Chapter 179: The Huns feel that the city of the Huns is simply a Roman umbrella!!

Roa had previously established that the founding of the Knights of the Round Table was quickly passed on in the territory he controlled, and even he finalized the No. 2 Knights of the Round Table at this time, in addition to Bai, the No. 1 supernumerary knight.

No. 2, Black Knight Black (Attila)

Also using color as a knight’s title, and using color as a name such a supernumerary knight quickly made others curious.

After all, supernumerary knights are qualified to observe the round table.

No one had any feelings about supernumerary knights before, but now they are qualified to sit in on the round table, and they are worthy of the top level.

This made many people have some curiosity about this black knight.

Even Kay and Morgan were curious about the Black Knight.

Then, as qualified to see the Black Knight, after seeing the Black Knight with their own eyes, they became more curious about the Black Knight.


Compared with White, who at least looks like a normal person, this black knight… She is nearly twenty meters tall alone!

Could it be the legendary Giants?

Kai had such a conjecture when she saw the other party, and Morgan, who knew more about Jindai, vaguely seemed to feel that she had guessed the identity of the other party after seeing the black… But she felt it was impossible.


“White Destruction Saifalu……… Isn’t it dead? ”

“Black, are you still used to coming to Earth this time?”

Roa looked at Attila, who had already turned the starship into a black armor, and asked such an inquiry.

Attila, on the other hand, watched Roa specifically ask herself these things, and she sat on the ground, her voice was quite soft compared to her huge size.

“… I can’t say I’m not used to it, I feel that although everyone is very curious about my body shape, no one will specifically ask me anything, and they will not exclude me, and Shiro will help me in places I don’t understand. ”

Attila was talking about the good side, but in fact, Roa understood when she heard her say this.

Actually, I’m still not used to it.

But that’s not that hard to imagine.

After all, before Attila came to Earth this time, she had always been a weapon with only a mission of destruction, and even if she saw a creature that could communicate, she would not communicate with the other party.

Because her mission is destruction, not anything else.

Therefore, she has no need to communicate with these people at all, as long as she simply executes the destruction.

Attila, who has always dealt with this kind of task, suddenly does not need to be destroyed, and after becoming a supernumerary knight, she finds that she not only needs to have strength, but also needs to communicate with other companions………

This made Attila, who was usually asleep and destroyed when he woke up, quite uncomfortable.

Basically, she gets a little busy when things get up.

But she also gives people a very mature and reliable feeling.

This makes her feel in many places that she doesn’t know whether to say annoyance or happiness………

The first time he did not live as a weapon, the first time he had a companion.

These feelings are all fresh for Attila.

So all she can say about it is…

“In short, I don’t hate life now as far as other places alike. I’ll try. ”

Seeing Attila’s look, Roa nodded.

“Rest assured, I also came here this time to let you quickly integrate into the current environment, then the pressure on you is too great, so I plan to let you gradually integrate into the current environment in the rhythm of life that you are used to.” 」

“Hei, I have a task for you here.”

Roa said as he handed over the task he had arranged to her.

Attila took the task and took a look, and then saw the name of the enemy this time.

“It’s the Huns…”

She silently chanted the enemy’s name while Roa waved his hand.

“The Huns are just what I am more accustomed to, in addition to you have to call them the Huns, the Huns are also okay——— before I always felt that these guys have long become simple will to destroy, simple Warcraft group, but now I find that after Wilpa is deleted and the star boat no longer regularly sprinkles data seeds on the ground, there are still these guys here.”

This is something that is brushed off in the simulation.

However, Roa Jean Melie accidentally found Attila when she was searching for Attila with clairvoyance.

Atila was with these Huns.

Logically speaking, it should be them who launched an invasion of Rome, but after Wilpa manipulated the starship to sow the data seeds and let the ‘city of the Huns’ composed of devils be born, these guys were separated by this so-called “city of the Huns”.

After all, these puppets could not communicate, they were a threat to Rome, and they were also a threat to the Huns.

Roa had wondered why Attila didn’t seem to be the same as the ‘City of Huns’.

Attila was the king of the Huns, and she had a destructive mentality towards the Roman side, as well as a destructive mentality for the so-called ‘city of the Huns’.

But if the real Hun troops were caught up in those devils, they would definitely suffer heavy losses.

That’s why I only come to Attila one at a time.

Then she will also desperately destroy everything she can see! Now the ‘city of the Huns’ will not appear again.

Then, in addition to capturing Attila as well, Roa also raised the mind to suppress these Huns.

And the Huns are just the beginning.

Then there are the small nations and tribes around Rome.

All of this must be suppressed.

Receiving such a task, and Roa has not said to arrange troops, if it is for other knights, then they will probably be a little puzzled, but Attila will not, and even after seeing such a task, she feels a little relieved.

Single-player mission of destruction——— this is what she has been doing and is the task she is best at.

However, Roa did not want to use her as a weapon, so after Hei took over the task, Roa talked to her a little.

“This time there is a guy on the other side who has a lot to do with you, that is, the terminal that was destroyed by the original Holy Sword Messenger when you were still Sefalu, and then those Huns picked up your wreckage, a being called Atila, which looks like a miniature version of you.”

“I want you to capture her alive.”

Hearing Roa speak of Attila, Attila visibly winced, and then nodded.

“Attila… I know. ”

Seeing that Attila nodded, Roa smiled and said the rest of the words.

“Black, although this time is a task that you are familiar with, on the basis of the work you were originally familiar with, you try to think of yourself as a living being named Attila.”

“After all, you’re a being named Attila, not a weapon, are you?”

Roa left such a remark, and then he left.

After all, there are a lot of things on his side now, the team looking for underground magic beasts was arranged by him, it was to let Kai lead the team over, he still had to wait for the report, and then he established contact with Xiao Qihuang after returning from the side of the Star Boat, the other party should have lunch at this time, the other party may have to pestering him to tell fairy tales………

In addition, he also has to set up a department dedicated to writing fairy tales, and he has to wait for news of Shatiao’s love song.

And Roa estimated that Morgan should almost find himself to question Attila’s affairs.

Anyway, his side was really busy, so after he left a message for Attila and asked Shiro to follow her to prevent a problem on her side, he went back to other things.

Instead, Attila looked at Roa’s departing back and was a little surprised for a while.

“Think of yourself as a being named Attila… I see, core… No, it’s Roa. ”

For what Roa planned to do to those Huns, not to mention the Huns themselves, even many people living on the Roman side were completely unaware.

The single-person repression, the complete absence of troops and food and grass, made this event that should have caused a shock among humans extremely small.

There was no movement at all.

The people on the Roman side should eat and drink water.

On the Huns, their hearts were bigger.

Seeing that the ‘City of the Huns’ did not appear in the spring, and then in the autumn, when the City of the Huns should have appeared, it did not appear.

These Huns raised their plans to attack Rome with their own king!

After all, Attila… Even these Huns have to admit that their own king is good in everything, that is, she has only destruction in her mind, that is, the kind of destruction that is excessive in the eyes of these Huns, completely purposeless!

If there is still the so-called city of the Huns, then there is nothing to say for them.

But now the city of the Xiongnu seems to be gone.

If you wait another month for the city of the Xiongnu to appear, then they can go with their own king!

It’s just Rome, led by Attila, and has never been put in their eyes!

So they want to seize this opportunity to attack Rome with their own king, preferably taking down all the cities on the Roman border!

The Great King is responsible for crushing the enemy’s defenses, and they follow behind to harvest, and take those cities along with them!

The Huns felt that this was entirely feasible.

Atila is okay with that.

They didn’t expect that Roa’s movements were far faster than theirs!

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