No one thought that it was not someone else who rescued Ning Qirui from this embarrassing situation, but the little guy in the stroller.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." There was only a thin layer left on the previously soaked milk bottle, but Xiaoxing Xing took the initiative to pull out the pacifier, waving his fleshy little arm with his big eyes begging for a hug.

Su Yayan's heart is softened when he sees him, where is there any desire to pursue someone for picking up girls on the crew?

Put the bottle aside and pick up the baby in one fell swoop.

"Is the baby full? Come on, mother touch it."

Su Yayan touched Cub's frog belly, causing Cub to giggle.

The little guy was nearly eight catties old when he was born. In the past more than a month, he has been full and slept, and he has been full of food. It is called a shiny, soft, white and fat, and his small hands are like lotus roots. Section by section.

At this time, the few people ran up to look at the cub. This would see Su Yayan pick him up, and the eyes of all the people present were bright.

Especially two girls, seeing such a tender and well-behaved baby, their eyes are as bright as light bulbs.

Yun Luoshan is relatively shy, even if she likes it in her heart, she is embarrassed to speak, but You Yushi has no such worries.

Seeing this legendary boss’s little prince, she subconsciously took a step forward and said joyfully: "Boss, is this your little baby? It looks so cute, can I hug him?"

Su Yayan glanced at her in surprise, and You Yushi realized that her request seemed a bit abrupt.

I was hesitating to say something to remedy it, so I listened to Su Ya's words: "Yes."

Su Yayan's simplicity was surprising, and You Yushi was dumbfounded for a few seconds before reacting: "Really?"

"Of course it is true." Su Yayan showed helplessness. You Yushi's several people are her employees, and they are in a superior relationship with her.

Just want to hug her baby, she is not so stingy.

"Hold here, yes, slow down, hold him here. Um, very good." Su Yayan corrected her gesture, and carefully put the cub on her hand.

You Yushi probably came into contact with this soft little creature for the first time, and his whole body was stiff, but his mood was flying with excitement.

"He's so soft, so small and special... very fragrant."

"Puff..." Su Yayan couldn't help laughing.

You Yushi also knew that he was a fool to say so, and his face was slightly red, but he still insisted on his own opinion: "It was originally, it smells like milk, it smells delicious."

Ning Qirui's mouth twitched when he heard You Yushi's words: "What you said, I suspect you will be able to bite him in the next second, blame Auntie."

"...Don't think you are Young Master Ning, and I dare not beat you."

"Come on, who is afraid of whom?"

Su Yayan looked at the two people who could quarrel in a few words, and suddenly realized how naive he felt that they would be a pair not long ago.

Yun Luoshan was surprised when the two met. She stretched out her hand to poke the baby's face, but the baby grabbed her finger instead.

Yun Luoshan was startled, she didn't know whether to withdraw her hand or continue poking.

As soon as Su Yayan turned her head, she saw her cub clutching the fingers of the beautiful young lady, smirking, froze for a moment, and said with a low smile: "The baby seems to like you very much."

Yun Luoshan couldn't help but touched the back of her head when she saw the children laugh, and smirked: "Maybe I am more likely to have children."

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