Chapter 194: Let’s not bypass each other and do it alone!!

After Genraiguchi finished talking about the alien gods, Roa locked her up for the time being.

Although he did not go to prison directly, he found a place for her to live normally, and even the treatment was considered to be good, and then he put a few magic tricks on her and did not allow her to leave for the time being.

After locking her up, Roa took Vivian to Morgan and briefly explained the two of them what had happened recently.

Roa concealed a part, such as the part about simulation, and instead explained it in terms of the particularity of the star player.

Then after explaining the matter between Xiao Qi and her guardian, Luo A also said a possibility that he had obtained from Genraiguang before.

“I guess that Xiao Qihuang’s guardian should be the Heavenly Fox of Heianjing, and under such circumstances, what the other party asked us to do for her outside, I think it should not be so simple.”

Hearing Roa say this, Morgan and Vivian also thought.

They both felt the same.

Then after thinking for a while, they felt that the conditions for solving the problem were not enough, and they began to study the technique according to Roa’s requirements.

Roa was also involved, and Melie was watching.

They intend to find some solutions to the problem from the formula.

To be fair, the pre-algae pressing procedure is very advanced.

If you give her spell to an ordinary magician, then it can indeed be carried out step by step, but to say analysis……… To be reasonable, whether they can really understand is a question.

But Luo A’s side is different, and Tamamo never imagined that the lineup on Roa’s side could be luxurious to such an extent.

Morgan and Vivian, the two god magicians, are even powerful in the god magician, plus Roa, the third magic envoy who is basically at the top of alchemy, and Meili’s magic level is not weaker than Merlin at all, and in some aspects there are even specialized nightmares.

In the hands of several of them, there are very few wooden styles in this world that cannot be parsed at all.

At least this technique in front of Tamamo is not in that range.

It took them a few days to finalize the framework of this technique, confirming that the essence of this technique was a usurpation technique.

Then it took about a month for all the structures in the technique to be analyzed.

During this period, the other side did not urge, and even this guardian of Xiao Qi Wilderness rarely passed on words through Xiao Qi Wilderness, but Luo A could feel that every time he told Xiao Qi Wilderness a story, the other party was actually by Xiao Qi Wilderness’s side.

However, the other party did not speak, and Luo A did not take the initiative to say anything

So I focused on the analysis of the technique.

“The earliest framework that was finalized was that this technique was a usurpation technique.”

Then in this month’s time, everything about this technique was probably figured out.

After Morgan’s results came out, he came to Roa’s side to report.

“Roa, the spell given to you by the other party is part of this complete usurpation technique, and there should be a part of this technique, which is divided into the core part and the external part, and the other party gives you the external part.”

“The role of the external part is very simple, there is nothing special, the effect is to lock in the target and usurp – according to your words, then the other party wants to usurp the so-called eight big boundary authority.” 」

“And the role of the core part is also very simple, there is no special place, the effect is to give the operation of the core part of the usurped things.”

“In the past month, we have conducted targeted experiments many times, so it is almost certain that the other party’s purpose is really to usurp the Great Enchantment.”

Hearing Morgan say this, Roa frowned and nodded.

It is naturally good that the other party did not lie to himself, but……… If the other party was a celestial fox, then why did she usurp the great enchantment she had laid down?

Roa was wondering the question, and Melie’s voice sounded in Roa’s head at this time.

“Roa, have you ever considered what if the master of this Eight Great Enchantment Realm is not the other party, but the so-called alien god?”

Hearing Melie say this, Roa was stunned for a moment, and Melie saw that Roa reacted, and continued to speak.

“You said you always have a bad premonition about the so-called Heian-kyo, and that you as a god can’t go wrong with your premonition—but do you think that guy who gave you this style can pose any threat to you?”

Melie’s words also made Roa gradually open up his thinking.

First he thought of supernovae.

Something like a supernova is really easy to associate with the golden retriever white face.

After all, the golden retriever white face was once suspected to be the UO of the sun, if this is the case, then its expressiveness is completely stellar, and it is not a problem to explode into a supernova.

But there is a point here that Roa has not understood since he saw this result.

That’s why did the other person do it?

Explosions of supernovae should not be good for Golden Retriever Whiteface.

In this way, if the mastermind is the alien god, then things are much easier to understand.

After all, he still does not know the identity of the other party, which means that under such circumstances, such a thing as the explosion of a supernova may be beneficial to him.

In this case…

“Well, I kind of guessed…”

Roa first responded to Melie, and then he looked at Morgan again.

“Morgan, since you came over, it means that you have other ideas besides reporting, right?”

Hearing Roa say this, Morgan nodded.

“There are indeed other ideas… After all, this technique is quite simple, now that we know the external structure, then if the external structure is responsible for locking and usurping is modified, then we can completely deduct the original core from this operation and replace it with a core of our own. ”

“In this case, as long as we find the location of the Great Enchantment, then we can completely usurp the control of the Great Enchantment to our own people.”

“So……… If you want to enter Heian-kyo, we can find a place to bypass each other completely. ”

Hearing Morgan’s statement, Roa thought for a moment, and then nodded.

“Okay. After that, you start to prepare, and when you have almost changed the technique, I will tell the other party that the manpower is ready, the plan can begin, and as for usurping the authority of the Great Enchantment to something. ”

Roa casually grabbed at the void, and then a stopping holy spear appeared in his hand and was handed to Morgan.

“Just usurp this thing, lest there be a problem with usurping it to someone.”

The Holy Lance of Etulation can technically be regarded as ———— of Roa’s authority today, and if something goes wrong, it is not unacceptable for Roa to abandon ten of the thirteen Holy Guns today.

If there is no problem, then Roa can also transfer authority directly to himself.

“Then please.”

“Well, I see.”

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