From the few words that Huo Chenhuan revealed, Su Yayan probably guessed that he should already have some eyebrows about Huo Qihan's whereabouts.

Although I don't know what his intentions are now that he can't bear it, since people are within the controllable range, she can feel at ease anyway.

The only tricky thing was that the paper package couldn't keep the fire, and the child was almost stolen. After all, it didn't take long to hide it, and it was quickly discovered by Su Yuxuan.

"I just said that you are so good, why would you suddenly take my little nephew to the company, Junsheng also told me that you might be reluctant to be separated from the child for so long, so that you can simply take the child to the company. , I asked someone to find out, how long do you plan to keep this serious?"

Su Yayan listened to her brother's angry questioning, and said with a guilty heart: "Brother, I was wrong. The baby was okay. He was found snatched back just as soon as he was carried to the gate. I was not injured or frightened. I was afraid that you were worried and didn’t say..."

"Are you afraid that if we are not worried, we never thought that we would be scared to death if we knew from other people?"

Su Yayan choked, lowered her head, and blamed herself even more.

"Do your parents know about this?"

"What do you mean? I know all about it, can parents know?"

Su Yayan's head dropped lower: "Then how did parents react? Did you tell them that the child is okay?"

"Of course I said, but does this kind of thing matter? Mom was frightened. When I knew about it, I wanted to go to your house to see her grandson. I'll tell her that it's going to be so late. The child must have rested, and she had to be disturbed all night in the past, so she was persuaded."

Su Yuxuan sighed: "Are you still taking the little guy to work tomorrow morning? If you don't bring it, we will go directly to your house tomorrow morning. If you take it, you will take him home at noon, let your parents take a look, and give them peace of mind. "

"Uh, I won't take him tomorrow..."

"Then we will go there tomorrow morning, you tell Uncle Zhang, or you will miss the morning shift tomorrow and wait for us at home."

After listening to Su Yuxuan's words, Su Yayan resolutely continued what had just been interrupted but could not finish.

"Although I don't bring it, Chenhuan is going to take him to work tomorrow."


Su Yuxuan was dead for a few seconds, and then he roared like a shock, "What did you say?"

Su Yayan touched her ears that were a little sore, and said helplessly: "He will take the baby to his company tomorrow."

"He's alone? Can it work?"

"He usually takes more at home than mine, so maybe... it's okay."

"...Are you sure he was taking a child instead of playing with a child?"

Su Yayan's mouth twitched slightly: "Or, I'll tell him later, I won't take the children to the company tomorrow."

"No need to."


"I just asked my parents. They have something to do during the day and cannot get away. We will look for you at night."

Su Yayan raised a question mark when he heard it. Didn't he just say that he would come together in the morning, and they talked for a while, why was there no time?

Thinking about returning, Su Yayan still responded.

Early the next morning, Huo Chenhuan wore a handsome suit and pushed a pink stroller with a pink mother's bag on his shoulder, and slowly walked into the door of his company.

Before working hours, the young lady at the front desk who took the lipstick and prepared to add makeup saw this scene, shaking her hand, and drawing a long red tail at the edge of her mouth.

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