Xiao Yu did not hide his identity when he came to the frontline battlefield of the Saint Gala Plain, so those who were resisting the Dark Temple army on the front line ignited their fighting spirit after learning that the Holy Son of Light was fighting with them. Before, he could only be oppressed by the Dark Temple and the dragon army and huddled in the city without daring to go out.

The main person in charge of the front line of the Saint Gala battlefield is also an old acquaintance of Xiao Yu, it is Archbishop Brandt.

Now Xiao Yu's identity is different from before. He is the next pope in the eyes of everyone. Therefore, after learning about Xiao Yu's arrival, Archbishop Brandt did not dare to slack off and brought several other archbishops and many senior military figures. meet.

Facing such a grand welcome hosted by Archbishop Brandt, Xiao Yu looked indifferent and said: "Don't worry about these false courtesy. How is the battle situation now? Is there any movement at the Dark Temple?"

Archbishop Brandt responded respectfully: "His Royal Highness the Holy Son, we just repelled a wave of enemy attacks a few days ago, and now they have made no move."

Xiao Yu nodded and was about to say something when suddenly a dark green smoke filled the sky over the battlefield. Before this dark green smoke spread into the city where the troops of the Temple of Light were located, some weak people fell to the ground in the city. I can't afford to turn green all over and foam at the mouth.

The expressions of Archbishop Brandt and others suddenly changed: "It turns out to be the poison of plague!"

This dark green smoke is not an ordinary plague, nor is it an ordinary poisonous mist, but the poison of plague, specially controlled by the Necromancer. The troublesome thing about this plague poison is that the magic of light has little effect on it. It can only be removed by relying on the antidote prepared by the pharmacist. However, in order to prepare the antidote, you must first analyze the composition of the plague poison, which is very difficult. It was so cumbersome that by the time the pharmacist prepared the antidote, all the defenders would be dead.

Although the light magic has little effect on the plague poison, it still has some effect after all. Archbishop Brandt and others jointly arranged a light barrier to slow down the spread of the dark green smoke.

Xiao Yu stood on the top of the city, looking at the thick dark green smoke outside that was temporarily blocked by the light barrier, and then looked at the soldiers in the city who were poisoned by the plague poison due to their low strength. His face was originally expressionless. There was strong disgust on his face: "Those ants who only know how to control dead bodies actually released this kind of poisonous mist. They should be purified by the sword of judgment!"

He raised the light scepter in his hand, and the extremely intense golden light condensed into a powerful sword of light in front of him. In front of this sword of light, all the darkness and poisonous mist were like snow meeting boiling water. Dissolved without a trace. He pointed the scepter at the war fortress built by the Dark Temple in the distance, and the tip of the huge sword of light also pointed there, and then shot at the fortress with lightning speed, and the tip of the sword easily penetrated the layer. layer of defense...

Seeing that the war fortress that the people on the dark side had worked so hard to build was about to be destroyed by the sword of light, the entire fortress was shrouded in darkness, as if there was a black curtain covering the fortress. However, even with this seemingly simple dark curtain, the huge sword of light had no reaction when it was stabbed on it. Instead, the sword body trembled, and the sword of light dissipated.

When the people on the light side saw the Son of Light's sword of light disappear, they immediately tightened their hearts and watched the battle between the two sides nervously.


When Xiao Yu saw that the sword of light had dissipated, his expression remained unchanged. With a wave of his scepter, three more swords of light were shot out again. This time, the dark curtain could not withstand the attack of the three swords of light. A black figure Appearing in front of the three swords of light, a huge black shield appeared in front of the war fortress, once again resisting the attack of the swords of light.

The strong man from the dark side who had blocked Xiao Yu's previous sword of light attack without showing up finally appeared. Xiao Yu stared at him, and it turned out to be Smollett!

But it was not Smollett, because although the man in black robe appeared exactly like Smollett, his temperament was even more sinister and gloomy.

Xiao Yu's heart sank. The male protagonist had indeed been snatched away by the God of Darkness.

The original plot is just a journey of upgrading the male protagonist Smollett's counterattack against the villain, the Temple of Light, to collect the harem. There is very little description of the God of Light and the God of Darkness. These two gods are just the background of the Temple of Light and the Temple of Darkness. plate. The original plot ends with the Temple of Light being overthrown by the male protagonist. The male protagonist and the 3,000 harem girls lived a life of sexual bliss. The black crystal on the golden finger of the male protagonist was not revealed at all. The god of darkness took over the male protagonist. Nothing is described at all.

But in this extremely real world, how can the plot of a mere novel include the development of the entire world? Moreover, Xiao Yu has already completed the ninth mission. He is now starting a copy mission, and the original plot no longer provides him with enough basis.

