In the imperial palace of the Star Luo Empire.

The throne symbolizing the throne has changed hands.

A man with a thin body but a huge head, with a faint cold light in his eyes, sat on it.

He looked funny, but no one dared to laugh at him.

Because this is a true god.

The **** of greed.

The core members of the Nether Clan under the throne remembered how this ugly man called himself.

But everyone dared not speak.

As one of the seven original sin gods, the breath of the greedy **** has a depressing and frightening smell.

That is to see their indifference like ants.

At this time, the **** of greed coldly looked down at the crowd below, and gently shook the golden wine glass in his hand.

In the past, this wine glass would be filled with the most precious beverage of the Star Luo Empire, but today this wine glass is filled with clear...water.

The greedy **** lightly tasted the water in the cup, smacked his lips, and his eyes were full of intoxication.

"Unexpectedly, your family should have such sacred relics. This trip to the lower realm is not in vain."

Even if it wasn't the first time he tasted it, he couldn't help but admire it.

Is this really water?

After taking this water, his soul has actually begun to sublimate.

He even gained a lot of insights into his current realm.

You know, even the life water of the goddess of life is far from such a powerful effect.

He felt that if he took such Shenshui for a long time, it would not be impossible for him to go further in strength.

If you can completely control this secret, you don't want to be the **** king, but it's enough to be the first person under the **** king.

Thinking of this, his heart is full of excitement.

Here is a crisis for other gods, and a great opportunity for myself.

Sure enough, danger and opportunity coexist.

"Hehe, that's nothing more than the gods, my Nether clan has people out there, and sooner or later they will avenge us."

The Grand Duke of the Nether.

No, it should be Emperor Xingluo sneered out now.

He has experienced the trough of life, and has also been brilliant, and he is content in this life.

He believed that this **** would not be able to jump for a few more days, and he would still be alive when Mr. Lin took action?

It is a pity that these tribesmen who are not afraid of death.

"Greed is the original sin."

"Mortal, have you ever wanted to face the anger of the god?"

The greedy **** looked at the gaze in the eyes of the Grand Duke Nether, and some killing intent appeared in his eyes.

He didn't expect that people in this world would still resist stubbornly in the face of gods.

But so what.

How did he see the lives of these ants in his eyes?

For this blasphemous ant, after squeezing its value, it can only be destroyed.

"Huh? Someone is here?"

Suddenly, the greedy **** raised his head, but what he saw was the magnificent dome.

But in the distant sky in his perception, a stream of light broke through the sky, with a peerless edge.

As soon as the New Year moved, his figure appeared in the sky above Xingluo Imperial City like an instant transfer.

"You came."

The greedy **** looked at the approaching Sword Douluo with a smile on his mouth.

My plan succeeded.

The ridiculous Nether Clan thought that a Title Douluo had escaped by chance, but they didn't know that all of this was under control.

Putting a long line to catch big fish is just to find the person who provides holy water.

It's just that the old man carrying the sword seems a bit unusual.

A fierce sword light, even this **** feels dazzling.

"It seems that this **** still underestimated this Douluo Continent. Such a strong will be born."

The **** of greed moved in his heart and said in an accented tone: "Mortal, I thought you were very good. Tell me about the opportunities you know, and this **** gives you the opportunity to bow your head."

"Even if you have performed well enough, it is not impossible to bestow you with a second-level deity."

The **** of greed started thinking of subduing, this is still Title Douluo so powerful.

After returning to the God Realm, he bestows a second-level **** position on the opponent, and that combat power, there should be few opponents among the second-level gods.

This is a boost.

"You are also worthy of letting me surrender?"

Jian Douluo's sword eyebrows were upside down.

"I don't know the so-called arrogant evil god, I am here today to cut you under the sword."

His voice was extremely cold and full of disdain.

Sure enough, no matter which **** it was, the Douluo Continent people had never been put in their eyes. They even said that people are just like real ants in their hearts.

Such a vision is disgusting.

He especially wanted to smash such contemptuous eyes with the sword in his hand.

"Mortal, God's wrath is not something you can bear."

Sword Douluo kept his mission in mind at all times, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with this ignorant god, he slowly raised the sword in his hand.

Far away pointed at the greedy **** with a look of contempt.

"Hahaha, good! This **** will not forgive your ignorance."

The greedy **** laughed angrily, really offended.

He decided to behead this person, and then extract his soul to torture the whereabouts of the kind of "sacred water".

But at the next moment, his eyes condensed.

and many more.

This is Vulcan's Excalibur?

Perception dispersed, he was really familiar with the power of the law of flame on this divine sword.

I heard that before the fall of Vulcan, he once left his divine tool on the plane of Douluo. Now think about it, it was true?

Kill two birds with one stone.

The **** of greed was excited, and a look of greed flashed in his eyes.

The first-level artifact is rare even in the God Realm. I actually saw it here. How can it not be exciting?

You know, if he can add another first-level artifact, his strength can also be greatly improved.


In his opinion, a small Title Douluo was in control of a first-level divine weapon, and this was what gave him an opportunity.

Sure enough, the lower realm is the birthplace of this god.

"Hahaha, this is really my treasure land."

The greedy **** laughed wildly. "The reason why the artifact is called the artifact is that it has the power of the gods, and it cannot be mastered by mortals. Bring it!"

"Huh. Are the gods so dumbfounded? Don't take a good look at the sword in my hand. Is it something you can covet?"

Sword Douluo sneered coldly.

Is this still the Vulcan Longsword?

No, it's not anymore.

This sword has long been contaminated with the breath of Lin Yan, not to mention it is a first-level artifact, even the super artifact of the **** king may not be comparable to it.

With such a sword in his hand, Sword Douluo also swelled.

Extremely swollen. UU reading

The sword in his hand gave him great confidence.

Then, a sword cut out.


"Mayfly shakes the tree."

The **** of greed sneered.

Don't underestimate this finger, which is the essence of the power of the laws he masters.

Anyone who touches will fall into the illusion of greed in his heart, unable to extricate himself from it.

But the next moment, he couldn't stretch it anymore.

Sword Douluo's vision was so pure.

That is the purest belief in kendo and the pure belief in Lin Yan, nothing else.

Then, there was an extremely terrifying edge on the sword, and it seemed that there was nothing unbreakable.

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