There are reincarnators in the hemispherical universe collecting resources for Xiao Yu, so Xiao Yu has set his sights on the hometown of the Lord of Time and Space.

He finally remembered the imprisoned Lord of Time and Space.

Xiao Yu brought the Master of Time and Space Hall to trial, and the Master of Time and Space Hall, who had been waiting for his interrogation alone for an unknown amount of time, looked at him with a dull face: "It's rare that you still remember me!"

The process of waiting for the second boot to fall is really difficult, especially for the time and space master with some obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Xiao Yu was a little confused about what the Master of Time and Space meant, but he didn't care and asked: "You can escape to my universe, so you should know the coordinates of the universe where you came from, right?"

Xiao Yu originally wanted to find the coordinates of the Time and Space Hall Master's hometown through the time and space compass, but the time and space compass was damaged and the coordinates of the universe were not recorded.

As soon as the Master of Time and Space Palace heard Xiao Yu's words, he understood what he wanted to do, "You want to invade the universe where I came from?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said nothing.

The Lord of Time and Space Palace mocked: "Just you? Your strength will be suppressed by several percent across the universe, and there is no way you can be Xiao Yan's opponent!"

Although the Master of Time and Space Palace was beaten badly by his enemy Xiao Jing, he was never someone who would belittle his enemies. Otherwise, if he degrades Xiao Zhen to an unsightly level, then who is he, the master of the Time and Space Palace who was beaten so badly by Xiao Zhen?

And compared to Xiao Yu, who was using his strength to crush the time-travel temple in its heyday, the master of the time-space palace felt even more hatred and disdain for Xiao Yu, who took advantage of his weakness to suppress him.

The Master of Time and Space Palace did not know that Xiao Yu was already the Lord of the Universe. He believed that it was impossible for Xiao Yu to invade the universe where he was born. Although he really hoped that Xiao Yu and Xiao Zhen, the two enemies named Xiao, would come out of their wits, he just wanted to deal with Xiao Yu and refused to give out the coordinates.

The current mentality of the Lord of Time and Space is 'I can't beat you, but I will make you sick'.

However, he was against Xiao Yu, and he was undoubtedly the unlucky one.

Xiao Yu was too lazy to continue interrogating him, and directly and indirectly influenced him to tell him the coordinates, and then let him go.

As soon as the Master of Time and Space escaped from the invisible temptation, he was shocked to find that he had already uncovered the truth. He looked at Xiao Yu in shock: "What did you just do to me?"

Xiao Yu chuckled: "Guess!"

He directly imprisoned the Master of Time and Space Hall who had no use value.

After getting the coordinate points, Xiao Yu thought for a while and decided not to take too many risks for the time being.

According to the coordinate points of the universe, he traveled through time and space, through endless chaos, and saw a universe far away from the Lord God's universe.

This universe is in the shape of a tree, and its appearance looks like a lush tree. The roots of the tree are deeply rooted in the endless chaos, absorbing countless energy of chaos to support itself. The trunk is a super large world, and the countless leaves are There are countless small worlds.

This tree-shaped universe is very far away, but the endless chaos is so big that even Xiao Yu, the master of the universe, cannot know its boundaries. There are too few universes in chaos, so Xiao Yu has only found a hemispherical universe around his main god universe, and then the tree-shaped universe seen through the coordinate points given by the master of the time and space hall.

Xiao Yu looked at the big tree shape of this universe and marveled: "The shapes of the universes are really different!" There are spheres like the Lord God Universe, the ownerless hemispheric universe, and this tree-shaped universe.


According to what the master of the Time and Space Palace said, his hometown tree-shaped universe has a master of the universe, and that master of the universe is named Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu did not take the risk of leaving his own universe and going to the territories of other universe masters.

Because as the master of the universe, you are most powerful only when you are in your own universe. Once you leave your own universe and encounter powerful enemies in chaos or other universes, you will most likely perish.

When the Lord of the Universe falls, the refined universe will gradually collapse and return to chaos.

Therefore, Xiao Yu was absolutely cautious when leaving the Lord God Universe.

Unconsciously, Xiao Yu stared at the tree-shaped universe for too long. It seemed like an illusion. He actually felt that the tree-shaped universe seemed to suddenly come to life, as if he suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at him...

This mysterious feeling is really like an illusion.

But Xiao Yu knew that he could not have any illusion. This means that the tree-shaped universe did indeed open its eyes and look at him just now.

This made Xiao Yu keep guessing: Could it be that self-awareness was born in this universe?

Although he has only seen three universes in total, his imagination must be bigger. Some small worlds can produce self-awareness, why can't the universe?

While Xiao Yu was thinking wildly here, an invisible message came over.

He glanced at the tree-shaped universe where the message came from, and then accepted it: "Hello. Are you the universe controller of that spherical universe? I am Xiao Zhen, you should have heard of me from the Master of Time and Space Palace. name.”

