi kept making small movements, and all the signs showed that he had doubts about his identity.

Today, when he said this in front of his own face, whether he really knew her identity or cheated her, Su Yayan knew that after today, she was afraid that she would not be able to be alone like before.

Su Yayan sighed: "So what? Mr. Dou rushed to my site today and said these things to me because he thinks this matter can be used as a bargaining chip for negotiation and threaten me?"

Su Yayan couldn't help raising a sneer at the corner of her mouth: "If this is the case, Mr. Dou is afraid that he will be disappointed. The reason why I concealed my identity is because I feel that my little hobby does not need to be made public. Now that it has been discovered by others. , I can disclose it directly. Originally it was not a shameful thing. After the disclosure, there may be a few more waves of enthusiasm for me and my company, mutual benefit, two-way development, why not?"

"Ms. Su seems to be very hostile and prejudiced towards me." Dou Tianyi's expression remained unchanged while sitting in a wheelchair. "The reason why I named Miss Mingsu at this time was not to threaten Su with this. Miss, but there is something I want to ask Miss Su for help."

"Please me for help?" Su Yayan's heart slammed, but his face still maintained a defensive look, "Mr. Dou's begging attitude is really peculiar."

Dou Tianyi didn't care: "Ms. Su should have noticed that I am not in good health. I have suffered from illness and pain for many years. I went to Ms. Su's medicinal restaurant once by accident and ate some food. I found that the medicinal food in Ms. The condition has a very significant effect."

Dou Tianyi even took a test report from Li Yue and handed it to Su Yayan.

Su Yayan looked at the test report, her mouth twitched, accidentally? You say this is accidental, for fear that you are not treating me as a fool!

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