Five years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Five years is neither long nor short, but it is enough to produce earth-shaking changes.

The survivor base in City A, originally established by the government, has gradually been controlled by multiple forces and turned into a monopoly, from a relatively democratic society to a complete dictatorship.

The end of the world is different from the previous peaceful society. What is valued is fists and force. Powerful superpowers can live more comfortably and happily than before the end of the world, and weak ordinary people can only live a life worse than rats in the gutter. However, no one thinks that this extremely polarized situation is wrong.

The Fengshun Mercenary Group has become famous in the past five years and has become the largest mercenary group in the survivor base in City A. Even if it is not attached to any force, it is not afraid. It has become an independent force.

However, the Fengshun Mercenary Group, an uncontrolled force, has finally hindered the eyes of the Xiao family, the ruler of the base. The Xiao family began to suppress the Fengshun Mercenary Group everywhere, making it difficult for the Fengshun Mercenary Group to move forward in the base for a while.

There were hundreds of superpowers in a villa, and their eyes were focused on a man and a woman standing in the front and a man sitting on a chair drinking tea.

The man and the woman standing in front of everyone were the two deputy leaders of the Fengshuan Mercenary Group, Feng Min and Wen Yue. And the handsome man who was sitting and drinking tea without paying any attention to the hundreds of superpowers in front of him was Xiao Yu, the leader of the Fengshuan Mercenary Group.

At this time, Feng Min and Wen Yue looked unhappy. They swept their eyes from the superpowers and finally fell on the dozens of superpowers standing in the front. Feng Min asked in a deep voice: "Are you going to leave Fengshuan and join the Eagle Falcon Mercenary Group?" The Eagle Falcon Mercenary Group was specially established by the Xiao family to target the Fengshuan Mercenary Group. It was specially used to poach talents. Many superpowers were poached before, but Feng Min did not expect that dozens of first-line members were also poached now.

The dozens of psychics felt a little uneasy when they saw Feng Min's ugly face, but they became confident again when they thought of the benefits they were promised and the power behind that person, which was enough to protect them from the revenge of the Fengshun Mercenary Group. The fourth-level wind psychic who was the leader smiled and said, "Deputy Captain, water flows to the lower places, and people go to the higher places. Why are you so angry? Let's save some face for each other now, so that we can meet again in the future."

Feng Min had a blank expression on his face and no intention of being furious at the fearless sarcasm of the wind psychic, but everyone could see the calm after the storm.

However, at this time, Xiao Ying, who had been sitting and drinking tea without saying anything, spoke up: "Let them go."

Feng Min and Wen Yue looked back at him in surprise, and Wen Yue frowned and said, "Brother Xiao, they are..."

Xiao Ying waved his hand slightly, and Wen Yue stopped talking. He calmly looked at the dozens of psychics who wanted to "abandon the dark and join the light", and they were sweating coldly. The fourth-level wind psychic who dared to challenge Feng Min turned pale and dared not look at Xiao Ying.

They all knew that Xiao Ying didn't seem to be in charge of things. The affairs of the Fengshun Mercenary Group were basically handed over to the two deputy leaders, but the leader Xiao Ying had the greatest prestige. No one knew how powerful Xiao Ying was. No matter how powerful the zombies or mutant beasts were, he always killed them easily, making it hard to tell his strength.

If Xiao Ying didn't let them leave, I'm afraid... the fourth-level wind psychic thought of this consequence, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Xiao Ying retracted his gaze and fell on the teacup in his hand. He looked at the green tea in the teacup, and gently stroked the thin wall of the cup with his slender fingers. He said lightly: "People go to higher places... This is right. If you want to leave, go ahead." He had no intention of retaining them. His calm tone was like throwing away some useless garbage.

The fourth-level wind-type psychic was originally an undercover sent by the Xiao family. He was responsible for poaching. As long as he poached these dozens of front-line members of the Wind Falcon Mercenary Group today, he would be able to rise to prominence. Therefore, although he was sensitive to Xiao Ying's attitude, he still gritted his teeth and said to the dozens of psychics: "Let's go!"

An embarrassing scene appeared. After Xiao Ying asked them to leave, only a dozen psychics who had not been in the group for too long responded to his call and walked out of the villa. The remaining dozens of people all stood there motionless.

The fourth-level wind-type superpower and a dozen superpowers worked together to persuade the superpowers who suddenly changed their minds, but all of them shook their heads and refused to follow them, no matter how they were threatened or induced, they would never waver.

The fourth-level wind-type superpower saw that these people suddenly changed their minds, and no matter how they were threatened or induced, they would not waver. He looked at Xiao Ying who was sitting there and didn't bother to pay any attention to this side, and a chill came over his heart.

If we delay, something will happen. Let's take these dozen people away first.

With a gloomy face, he said to the dozen superpowers: "Don't worry about them anymore, let's go!"

The group filed out, but as soon as they stepped out of the gate of the villa, Xiao Ying moved - he gently placed the teacup he had held in his hand for a long time on the mahogany tea table beside him, and the tea in the cup rippled slightly. A dozen drops of green tea suddenly got rid of gravity and flew up, and then quickly shot towards the dozen superpowers outside the door.

Everything happened silently. Even if a few psychics found the danger and set up a shield, it was useless. No matter how strong the shield was, it could not stop the beautiful green water droplets. It was easily broken and then penetrated the eyebrows of the psychics.

Outside the villa, there were more than a dozen bodies.

Xiao Ying looked at the empty teacup on the mahogany coffee table, picked up the teapot and filled it up. He picked up the teacup and looked at the hundreds of psychics who were looking at the teacup with fear. He smiled and said, "It's normal for people to go to higher places, but don't step on the wrong stepping stone, otherwise you can't blame others if you fall to pieces."

He drank the tea in the teacup, then put it down, looked at Feng Min, and said, "The next thing is up to you." After that, he threw the mess to the male protagonist, reached out and took the female protagonist's hand, and walked upstairs leisurely to cultivate feelings.

Let the male lead be your younger brother to clean up your mess, while you hug the female lead and talk about love. This is the real *supporting male* winner in life!

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