Xiao Yu secretly thought: "So the name for the Lord of the Universe in the tree-shaped universe is the Controller of the Universe?"

As the master of a universe, whether he is called the master of the universe, the controller of the universe, or any other name depends on his own preference. After all, there are too few universes, and there are too few universe masters that can be born. It is difficult for the universe masters to communicate with each other.

Xiao Yu sent back a message: "Hello, I am the Lord of the Universe of the Lord God Universe, Xiao Yu."

Soon the tree-shaped universe sent another message: "My universe is called the World Tree Universe. It's fate that we have the same surname..."

Although the universes are different and the languages ​​are slightly different, at their level, they no longer need language to communicate. A divine thought is better than a thousand words.

But what surprised Xiao Yu was that Xiao Yu actually said that they had the same surname!

Xiao Yu also imprisoned a master of the Spacetime Palace. Of course, he learned the alien language used by the master of the Spacetime Palace. He translated the name of the master of the alien universe from the master of the Spacetime Palace into the two characters "Xiao Yu", which is the same surname as him.

But if his name "Xiao Yu" is translated into the alien language, it is completely different from the name "Xiao Yu", and there is no saying that they have the same surname. This is the difference in reverse translation.

So why did Xiao Yu say that they had the same surname?

With this doubt, Xiao Yu sent a voice message, which was naturally in Chinese.

He wanted to test whether Xiao Yu also understood Chinese.

However, he was not disappointed. The voice message Xiao Yan sent back was actually in Chinese, but the accent was slightly different.

But this is not important.

What is important is - is Chinese the universal language in all universes?


Perhaps Xiao Yu understood Xiao Yu's inner confusion, and sent another message: "Don't be surprised, my universe has countless small worlds, and there are also worlds with similar backgrounds to the small worlds in your universe."

Xiao Yu frowned: "How do you know the situation of the small worlds in my universe?"

Xiao Yu replied: "Because my seeds are with you."

Xiao Yu: "..."

Xiao Yu did not hide Xiao Yu's intention: "My body is the world tree, I am the universe, and the small worlds are all part of my body. But before I become the master of the universe, the world tree may also wither, so in order to continue life, the world tree will spread its own seeds. It just so happens that one seed has flowed into your main god universe."

Xiao Yu's words contain a lot of information. The more Xiao Yu listened, the more confused he became. For example, since Xiao Yu is the world tree, and the world tree is the universe, then Xiao Yu is equivalent to the consciousness of the birth of the universe, so how can he become the master of the universe?

What does it mean that the world tree will wither? Could a universe without a master be destroyed?

Xiao Yu had countless doubts in his heart, but he knew that if he could tell this secret, Xiao Yu would not be vague just now. If he couldn't tell it, it was useless for him to ask.

Thinking of the world tree seed again... Xiao Yu suddenly recalled the jade seed of unknown origin that he had looted from Mo Yang Tianjun's collection when he was destroying the Transcendent Organization.

He took out the jade seed from his treasure house that he had never been able to find any use for before.

Now that he is the master of the universe, he took out this jade seed and looked at it again. He could see the strong vitality and huge energy contained in it at a glance. The aura in it is very similar to the aura of the huge tree-shaped universe, but one aura is as weak as a candle, and the other aura is as strong as the sun.

After Xiao Yu took out the jade seed, Xiao Yu seemed to sense the existence of the seed. The tree-shaped universe gave Xiao Yu the feeling of blinking: "The seed is still in your hand, can you give it back to me?"

A seed that can make the world tree reborn needs to consume a lot of energy to condense. If Xiao Yu can swallow the seed back, there will be a lot of benefits.

"As long as you return the seed to me, I can exchange it with you for the specialty of my universe."

Xiao Yu pondered for a while and said, "Okay."

This world tree seed has only one use for him-to devour the energy and vitality in it.

But it happens to be the seed of a universe master. Xiao Yu is really worried about whether there will be any troubles if he swallows it, so it is better to use it for trading. Anyway, it is free, and the two universes are so far apart, and Xiao Yu can't do anything to him even if he becomes stronger.

Xiao Yu discussed the details of the transaction with him. The two universe masters bargained back and forth for a long time before finally finalizing it - both sides sent a team to the other universe to trade items.

And the two universe masters were only responsible for constructing the space-time channel.

There are two creatures from the World Tree Universe, the Lord of Space and Time and the World Tree Seed, which exist in the Lord God Universe. Xiao Yu also located the coordinates of the Lord God Universe.

Xiao Yu also knew the coordinates of the World Tree Universe.

The coordinates of both parties were clear, and a space-time channel between the two universes was easily constructed.

It was unclear who Xiao Yu chose to trade with the team in the Lord God Universe, but Xiao Yu chose the people of the Judgment Organization headed by Yue Zhiliu.

He had only one request for the trading team led by Yue Zhiliu: "This is the first diplomacy of our universe, and we must show our demeanor! But we must not suffer any loss!"

The implication was to take advantage of it!

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