Chapter 161 Liu Xiu, the magic of Shu is above you!!

[The next day you woke up, and then you ran around, and then the people on this side of the palace found that it was as if you were monkeyed like Lucius after you became emperor.]

[They called it the curse of the Roman emperor, and even Lucius came to see you once and then left with a suspicious face]

[During this period, some people have raised their hearts, but the result is that these guys are either betrayed by the participants of the plan, or because of other problems, the plan fails and even the executor dies]

[After a few times, all the officials in your territory have been settled and have pretended to be what you are now]

[Otherwise, they would not believe in any way that a legionary commander on the Roman side would go home at night and choke to death because of bad luck after deciding to rebel on the front foot]

[Even this kind of thing has happened more than once, some choked to death by drinking water, some choked to death while eating, and the most ridiculous thing is that the cause of death of a legion commander turned out to be because he saw a bubble of bird poop falling on the roof of his house, and then called people twice, no one came over, and finally he couldn’t get angry and went up to collect it, and then accidentally fell down and died, which is just like a joke]

Seeing this, Roa couldn’t hold back.

Although he had thought before that if he suddenly became mentally retarded, then there would probably be someone in Rome who had just arrived and couldn’t sit still, but he didn’t expect that this bonus of luck would be terrifying to this extent.

Choking on drinking water, choking to death when eating… The last one is even more terrible, presumably because he doesn’t eat or drink water, and he doesn’t know how many people under his hands can’t do things, so that he can watch a regimental commander clean the roof and fall himself to death!

If this kind of thing hadn’t been simulated by Roa, he would have absolutely suspected that this guy had been assassinated when he heard it.

[After that, your land is completely settled]

[Later, you made a series of stumbling tricks when making decisions, and made several decisions that ministers did not understand – such as moving the location of the city, or vacating a huge area of artificial grassland]

[But although they didn’t understand you, they still carried it out]

[The country is quite confused about your situation, but after the autumn, Attila and “after the arrival of the city of the Huns, you casually smashed all those devil puppets, and even captured Attila alive, the domestic doubts about you disappeared]”

[After that, until the end of the autumn of the following year, the Xiongnu did not appear, which made your reputation rise to a terrible level]

[Then the original site of the city that was moved suddenly drilled out of the monster from below, and the vacated grassland suddenly fell meteorite]

[Your previous tricks seem to have all been confirmed, it’s not you who is stupid, it’s just that your wisdom is too far-sighted for others to understand]

[Then your people gradually and spontaneously began to call you One—the King of Wisdom]

The King of Wisdom…

Roa couldn’t help but laugh when he saw this.

But if you think about it, if it weren’t for the label he chose, maybe he would have felt that such a king could not be a fool after really experiencing these things.

That must be wise and foolish!

It definitely can’t be a fool!

[After this, Morgan soon discovered that the monsters that came out of the ground protected the ruins of an ancient civilization, and the various materials on those monsters were also quite excellent.]

[The meteorite falling from the sky is made of far more than all the metals currently known, and its toughness is unimaginable, if it is not because it is really too small, it may even cause devastating disasters to the earth]

[After these monsters and this metal were discovered, your country ushered in another major revolution]

[At this time, someone suddenly told you that the person named Sha Tiao Aige asked to see]

[You chose to meet each other, and then Sajo Aige joined your kingdom with the second Star Holy Sword as a nominal, and asked for the identity of an assistant]

[Then she said that she actually went to the east during the time she left]

[Great Qin soared across the country, but there were still some things left in the original site, she left this time because she felt that the Star Sacred Sword as a casting certificate was not enough, she did not contribute much in the process of taking down Rome, so she found a qualified intelligence on the side of Great Qin this time, and then came back to ask for the position of the auxiliary officer]

[And the content of this information is that the Xiongnu are not from the earth, but from the sky, which is the top soldiers who incarnated as white giants during the dawn of the god dynasty, as long as the star boat is still there, the top soldiers in it will be revived sooner or later]

[And Sand Song has discovered the location of the white giant’s star boat – it is around the star]

[She also said that the previous puppets were all made by this thing, but she didn’t know why, but in short, after Attila was caught, the other party seemed to stop such actions]

Seeing this, Roa frowned.

“Then it seems that Attila does have something to do with this thing… But if you think about Attila or Attila, when they attack themselves, they all carry that black air current, and the activity pattern of the star boat itself seems to be unusual…”

And Roa remembered.

In his last simulation, he liberated the Holy Sword of the Star twice, and although it seemed to be aimed at Attila and Attila, it essentially seemed that the opponent should be that black air flow.

What the hell is that thing?

Eh, if only that starship could be knocked down and then study it yourself………

It’s a pity that one by one and there is this label, it is useless to improve fame or something in the simulation! It’s useless to find materials in the simulation!

Say good overlord color luck, it doesn’t seem to be very good, and then some good things!

Roa thought so, and then he saw this paragraph.

[You are curious about this star boat, and think that it would be good if you could fight down to see what the star boat is like]

[For your curiosity, Morgan and Melie both feel that they need to be more cautious, but after hearing you say this, Sand Tiao Love Song immediately drafted a plan to go beyond the star, but in the end, under the persuasion of Morgan and Melie, you dismissed the idea, and Sand Tiao Love Song stopped mentioning it]

[However, when you talked about this matter with Shatiao Aige, you also said that even if you don’t draft a plan, you always have a premonition that you will see the star boat sooner or later]

[Shatiao Love Song didn’t understand this at first]

[Because that starship has been flying outside the earth for many years, I and others don’t understand many things about it, where is it so easy to see]

[But soon, Shatiao Love Song understood]

[Because just a month after you said those words, in the huge grassland that you specially made people create, the second “meteorite” fell directly into it]

[When Shatiao Aige took people to observe, she made some amazing discoveries]

[Although she also felt that it was impossible, but after she really restored the situation, she came to such a conclusion]

[That is, the first small meteorite that fell into this meadow before, not alone, but at least eighty pieces together, and that one is the smallest of them, and may even be the residue fell into the earth by chance, as for the other dozens of huge meteorites of the same material, just one or two huge meteorites that can probably destroy the earth… ] If nothing else, it should all be smashed on the starship]

[This incident may have started the year Atira was caught, so Starship stopped arranging the devil puppet to collect energy]

[Then the starship was finally completely smashed by what may have been the last meteorite not long ago, and then it fell]

[For a moment, the sand love song that originally felt that you seemed to be different from King Arthur in the story and deeds completely dispelled your doubts, and she felt that this matter must have been done by you, and her admiration and love for you had reached its peak]


As for the admiration and love of the sand love song, Roa ignored it, and he was now staring at the point where the meteorite had smashed the starship down, and the whole person sat up in surprise and his eyes widened.

No… One – this is OK!?

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