Chapter 159: The Big Bang from an entire Divine System and World Tree!!

Traveling stars…

Roa actually remembers the word for a long time, but he has played the game of FE before, so he also knows something about the setting of predatory stars.

Predator stars are said to be special observation devices created by alien civilizations.

Although it is basically called Predator Wilpa, in fact, the main body of Wilpa has always been regarded as the core of Predator Traveler, and there is armor composed of plural starships on the periphery of the core.

And among these plural starships, each starship is loaded with a wandering star soldier.

Among them, the giant god Attila is the top soldier loaded by Starship Wilpa 02

If it is just a giant god, then Roa holds the Star Holy Sword, in fact, it can be suppressed, but if this time it is not only the giant god, but also Wilpa and other top soldiers, then this matter will be complicated.


“Let’s take a look first, I hope it won’t be the Youxing body coming directly.”

[You are extremely concerned about this matter]

[Then you are investigating the source of the appearance of those puppets, and you are also investigating the situation outside the stars]

[With the joint efforts of you and Mellie, the source of the appearance of the magic doll was first discovered]

[In the spring, the magic dolls began to invade, and then Mellie found that although these magic dolls seemed to be born from the earth, in fact, it was because from the sky, there was a special combination of information that was scattered, and these things contained the will of the giant god, so if they fell to the ground, they would become these 130 magic dolls like stone people]

[The puppet does not come from the earth, is not a natural product, or comes from the sky, or from outside the sky]

[After you directly suppressed these puppets, because there has been no effective progress in the observation of the stars, you are ready to use the heroic spirit summoning ceremony to leave a few heroic spirits to deal with the “problem of the city of the Xiongnu, and then you will go outside the stars to see the situation yourself]”

[You have been consulting with others for a long time about what heroic spirits to summon, and finally decided to summon some Roman native heroes and let them enjoy the Roman native bonus]

So there is one heroic spirit that you ultimately intend to summon – Emperor Nero, Emperor Caesar and Emperor Romulus]

[Nero is the Nero in your impression, with a face almost identical to Artoria and Morgan, Morgan and Artoria are dumbfounded, and Nero is obviously quite surprised]

[Caesar doesn’t know why he came down with the sword rank, and Romulus came in the form of a spear rank because the crown would not appear under normal circumstances, plus there would be no heroic spirits outside the specifications of the god ancestor under normal circumstances]

[With the three emperors who enjoy the bonus of Rome to guard Rome, you are obviously much more at ease]

[And the three emperors also have a very high opinion of you, and are even surprised by your existence]

[As heroic spirits, they can feel the ridiculously high divinity in you, and they each have a very high opinion of you]

[They let you feel at ease to find the real enemy, Rome will be guarded by them]

[After that, you rushed out directly towards the outside of the star and came to the outside of the star]

[Outside the stars, you can no longer enjoy the bonuses of the will of Britain, but as a collection of Mediterranean gods, such divinity gives you the ability to survive beyond the stars]

[And the continuous supply of life force brought to you by the World Tree is the basis for you to be able to carry out interstellar voyages]

[But it doesn’t take you to look for long beyond the stars, it’s just that not long after you came out, you saw the thing that kept flying around the earth]

[It doesn’t seem to be a body that preys on the stars, but a smaller starship]

[However, this starship does not know you as a general, will generate realms, but simply orbits the earth by itself]

[When you get close to the starship, you find that although the field is not expanded, it is wrapped around the surface of the starship, making itself indestructible, and even able to resist faster-than-light sailing starships blessed with a solidity like the shell of the world]

【(Singer, Launch)】

[Vaguely you seem to be able to hear a very small voice from the starship]

[The sound is too small, small to a vague degree, as if someone interfered with the signal, and as if it was deliberately blocked]

[After you stayed near the starship to check for a long time, and then you found an amazing fact]

[That is, the star boat is not acting according to its original mode of action, but as if it is tied here by something]

[It’s like the earth flying a kite]

[The starship is trapped here, and can only constantly sail around the earth, in which case it will stimulate the realm to protect itself]

[You can only find these things without entering the inside of the starship, so at this time you directly invade the domain of the starship, try to pass through the realm and enter the inside of the starship]

【(Singer, Launch)】

[The realm of the Star Boat becomes extremely complex after compression and precipitation, but this complex thing that seems to be a misplaced labyrinth cannot confuse you at all, because vaguely you can still hear the tiny, vague, but certain sound]

[You followed the sound through the complex field, but just before you were about to enter the interior of the starship, you were stopped]

[What stops you is not the existence that makes you completely unknown, but Attila, who you have seen once on the ground]

[But at this moment, her body is wrapped with black air currents, her eyes are red, and she keeps talking about destruction, and she attacks you directly]

[You fought with her and found that her combat effectiveness had increased a lot under the blessing of this field and the black air current]

[And because it itself has the characteristics of a creature on the ground, the Star Sword cannot activate her under normal circumstances]

[But you targeted the Star Sword as a Star Ship, so you successfully used the power of the Star Sword]

[The Starship Realm was destroyed by you, the Starship’s gate was forcibly blasted open by you, and then when you entered the interior of the Starship, the previous voice became clear]

【Save… Save me】

[This voice seems to be a cry for help, but in the instant you hear it, the starship directly begins to extract the divinity in you, and the existence that emits the sound is also instilled by your divinity, gradually growing from a vague human form to a being that can see the appearance]

[It looks exactly like Attila, or should have been the same being]

[She is the top soldier of the wandering star, the giant god Attila]

[She drew strength from you, and then seemed to be planning to say something, but before she could speak, black air currents came out of her, and then she also attacked you like Attila]

[You raised the Star Holy Sword again, used the crown given to you by the Pantheon, and once again opened the liberation of the rights of the Star Holy Sword towards the other party]

[But because you used the full liberation of the Star Holy Sword twice in a short period of time, even with the blessing of the crown, the giant god Attila was still only seriously injured under the protection of the star boat, and was not directly penetrated]

[You have even used the crown, and the Star Holy Sword does not allow you to perform full liberation three times in a row]

[In this case, you blew yourself up]

[Although the full detonation from an entire god system is also an attack from civilization, the power of this time combined with the continuous vitality you took from the world tree directly filled the giant god]

[After the giant god was filled, the overflowing giant god directly exploded, and the star boat was destroyed]

【You’re dead】


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