Su Yayan has never said publicly that her husband likes to eat spicy food, but the viewers who have stayed in her live broadcast room for so long are not stupid.

Knowing that every time he broadcasts, Huo Chenhuan will watch it on time with other viewers.

Every time Su Yayan made a good meal for him, he would openly say "Give it to my husband."

This is also the main reason why a group of single dogs in the live broadcast room wailed from time to time and called themselves to eat dog food and were abused into sour lemons.

After being forced to feed dog food several times, some more attentive viewers naturally figured out Huo Chenhuan's preferences from Su Ya's inadvertent disclosure.

This will see that the mood of these three dishes has become more subtle, what is this delicious, it is clearly a big bowl of dog food!

Su Yayan really didn't realize that these audiences were still clever ghosts before, and the corners of her lips raised slightly, and she still didn't explain.

"The old rule is to draw a lucky audience of each kind to give a small sample of the same price. The audience who can't get it don't have to be lost. The seasonings such as chili will be officially sold tomorrow. The quantity will be more than other things. First come first served. ."

Su Yayan made three spicy dishes at once today. One is considering that Huo Chenhuan ate confinement meals with her during this time, and it has been a long time since he had eaten these things that suit his taste. Today, it happened to help him improve his food.

On the other hand, it is also because most of the seasonings such as chili and pepper are annual, and they are easier to live than other Chinese medicinal materials, and the output is also large.

In the first phase of sales tomorrow, the total sales of this kind of things will account for the bulk, and it is estimated that this thing will be the best seller in the future.

After all, there are a lot of people who like to eat spicy food in this world. Not to mention Huo Chenhuan, the Su family are also good at it, so they must focus on publicity.

The audience in the live broadcast room brightened their eyes when they heard Su Yayan's words. As Su Yayan said, many people like spicy food.

But apart from the research institute, there is only Su Yayan here.

They have tasted this spicy taste in Su Yayan's live broadcast room, even if they go to a high-end restaurant to order the most spicy food, they always feel that something is missing.

Now that Su Yayan mentioned this, the people's inexplicable pessimism was suddenly ignited because a large number of people wanted to grab with them.

Although there are many rivals, they may not really be able to get it. It's time to use the speed of their singles for many years!

Su Yayan closed the live broadcast after finishing the lottery. As soon as she walked out of the kitchen with the dry pot frog, she ran into Huo Chenhuan who had hurried back from the outside.

"I'm back. It just so happens that the food is ready, eat it while it's hot, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Huo Chenhuan glanced at the frog in her hand and nodded reservedly.

When he first watched the live broadcast, he knew that these things were made for him, so he didn't **** the imaginary ones from those who had never seen the world.

Huo Chenhuan suddenly felt a little...hungry when he could smell the fragrance coming from the pot nearby.

When the food was on the table, Uncle Zhang finally returned with the little guy who was full of food and drink.

Obviously, he had just drunk milk, but the little guy screamed as soon as he approached the dining table. Obviously, he wanted to eat the smell of rice.

Su Yayan was also intrigued when she saw this, grabbed the little fleshy hand waving her own cub, and laughed, "Do you want to eat it? Do you want to eat this?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh..." The little star stared at the small piece of meatloaf on the chopsticks with his big watery eyes, and his small mouth squirmed a few times, as if he was swallowing.

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