"Coconuts are available on the market. Red dates and walnut kernels will be officially sold tomorrow. Interested audience friends can try to make them at home."

Su Yayan casually mentioned it and immediately began to prepare the second soup.

"Next, let's make pork belly stewed with pepper. The main materials used are pepper and pork belly. Pepper will also be officially put on sale tomorrow. Interested audience friends should remember to buy it by themselves tomorrow."

It can be said that it is accidental to mention it once. I mentioned it twice in just two sentences, which is obviously a small advertisement.

It's just that even if Su Yayan advertises in the live broadcast room, the audience's attitude is relatively tolerant, but with a bit of resentment.

[After confirming the eyes, the anchor is indeed advertising. 】

[Oh, what kind of advertising! I didn’t catch up with the pre-sale without advertising, and now I don’t know that a dozen orders will be arranged in the year of the monkey. Please don't advertise! 】

[Bronze ball! What about the little scum that you said before you don't buy it? Why are so many people robbing me? This unscientific! 】

[They say they really don’t buy if they don’t? The upstairs is too naive. We must know that our anchor is the only one on the entire network with more than eight-figure real-time online viewers. It is enough to grab a few people together, let alone the first issue of inventory. Instead of asking no one to **** you, it's better to ask for more inventory. 】

[On the top floor, there are too many monks and porridge, but they still advertise. You have the ability to advertise, and you have the ability to increase sales!嘤嘤嘤......】

Su Yayan didn't expect that she would provoke so many "complaints" when she helped make a small advertisement. It was really helpless and funny.

But the inventory problem really couldn't be solved by her, so she had to pretend that she didn't see anything and concentrate on cooking.

"Pork belly itself has the function of dispelling cold and relieving er, and when used with pepper to dispel cold, it can relieve children who are deficient in the spleen and stomach, weak in body, and often catch cold and hiccup. The weather has turned cold recently, and the baby must be covered when sleeping. Take care of their stomachs, otherwise they will easily catch a cold, stomach pains and hiccups, and the children will suffer a lot of sins.

"There is another point to note. Children’s intestines are delicate, and pork belly is very chewy if it is not stewed. It is not suitable for children’s gastrointestinal digestion. So be sure to simmer for more time and simmer it thoroughly so that the soup will be thick. It is easier for children to absorb it."

Stewed pork belly with pepper is actually very simple to cook. Just cut the pork belly into strips, put it in a casserole with pepper and simmer for two hours to thoroughly simmer the pork belly.

"Finally, let’s get another insect repellent food supplement to make gentleman steamed meat. I have never used gentleman in a live broadcast room before. It is a new medicinal material that can kill roundworms and restore the spleen and stomach. Many, after all, over-killing of insects can easily cause some adverse physical reactions and affect health."

Su Yayan peeled off the outer shell of the gentleman and took out the meat inside, while taking out a large piece of lean pig meat.

"Zhijunzi Research Institute should have been planted there, and it is expected that the second or third batch should be seen, and viewers who have babies or are planning to become pregnant can pay attention to it."

As soon as Su Yayan's voice fell, a colorful reminder flew past the live broadcast room, and a familiar meteor shower began.

Everyone took a closer look and saw a familiar ID, not surprisingly.

[Congratulations to the anchor (Yanyan) for the luxurious hardcover villa*1 sent by a loyal audience (no one day), the boundless universe, the starry sky, I love you the most~]

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