Chapter 113 Just watch me operate!!

Vivian’s spiritual sense is surprisingly strong.

It may be that after the prophet was ostracized by the future catastrophe, she was improved in the process of fighting this rejection, but in short, her spiritual strength was a level that even a well-informed person like Melie dared not imagine.

So although Vivian really didn’t know whether Roa knew that she was Romulus at the beginning, after a simple conversation, her spiritual sense also began to work.

She first discovered that Roa really didn’t know.

Then she began to take advantage of Roah’s unbelief that she could recognize Romulus through her spiritual awareness.

It’s a pity that her operating point was destroyed by Merlin!

– So Merlin should be damned!

Seeing that the situation in front of her was in such a situation, Vivian sighed in her heart.

Roa, on the other hand, smiled after Vivian agreed.

“That being the case, Vivian, I will first restore your body with my life force, and then you will help me to prophesy about Romulus’s situation.”

Hearing Roa say this, Vivian nodded quickly.

After all, in the face of such a complicated situation now, Vivian never felt at that moment that she needed the ability to prophesy so much!

As long as she can re-prophesy, she can still operate!

Even if this point is gone, as long as you can temporarily hide Roa, and then stretch this matter, and then recreate other places that can be operated, there is still a way to do it!

As for directly saying that Roa is Romulus………

She didn’t say it at first, and then she began to have no chance to say it, and things have come to this point, even if she wants to say it, she can’t say it!

After all, although she can adapt to change, her other people are accustomed to following the instructions of the prophet and lack the ability to react to change.

Now although they know the situation, they don’t know it yet………

She couldn’t say things in front of Roa and Merlin, even if she hinted at them at the same time, and Vivian was doubtful about whether they could temporarily understand what she meant.

Then it will only leave the plan as it is.

As for finding an excuse to gather the clansmen first, and then rearrange things. It would be okay if Merlin wasn’t here, but Merlin was too.

It’s not the first time this guy has overheard them! But he really can’t do anything if he eavesdrops on Vivian!

In addition, although Roa seems to have no problem now, if he is really the current appearance of the knight king, how did the fairy forest fall?

The whole family of goblins, but not a single living mouth is left!

Therefore, Vivian, without the ability to predict, can be said to be completely caught off guard, and every step is very difficult!

Then the matter of bringing back the power of prophecy becomes extremely important! But…

Merlin opened his mouth now.

“Although I can’t say whether I trust it or not, I think it’s better to sign a soul contract or something like this kind of thing.”

Vivian heard Merlin say this, even she was a little unnerved at this moment!

Even if she didn’t sign the soul contract, could she still beat Roa, the king who single-handedly destroyed the goblin forest!

Where did she dare to take Roa’s stuff for free! She felt that Merlin was just looking for something to do! And that’s exactly what happened.

Merlin had previously felt that he was being played like a clown by Vivian using his intelligence advantage, and he came with Roa this time, and even came to the scene by himself when he was excluded——— he had nothing to do!

He knew very well that Roa was a man of his own ideas.

So even if he has nothing to do, it won’t affect Roa’s judgment, and he will just disgust Vivian.

When Vivian heard Merlin say this, she let out a sigh and didn’t speak, just smiled and looked at Roa.

And Roa glanced at Merlin……… He could probably see what Merlin meant, or that Merlin didn’t even want to hide the idea that he was disgusting

Eh, there is a reason why his popularity is so poor………

Roa had planned to continue to stick to his original idea.

But before he could speak, Melie spoke directly.

“Just do as Merlin says.”

If Merlin said so, Roa wouldn’t care too much, but if Melie said so, Roa thought about it, and at the same time confirmed with Melie in his heart.

“Meili, even if you don’t sign any soul contract, these lake fairies won’t dare to break the contract, right?”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare, but we don’t have the ability to prophesy—and your clairvoyance doesn’t seem to be something you can trigger on your own initiative, so even you can’t confirm whether Vivian’s prophecy is true or not.”

Melie was looking at Vivian through Roa’s eyes.

“And as a half-nightmare who usually simulates emotions for human activities, I can feel that Vivian seems to be hiding something. Although Merlin is usually a little jerk, he should have seen it this time, so he will directly start to make trouble in such a state. ”

Melie felt that Merlin had finally done what a person should do.

But after she said this, looking at Merlin’s frowning at Vivian, she felt that she was thinking too much………

She looked like this, and Roa nodded directly after hearing Melie’s words.

“Well, just as Mei Linqing said, Vivian, since none of us have the intention of breaking the contract, how about we sign a symbolic soul contract?”


Merlin visibly paused, but Vivian nodded directly.

And she blamed Merlin for all the trouble caused by this incident! As for the contract itself, she didn’t care much about it.

Anyway, she did not dare to breach the contract, and it was the same whether she signed it or not.

Tongue Four…

If you sign this thing, it can also increase your credibility, so that you can better postpone the news that Roa is Romulus for a while……… At least not let the guy in front of him, who had single-handedly destroyed the entire goblin clan, feel that he had deceived his life force.

In this way, in order to increase her sincerity, Vivian deliberately made the punishment conditions on her side particularly harsh when signing the soul contract.

The content of the contract is that Roa needs to give his life, and Vivian needs to help Roa predict the specific situation of Romulus and help Roa find Romulus together.

If Roa does not show his vitality, it is considered a breach of contract

And if Vivian does not help Roa prophesy or find, it is also considered a breach of contract.

And the penalty for breach of contract is enforcement.

