Chapter 163: Preying on the Traveling Star Wilpa!!

[After that, Morgan, Mellie, and Sand Stripe Love Song began their work, Mellie used clairvoyance to investigate, Sand Strip Love Song looked for the giant god who should be inside the Star Boat, and Morgan began to build you a “Star Boat”]

[According to Morgan’s calculations, “The starship, after completion, should be a throne form, usually when you sit on the throne, you can directly mobilize the power from the world tree through the throne, get various blessings, and this throne also has a starship mode that can send you beyond the stars]”

Seeing this, Roa can only say, Throne – this is very Morgan style. Just like the throne created by the root in the goblin country of FG02.6.

[After the throne is fully deployed, it will turn into armor that will arm your whole body, and this armor will distribute your huge divinity after completing the armament, exert every divinity, and have great resistance to attacks from civilization]

[Morgan temporarily put aside the plan of the Goblin Knights and went all out to build this starship throne for you]

[And Shatiao Aige and Meili’s side did not find any clues about the giant god after searching with all their might]

[At this time, you also began to realize that the star boat was smashed down, it seems that indeed the giant god should have come down, but now you don’t see the giant god, which is indeed a bit strange]

[After you realize this, you happen to walk to the place where Attila is being held, and you happen to rise up to take a look at Attila’s mind, and then you happen to encounter the scene where the giant god Attila who is wrapped in black air currents and has red eyes coming to find Attila]

[Attila, wrapped in black air currents, wants to run the moment he sees you, and you see the other party’s plan to stop it]

[At this time, it was extremely coincidental, as if there were two consciousnesses fighting in Attila’s body, so that her escape action stopped directly]

[The consciousness of the giant god Attila briefly regained control, and then once again made a sound that only you can understand]

【”Help, save me】What a coincidence! ”

This overlord color luck is really strong!

[It didn’t take long for Attica to regain control, but this time has already brought Attila to your side]

[Although this Xiongnu king who occasionally showed a girlish heart, but was still indifferent in nature, showed the fear in his girl’s heart very rarely at this time]

[She told you that this thing wanted to swallow her up, it was dangerous, it was a bad civilization, and then added a sentence to make you careful]

[You roughly understood what she meant, and then you pulled out the Star Sword.]

[With your intellect, you simply can’t think about the reason and meaning of Attila and Attila’s words, and now you pull out the sacred sword in an instinctive trend and directly liberate yourself to the other party.]

[That black fog makes you feel an extreme ominous]

[It is as if a virus that has infiltrated into civilization is completely heterogeneous and will be rejected by civilization as a harmful substance.]

[The brilliance of the completely liberated Star Sacred Sword directly penetrated the giant god Attila, who was completely in a weak state from the perspective of physical appearance, directly through it on the spot.]

[But the black air flow attached to the other party’s body came out of Attila’s body as early as the moment before she was penetrated]

[The closest to it at the moment is you, so after getting rid of Attila, this black mist flew directly towards you and drilled directly into your body]

[At that moment you heard the voice from the other person]

[“If you invite me to come, you will answer.”]

[When you hear this sentence, you also begin to feel that something is wrong, you can clearly feel that a force is beginning to rush around in your body, frantically taking your body, and at this time you also heard the second sentence]

[“My name is Wilpa, and I harvest from Ru]”

[When the black air flow calling itself Predator Wilpa says its name, you feel like you have almost been controlled by the other party]

[But at this time, a strong unwillingness directly returns your consciousness to the apex of the body]

[Your terrifying divine power is released from every cell of yours, and even this guy who calls himself Wilpa is temporarily suppressed by you]

[You know you can’t suppress Wilpa all the time, you may not even be able to suppress it for a hundred years]

[So you used your little wisdom very rarely during this time, first with the help of Melie, you gave all the responsibilities that should be given to Morgan, and helped her stabilize her rights under Melie’s arrangement, and then entrusted Melie to Morgan’s dreams]

[After you said sorry to Artoria, and then under Morgan’s rather stubborn request, you didn’t know how to refuse to carry the Star Throne and flew out of the range of the stars after riding the Star Throne she created for you, and then found a vacant area in the universe, directly after being fully armed with the Star Throne, caused the crown to explode on the spot]

[Predator Traveler Wilpa was killed by you]

[You’re dead].

Seeing this time falling here, Roa also frowned.

The first point he wondered was the penultimate paragraph one – predator of the traveling star Wilpa… Killed by a blowup?

Although it is not good for him to say this, it is impossible!

What exactly is this black air flow is Wilpa’s Roa does not know, but the predator star body has not appeared, why is the black air flow blown away Wilpa died?

From this, Roa actually launched a guess.

That is Wilpa’s wandering star body, which may have been destroyed………

In this case, the other two starships may not know where to fight with Daqin, and it seems that the situation is not very good, and then Wilpa, who lost his body, directly transmitted his last consciousness to the last and safest starship, Xingzhou Wilpa 02.

And in order to restore themselves, they will find ways to use the power of the top soldiers to prey on civilization.

If this is the case, then the black air flow is blown up, and Wilpa may be dead – the core of the conjecture is that there is something wrong with Wilpa’s body, which is its last wreckage.

Killing the wreckage is a complete kill, so that this paragraph will be established in the most normal situation.


——It can’t be because his side blew himself up, so Wilpa was eaten by the luck of the Overlord color, right?

That would be outrageous.

So, let’s leave it as if Wilpa was seriously injured and the only remains remained.

“But in the end, everything was arranged before leaving, and Mellie was also left, and then she died with the enemy… This seems to be good luck compared to the last time, and it can even be said that it is very lucky.”

After Roa confirmed his idea, he first selected the memory journal in the reward selection.

After all, this time he did not have any leapfrog power improvement, this label is OK to see in the simulation, in essence, he is unlikely to choose.

Not to mention that he still needed this memory to explore the so-called underground demon beasts and the like.

It also takes this to feel what kind of feeling that Wilpa really feels.

There’s not much to worry about here, but Roa is troubled by the fact that each volume can get an item from the simulation, starting with the second volume.

The constellation created with the technology of the starship and the special material of meteorites that most likely do not land under normal circumstances……… Do you want to take it or not?

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