Chapter 247: The star player in this story should not be myself!!


Roa couldn’t be clearer about the secret of the Star Player.

But there are some things that you can’t figure out by yourself just guessing, just thinking about it——— such as the things of the star player, such as twisted things, such as why your own world line and other world lines are connected and unilaterally exported by other world lines.

These Roa can’t figure it out, they are all temporarily put to the back of their minds and put aside for the time being

But now that Roa saw that the gods were like this, he had once again searched the question about the Star Player from the depths of his mind.

Since it is what they want to say, it is not his character not to ask about this matter.

So he will definitely ask in the simulation.

Roa now wants to see what kind of identity the Star Player is.

[You see the gods bowing down or saluting you, you first get them up, and then you ask them about the star players]

[They didn’t hide anything from you, but little by little, a part of a god, told you about the Star Player.]

[It turns out that the first time the Star Player appeared was before the Divine Dynasty, and even before the Stone Age]

[Basically from the time when records existed.] Or that the first person to record these things was the original Star Player.”

[The original star players recorded history, and the second generation of star players opened the Stone Age]

[Since then, the status of the Star Player has been very high]

[At first, the star player only showed the talent of the poet, such as being knowledgeable, such as being able to communicate with everything, such as being good at telling some stories]

[Until one day, the star player at that time suddenly said———Disaster is coming]

[Because the status of the star player is very high, the people at that time obeyed the words of the star player, and then preyed on the traveling stars for the first time across the sky, and the white giant came to the world for the first time]

[Because the star player predicted the disaster in advance and took the people at that time to prepare, and then although I don’t know how the star player at that time did it, in short, under his leadership, the white giant was repelled when it appeared for the first time, but the star player at that time also predicted that in 14,000 years, the white giant would come again]

[After that, the status of the star player became more exalted]

[That is, during that time, mankind embarked on a path that no creature had ever walked before – that is, the whole race was dominated by the star player, not like other things, choosing the largest, strongest, and most qualified leader among a group of creatures, but in the presence of a leader, the sacrifice led by the star player was greater than the king’s survival mode]

[This is the dimension and opportunity for the birth of the god generation]

[This was all other gods saying before, this time it was the turn of the god Annu to be used as the legend of Mesopotamia, and people should be the most powerful god in their hearts, sighed, and then said the matter]

[Annu said that after this, the star player did not know why it was suspected of being broken for a certain period of time]

[Then at the time of the appearance of their mother, Tiamat, the star player, a poet who had long been broken, appeared again]

[At that time, the star player and Tiamat created the gods together, and the birth of the god generation was officially finalized during that period]

[Because the noise of the gods caused Tiamat to sleep peacefully, Tiamat once proposed to the contemporary star players to destroy the gods, but the star players at that time may be stronger in strength than the previous star players, so he persuaded Tiamat, solved the problem that Tiamat could not sleep peacefully, and said a lot of things about the future to Tiamat]

[He said that after himself, the star player should be broken again, he said that he would not have a star player in the entire god generation in the future, he said that the star player would be born in the era of people, but he also said that the star player belonged to this god generation founded by his own hands]

[Speaking of which, you can feel Annu’s respect for Ren Xingzhidu]

[After all, for other gods, although the star players who opened the god generation with one hand are worthy of respect, the god Annu and they are almost equal to the children of the star players and Tiamat, in other words, they should call the star players father, and also because of their great father’s relationship, which led to the mother’s plan to completely destroy the pools was canceled, so in every sense Annu has great respect for the star players]

[He said that just as the contemporary star player suddenly appeared, he also suddenly disappeared, and before he disappeared, he arranged everything, and after he left, Tiamat also fell into a deep sleep]

[Then the star player at that time left a prophecy, saying that the god generation was destined to end and the era of man was destined to begin, and a new star player would appear in the transition period of history and find you again, when he needed your help, the help of all the forces that could be united in the world]

[Because he is the savior and the king of the world, maybe the pressure is too much for him, but he will definitely be able to do a good job, he will awaken the earth, he will gather the gods and groups, he will unite all the forces that can be united, and finally save the world]

Seeing this introduction to the star player, Luo A was faintly stunned.

He read it several times, and Changguang finally stopped at the name Tiamat.

Of course he knew the name.

After all, it should not be common to play FGO but don’t know Tima. But he stared at the name for not that reason.

But inexplicably, he felt that when he looked at the name, there was a vague feeling that he didn’t know whether to say whether to say good contact, or something else.

In short, seeing Tiamat sleeping, he felt a little hearty.

He didn’t feel much until he didn’t know it.

But after learning about this, he seemed to feel that he could faintly hear a sweet and long breath from sleep.

At first Roa thought it was an illusion, but after sorting out his state, he knew that it was not an illusion.

Seeing this news is like getting a key.

After getting the key, a door that had been sealed for a long time seemed to open in front of him.

Then Roa looked at the passage from the Starrunner to his sudden appearance in Tiamat era, and he frowned and thought for a long time, before finally he looked at the entire simulation page.

“As far as. This sudden appearance of the star player should not be myself? ”

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