If the contractor forcibly does not fulfill the agreement, then the contract will help him enforce it, and if the contractor is unable to fulfill the contract, then everything in the violator will be judged to be owned by another contractor, from the soul to the body, directly into slavery.

But as long as both parties do not break the contract, then there is no problem.

But in order to increase her sincerity, Vivian added some other conditions and punishments on her side, such as if she did not bring substantial help to Roa, it was also considered a breach of contract, and she also had to promise Roa a thing within her ability, and if she could prophesy not to prophesy, if she delayed for a long time, it was also considered a breach of contract, and she also had to give Roa a treasure of a fairy in the lake………

In total, seventy-two articles are listed in a row! It can be said that it is full of sincerity.

The overall duration of the contract is until Roa knows who Romulus really is.

At that time, whoever fails to fulfill the agreement will be punished by the contract, either enforced, or if he is unable to enforce it, he will lose himself to the other party.

She felt that her sincerity was already quite obvious.

Roa felt that Vivian’s sincerity was full of sincerity, and Melie didn’t say anything anymore.

Vivian saw Roa’s expression, and she secretly looked at Merlin, although she didn’t show anything, but Merlin just felt that Vivian was mocking herself…

But he didn’t say anything this time.

After all, he had thought that Roa would not care what he said, so he would be skinny, but Roa now directly agreed to his suggestion……… In this way, he does not intend to cause trouble again.

“Okay, so be it.”

Roa repeatedly told Vivian that the punishment conditions did not need to be so outrageous, but they were rejected by Vivian, and even Roa planned to add a few Vivian to himself.

Then this more outrageous soul contract was signed.

After that, Roa directly distributed a large amount of life force to Vivian as agreed, and then Vivian felt that her legs that could not be moved were restored, her hands were restored, her sense of smell was restored, and her sense of touch was restored.

Her eyes that had been closed before were also opened by her, and only then did Roa see that Vivian turned out to be heterochromatic pupils, and her eyes that had been closed were red, while the other eye was blue.

The color of both eyes is pure, and they are also so mysterious and intelligent.

Vivian felt her state recovering, and then she temporarily terminated the meeting on the grounds that she was recovering a little sleepy.

She was recovering, indeed a little tired and sleepy, and even her powerful spiritual sense had quieted down.

And she also plans to take this opportunity to go back and predict the situation, and then explain the problem to her people and rearrange it.

After all, if Roa and Romulus were one person, then the problem she had been worried about might not happen.

So she planned to quickly predict the situation after she went back, to see what the future of the fairy in the lake would be, and to see how things on Roa’s side would be properly handled.

After the ability to prophesy was restored, Vivian was relieved

Although her prediction is not absolutely correct, so far except for the freak of Voltigeng, she really did not prophesy, and even began to predict it after it became a white dragon.

In the penultimate prophecy when King Uther was still alive and her health was not so bad, she also predicted that King Uther would die, and predicted that the new king of Britain would be a surprising fellow, but she also did not know who the new king of Britain was.

At that time, she was no longer able to predict further.

Now it seems that Roa has become king, which is really surprising.

As for this soul contract, she didn’t care about it at all.

After all, she was very clever to get seventy-two trigger conditions into seventy-two triggers, and most of them were limited conditions or directly given to treasures, although after recovering from being angry with Merlin to cracking, Vivian also felt that seventy-two was a bit much.

But unless all seventy-two are triggered, for example, Roa now suddenly knows that Romulus is himself.

Otherwise, even if sixty articles are triggered, the fairy in the lake can afford to pay! Don’t care at all!

That’s what she thought.

Roa, on the other hand, didn’t think so much, just began to guess what Romulus’s prophecy would be, and nodded directly to Vivian’s request.

After all, her reasons are reasonable.

Then Vivian was helped down to rest, while Roa and Merlin were arranged by the fairies in the lake and stayed in the secret realm for the time being.

And it’s the same treatment as before.

Everything Roa used, the fairy in the lake arranged the best for him.

And Merlin… A few fairies in the lake threw him a leaf of the size of the horn even if it was arranged.

Then when Merlin won sympathy with ‘You watch me sleep on the ground with a leaf, can you bear it’, several lake fairies looked at each other, and at a glance, they really couldn’t bear to see all this – so they took Merlin out of the secret realm!

Oh yes, the leaf sent him!

Watching this scene, Roa glanced at Merlin before he was kicked out, and after confirming that he didn’t need to speak himself, Roa also let out a sigh.

“Prophecy… I don’t know what kind of guy that Romulus is, and what does the giant god have to do with him…”

Thinking that Vivian would be able to prophesy after recovering, Roa was inexplicably a little nervous at this time.

Vivian was recovering, and when Roa was nervous, Merlin, who was driven out of the secret realm by the fairy in the lake, sighed helplessly, and then continued to plan to find the key to enter the secret realm in the lake.

He knew that the fairies in the lake were either really planning to let him live in the forest with a leaf, or they were simply targeting him.

He doesn’t know how many times he has encountered such a situation.

Otherwise, how could he be good at finding the secret key of the fairy in the lake! But just as he started looking for the key, he found that someone was already looking for it.

Even this man Merlin knew.

It is the knight of Roa.

“Isn’t this the White Knight, why are you looking for the key to the Secret Realm, is there something wrong with the king?”

Merlin went up to say hello, while White nodded at him.

Seeing Bai like this, Merlin smiled.

“Then give me the key, I’ll tell you, I’m very good at this.”

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