But he still found clues about the Dark God from the original plot - after the male protagonist traveled through time, the dark magic was inherited from the black crystal, and it was because of the black crystal that he was regarded as the Son of Darkness by the Dark Temple... This is enough to show that the black crystal on the male protagonist's golden finger is similar to the source of light in Xiao Yu's body.

Now the question comes - Smollett was taken away by the God of Darkness, so how should he kill the God of Darkness in front of him?

It can be seen from the previous confrontation that although the God of Darkness has not yet returned to his peak state, his strength is definitely much stronger than his pretentious pseudo-God of Light.

Just when Xiao Yu was thinking seriously about how he, the pseudo-god of light, could escape from the hands of the true god of darkness, Smollett, the god of darkness, dispersed the three swords of light. He did not continue to attack Xiao Yu, but grinned at him, showing his white teeth, and smiled particularly sinisterly: "My old friend, I haven't seen you for thousands of years, but you still exude a light that makes me sick!"

The voice of the Dark God was not concealed at all, and everyone from any force below could hear it clearly. Everyone was a little confused. What the hell is an old friend of thousands of years? When did the Holy Son of Light and the Holy Son of Darkness become so close to each other thousands of years ago?

And Xiao Yu, who knew the inside story, knew as soon as he heard that the dark god who had taken away his body had not discovered his disguise and regarded him as the real god of light. Perhaps it was because the soul of the god of light was in his sea of ​​consciousness, so the god of darkness You felt that he had the soul aura of the God of Light on his body, so you mistook him for the God of Light?

Xiao Yu continued to show off his strength: "Hmph! The fallen should be purified by my light!"

The God of Darkness was not angry when Xiao Yu called him a fallen one. Instead, he laughed loudly and released a black mist from his body. This black mist was the death energy of the dark abyss, far more powerful than the necromancer's. The poison of the plague is much more evil and powerful, and even the powerful Dharma God-level cannot be cured of it.


Seeing so much death energy spreading, Xiao Yu once again released the huge sword of light. However, the sword of light that had easily purified the plague poison before had no effect on the death energy. Seeing that the death energy was about to spread to him, Xiao Yu suppressed the urge to make a strategic move immediately, and with a thought in his heart, he silently recited the Bible.

This time he recited the Bible more devoutly and seriously than ever before. The Bible in his mind, which had always been too noisy and emitted a golden light, became more and more dazzling as he recited it. His whole body began to glow, no matter how dead it was. Anyone who comes close to him will be completely melted away.

The God of Darkness turned cold, snorted, and then controlled the death energy to spread towards the city occupied by the Temple of Light army.

At this time, Xiao Yu's left hand that was not holding the staff suddenly stretched out and opened his palm. A normal-sized Bible appeared in his left hand. The Bible opened automatically. The fonts inside exuded a golden light filled with endless divine power. All the dead energy automatically dissipated under the golden light...

The God of Darkness looked at the Bible on Xiao Yu's left hand with a very ugly expression: "Damn it! You actually got the Book of Light! How is that possible? You don't even have godhead, how can you use the Book of Light?"

The God of Light and the God of Darkness are both naturally powerful main gods. The God of Light possesses two accompanying main artifacts as soon as he is born, one is the Scepter of the God of Light, and the other is the Book of Light.

Now the God of Darkness was naturally shocked to see that Xiao Yu could actually use the Book of Light, a powerful main artifact. But soon, he noticed something was wrong: "No! The Book of Light can't have only such a small amount of power..." He looked at the Bible, where the golden light on the fonts dimmed imperceptibly after dispelling the death aura, "You This is just a projection of the real Book of Light, no wonder it can be used before it recovers its strength..."

Xiao Yu heard the words of the God of Darkness clearly, and finally had some understanding of the magical Bible in his mind. It turned out that it was a projection of the Book of Light, the companion artifact of the God of Light. But how did the projection of the Book of Light enter his mind? He thought about it carefully, but he didn't expect when he got the idea.

Putting aside the doubts about whether the Bible projected by the Book of Light is harmful to him, at this time, this Bible has undoubtedly greatly enhanced Xiao Yu's strength. In any case, it can only be used to deal with the Dark God temporarily.

The God of Darkness is not a very patient God. When he saw that what Xiao Yu summoned was not the real Book of Light, his original fear suddenly disappeared and he laughed arrogantly and continued to attack the city. In order to prevent the city from being breached, Xiao Yu could only bite the bullet and push forward.

It was okay at first. The Dark God just released some area-of-effect destructive magic in a small way. Later, Xiao Yu got angry and started to use it for real.

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