Chapter 147 It is not He who cooperates with the world, but the world that cooperates with Him!!

After the end of the Divine Age, God cannot come out of the sea within the stars under normal circumstances.

No matter how ordinary gods are like this, let alone god kings or the like.

Odin was able to come out because he had kept a vest long ago, that is, a being like an avatar, so he would appear here.

But the breath that Odin felt at this moment was by no means something that other god kings could emanate through their vests…


Even if you take 10,000 steps back and say that you let Odin really come, it will definitely not be possible to cause such a situation as it is now!

It wasn’t the previous spear of light that scared Odin.

But after Odin felt the breath of the other party, he could clearly feel that the mystery around him was warming up!

If it was just the return of the normal god generation, then he would not be like this.

Because that kind of thing is just a force that recreates the past and affects the surroundings, it is essentially equivalent to spreading itself, and its core still exists in itself.


Odin can feel that the warming up and the return of the gods that are happening around 16 now are not a concept at all!

It’s like… It seems that this world, which is already rejecting God, resisting God, and has ended the god generation, is welcoming this guy’s return!

The other party did not spread his divinity.

The other party did not liberate his divine core without reservation. He just exudes His own breath, His own will.

Then the world, in order to welcome Him, spontaneously began to return to God’s generation: “This, this is impossible!? ”

Lying on the ground, covered in dust and quite embarrassed, Odin had forgotten about getting up.

He listened to the footsteps that were getting closer and closer, waiting for the other party to appear. He wanted to see what this guy really was!

Just as Odin thought like this, Roa’s figure appeared at the top of the stairs.

At this moment, he stood on a high place so calmly.

Odin felt that the other person was looking at him, but the other party seemed to be not just looking at himself, but looking at everything below.

Even Lucius was honest at this time, looking at Roa at the top of the stairs, a little stunned.

It was the first time she had seen Roa like this.

Because Roa is gentle with his own people, many people may be shocked by the feelings that Roa shows when he faces outsiders for the first time.

Lucius is like this at the moment.

After contacting Roa for a while, she thought that Roa, the king of Britain, also felt the same as herself.

But she looked at Roa now and knew that she was different from Roa, very different!

She had been very repulsive to the identity of the emperor before.

But there was never a moment when she felt that she was so unfit to become an emperor as she did now!

Maybe… No one is fit to be an emperor before him, no one is fit to be a king

Some words don’t need to be said.

At least Lucius felt that when she simply stood in front of the other party, thinking that she still had the title of emperor, she would subconsciously dare not look at the other party, feeling like a sinner who called herself an emperor!

Even though he never said anything, never blamed anything, it still made her spontaneously feel like this!

Lucius is like that.

But Roa is actually basically focused on Odin at this time.

“Roa, do you know who the other person is?”

Mellie’s voice now sounded in Roa’s head, and Roa responded to Mellie’s inquiry with a change of face.

“Yes… But Mellie, don’t worry, you don’t see through the other party is not that his magic surpasses you, but the other party does not use magic at all. ”

Didn’t use illusion?

Mellie winced and then reacted quickly.

“……… Are you saying that the other person is now using an avatar exactly like Lucius? ”


Seeing that Melie understood, Roa continued to explain to her.

“The other party just used an avatar… To you, he is so disguised, I am afraid it will be difficult to recognize him if you do not touch him, but to me, even if he changes into this appearance, his divinity cannot be disguised…”

Until Roa’s divinity swelled and he completely mastered the power of the boundless protection, he could not judge things like ordinary gods.

But now, Roa can already see the perspective of the high gods.

In the perspective of belonging to the high gods, no matter how much the incarnation of this guy in front of him is consistent with Lucius, there are some things that he absolutely cannot hide.

– That is his huge divinity.

Roa just saw the divinity of the other party, and the true appearance and identity of the other party naturally appeared in his mind.

So he explained to Melie at this time, but also opened his mouth to the other party, and said the words directly.

“I was wondering some questions before, but now I seem to have the answers… Odin, it’s not that the god generation is over, but it seems that a god king like you is still using such an avatar to walk on the earth, which really disappoints me with the so-called “star”. ”

For Roa to recognize his identity at a glance, Odin was not surprised at all, after all, for the high-ranking gods, everyone greeted him in recognition of divinity.

His avatar can deceive mortals, but he can’t deceive the guy in front of him.

“Say what disappointed with the stars… I am, after seeing 973 you, I am completely disappointed in “Star”! ”

“What god generation ended, what root chose human beings – after we were all forced to hide in the Star Inner Sea, didn’t a guy like you still be born in this world!”

It’s the same as Roa recognized Odin when he saw his divinity.

After Odin actually saw Roa, he was far more shocked than just now

Because after he saw Roa’s divinity, he felt as if he had seen a god, or a god-king—he felt as if he had seen a group of gods!

It is not located at the apex of the god group, but as if the entire god group is assembled! He is the King of God, He is the only God, He is the group of Gods themselves!


Even Odin, the god king, had to admit that compared with Roa, these so-called gods and god kings felt no different from mortals!

After all, Roa is standing there, not hiding in the Xingnei Sea, and the world that has ended the god generation is spontaneously greeting him, welcoming him, and naturally transforming his location and environment into a god generation!

It is not He who cooperates with the world, but the world cooperates with Him!

And compared with Him, these guys are like a group of simple and powerful fantasy species, and they are not worthy of being called gods at all!

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