Chapter 224: Everyone is closing the door to see who suffers!!

Roa quickly discovered the characteristics of this material after finding this meteorite belt.

That is, if you just want to use the characteristics of this material to create some armor, weapons and the like, then choosing a special method is not impossible.

However, if you want to give this material properties, and add a lot of alchemy technology and star travel technology, it is really difficult for ordinary quenching to burn this material to the extent that it can perform subtle operations.

If you want to use these new materials to mass-produce some armaments, then today’s technology is enough.

But if you create an exclusive weapon among the new weapons – then you can only rely on the method Roa said, that is, rely on the natural melting pot of the sun to build equipment.

So the next day, while Morgan had not woken up, Roa teleported directly to Kai’s side, and then took the materials on these monsters and then used the teleportation to bring things to the newly built capital in the east and directly named by him Tianjing.

This method is not usually used by Roa.

Because of course he can rely on such a method to get convenience, some other god magicians like the fairy in the lake should also be able to teleport remotely by relying on the big magic circle.

But this is not universal.

And the misuse of this kind of thing when it cannot be popularized can easily bring a huge impact on the country’s transportation, commerce and other things.

Therefore, in general, unless Roa is particularly anxious, he will not use teleportation to deliver goods casually.

But this time it was different.

Because he is using it himself, it depends on whether he wants to run it by himself

Roa began to prepare with this thought, and when Morgan woke up and Roa went to bring her food, the things that should be prepared were almost ready

Then Roa called Attila and took Morgan into the realm of Starship Wilpa 02, and then they flew towards the sun together.

“Every time I get to a time like this, I sigh that the technology of the star is indeed extraordinary, and when Morgan looks at the starship Wilpa 02 and even close to the sun, she sighs a little.”

After all, if they don’t use the star boat, although they are not incapable of getting close to the sun, the preparation required to come over is very large, and if they want to further use the temperature of the sun, it will be even more difficult.

But Xingzhou just made it very simple.

Whether it is close to the sun, it is good to use the field to ensure that after being close to the sun, you can also make your own internal existence unaffected by temperature.

These so-called Youxing technologies have extraordinary value in Morgan’s view.

Roa, who had eaten Wilpa’s database alive, actually felt this way, but he didn’t sigh with Morgan at this time, just simply took out the materials and materials he prepared, and spread his hands out, opened the magic circle used for alchemy and began to prepare for the next thing.

Morgan looked at the materials that Roa took out, and was first surprised by the materials of the Warcraft that Roa took out.

Although she had long known that Kai had found a group of monsters that she had never seen before in the underground of Rome, she did not expect that the material of these monsters could be used to such an extent!

She had thought that this was the new material that Roa had said, and she was quite satisfied with it.

Then when she saw those meteorites, her eyes widened.


“There is such outrageous material in this world!?”

Morgan was dumbfounded when she saw this material, but at the same time, there were a lot of ideas in her mind in an instant.

When she sorted out these thoughts and looked at Roa with considerable excitement, she found that compared with these materials, Roa’s side seemed to be doing things

Originally, she was still thinking that Roa should have brought her here to show her the materials, and then casually build something to prove the strength of these materials.

But when she saw the dense alchemical magic circles and alchemical formula structures around Roa, she, the magician of the god generation, had a headache to see.

Before that, Morgan had not studied alchemy, but it was so complicated that Roa used it now, let alone seen it, she had never even heard of it!

It’s outrageous!

Although Morgan knew that Roa’s alchemy was very strong before, she never thought that Roa’s alchemy could be strong to this extent!

So she didn’t speak directly.

She waited for Roa to roughly handle a stage of work before she came over.

“Roa, what are you trying to build?”

Hearing Morgan’s question, Roa explained it to her.

“I also told you about that Kaos before, although I still don’t know what the other party did, but when fighting against that Kaos, I did hear Kaos say that it was absorbed by the energy of the stars in our galaxy, and as the messenger of the pool, that celestial fox can indeed use the power given by the pool to mobilize the sun to attack.”

“I haven’t found the right material before, so I haven’t prepared it, but now, I have to at least make some special equipment next to the sun to prevent that Kaos from attacking the sun.”

Hearing Roa say this, Morgan visibly paused.

“Can this kind of thing be done?”

Morgan was surprised.

Roa, on the other hand, once again focused his attention on the alchemical magic circle in his hand, but still answered Morgan’s question.

“If you want to interfere with Kaos, you can’t do it, the civilization that created this guy doesn’t know how to create something extraordinary like Kaos, let alone how to destroy it, but with my current alchemy, let me use alchemical equipment to interfere with the pool, it is still impossible.”

“However, Kaos has the weakness of Kaos, that is, the void outside the world today, so if he wants to interfere in the internal affairs of our universe, he must pass through the ——— void hole that has been developed.”

“I can’t do it against Kaos, but I can’t do it against the Void Hole!”

Speaking of this, Roa smiled.

“What I’m going to do is not an earth-shattering event, it’s just that I saw the operation of closing the door directly after Kaos left last time and then had a little idea, so I plan to design a special alchemy device in the sun, so that if Kaos opens the door around the sun, it will immediately close the door for the pool and seal it——— that’s all.”

Roa is sealing the door against Kaos near the sun, and Trap’s attention is on the hole that is approaching the solar system.

It is very tacit, and it is also closing the door!

In addition, it is impossible to see the inside of the universe without opening the hole, so Roa does not know that Roa is doing the same thing as himself.

And just when they were sealing each other’s doors, on Earth, those magicians who had sensed Roa’s presence before were temporarily stabilizing the magic base

After that, they all came out of their original hiding place.

Before, they had been hiding, mainly because they thought that repairing the magic base was the most important.

And in the case of the mystery gradually passing, it is also necessary to ensure the number of magicians using the new magic base in order to continue the mystery.

But after they learned of Roa’s existence, Solomon’s disciples studied for a long time, and finally decided to leave some people to continue to stabilize the magic base

And some other magicians led by Zelrich.

They’re going to visit Roa, or… If Roa is really the identity they guessed, then they will go to the capital where Roa is located!

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