Chapter 156 belongs to the story of the king of the world!!

Because of the power of the holy spear of the military god Mars, the situation was not only seen by the Roman soldiers present, but also by the people in the city of Rome.

In particular, Roa was armed with a holy spear and a mighty light, and ordered the soldiers to eradicate the figures of those nobles.

Roa’s preparations for taking over the position of Roman emperor from Lucius were completely overshadowed by this scene.

When the soldiers of Roarjean and the Knights of Suzheng led by Kay and Merlin pressed the nobles to be publicly executed, he found that the people of the city of Rome would worship him when they saw him—as if praying to the gods!

It was at this time that Roa knew that he had unknowingly become the embodiment of the military god Mars in the mouths of these people.

Roa did not deny this.

Because in a sense it is not wrong.

He’s a Mediterranean god right now, so whether you call him Mars, the god of war, or Jupiter, the king of the gods, Neptune, or Vulcan or something like that.

After the people of Rome recognized Roa as the embodiment of the god of war, Mars, the propaganda on Roa’s side finally spread its effects.

These people also soon learned that Roa was recognized by the Pantheon when he was just born, and was given the name Romulus by the Pantheon, and was protected by the gods as emperor, but the nobles exiled Roa for their own benefit and blocked the way.

It’s just that Roa didn’t die, and grew up smoothly, and came back to take revenge on this gang of rebels!

In the beginning, whether Roa was the embodiment of the military god Mars or the emperor chosen by the gods, such rumors circulated only in the city of Rome.

But such rumors were soon spread throughout Rome by the intelligence agents sent by Roa.

Afterwards, when the people treated this as a chatter after tea and dinner, feeling as if they were far from their own lives, the soldiers arrived – they still pressed the nobles in those stories.

As Roa said, because the purpose of this public execution is not the same as the last one.

So this time, in addition to letting the people of Britain and Rome see the full execution, Roa also deliberately pushed these nobles back into their territory and publicly executed them in front of the people who had suffered from their oppression!

Kill for a month and a half in a row!

It wasn’t until the beginning of winter that the blood stained the snow red, and then this public execution was over!

If the previous rumors only spread Roa’s name, then this public execution really gave Roa the support and recognition of almost the entire Roman and entire people!

After all, legend has it that when you listen to someone tell a story, even if the other party is a real person, in front of too far away, it is only a person in the story to you.

But if you are also part of the story, then the legend will become a bridge between each other.

And the bridge between Roa and the Roman people was thus constructed.

When everything was ready, Roa specifically approached Lucius and asked if she would come or let someone else come to the throne.

Lucius has basically completely maintained the state of the battlefield saint now, and she doesn’t want to participate in this matter, so she directly handed it all over to Roa

And then it was Melie who finally gave way.

However, in order to prevent being discovered by Merlin, Meili deliberately went around in many circles, and finally used illusion to manipulate the creation of Roa, incarnated as an alchemical doll, and completed the abdication ceremony.

For this abdication ceremony, although some people sighed about the abdication of the previous emperor, it was followed by the enthusiastic chants of the entire people!

After a special magic trick was used to transmit the picture to Britain, Hyperbonia, Pictavia and Rome, now all the people in the territory of Roa are also known on this day.

Their king, their emperor, was the king of Britain, the king of Pictavia, the king of Hypernia, and the emperor of the Roman Empire!


This was Roa’s decision.

He did not directly refer to these places as Britain, but called them their respective place names.

However, Roa’s emperor was Camelot. Only this is constant.

This allowed Roa to announce this, and Camelot expanded again, and a large number of people from Rome, from Hypernia, from Pictavia all settled in Camelot.

The presence of these people has ushered in another huge expansion of Carmello’s development.

When all this was over, when Roa returned to the palace in the city of Rome, everyone else was dealing with various things, but at this time he planned to take a little rest.

It was at this time that Melie’s voice suddenly sounded.

“Roa, why don’t you call all the territory Britannia, or directly establish a country founded by you with such a huge territorial area?”

“In this way, whether it is for the king or the hero, it will make history remember the traces you have left behind…”

Melie has the impression that the founding emperors did this.

Even such a special being as King Uther referred to as the twelve kings he ruled at that time in terms of Britain.

But Roa didn’t, which surprised Melie a little.

And Roa heard Melie say this, and at this moment he leaned against the window without glass and looked up at the starry night sky above his head that was difficult to find in modern society.

“I don’t intend history to remember my name and the traces I left behind, because those that are remembered by history, no matter how great and powerful, are in the past, not the present, and not the future.”

He replied.

“Then the world has its own name, and that is its real name – the name of the dynasty will become history as the dynasty fades, but the earth, the sky, their name is almost unchanged.”

“This is the imprint that truly does not become the mark of history, the stars exist when they exist, and they exist.”

“It’s as if there are six southern collars in Britain, six northern collars and camelot, each of them has its own name, to me, it seems to be Britannia, Hypernia, Pictavia and Rome – these are the names.”

“So I only mentioned the royal capital Camelot and these names.”

“As for a unified name… That kind of thing is not necessary at all, you forget Melie, but I want to build a big crown that belongs to the king of the world, and when the time comes, I will crown it with a big crown, then even if I don’t need to start, our land will have a unified name. ”

“That is the star, the earth, the world.”

“And then I will truly become the king of the world.”

“All under the sky and above the earth are our land—so that our lands need no name, for they have names, and they will never be history, forever immutable!”

Hearing Roa say this, even Melie was stunned by Roa’s words

Eyes, it wasn’t until a long time later that Fluff jumped on Roa’s body, and then Melie’s voice sounded again.


If it is a story that belongs to the king of the world, then even I have some expectations.

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