Douluo plane.

On this day, a beautiful woman stepped out of the space channel.

Strangely, the spirit master guarding the space channel did not find any abnormalities at all.

As if they were like the air.

There is no doubt that they are the gods of goodness and goddess of life.

A look of surprise flashed across the face of the Goddess of Life, and he asked with some uncertainty, "Goodness, have you noticed that Douluo's plane seems a little abnormal..."

The **** of goodness was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes and spread the perception.

After a while, she opened her eyes, and her eyes were full of shock.

" is it possible! The law of existence on the Douluo plane is actually becoming stronger? The strength of the entire plane is growing all the time, and it won't take long for the **** king to make a full shot without breaking this plane."

There is no doubt that this answer is really shocking.

This is a shocking thing,

Because as early as when the creation **** created all things, the ranks of the various planes under the **** realm had already been determined.

And what happened on the Douluo plane completely violated their cognition.

"Now I vaguely know why we failed. This world must have undergone unimaginable changes."

"This is all for later, now is not the time to think about these issues. At present, to find the Silver Dragon King, and that powerful existence, completely solving the problem is the key."

After the good **** said, the goddess of life also nodded in agreement.

"Let me see where the Dragon God is."

As he said, the goddess of life opened his arms, and countless crystal clear green brilliance poured from all directions.

This is a piece of news sent to her by countless grassroots students.

Not long after, she slowly turned her head and looked in one direction.

"I found the trace of the Dragon God, which seems to be in a place called the Star Dou Great Forest."


The depths of the Star Dou Great Forest.

In the small courtyard, Gu Yuena was pouring tea for Lin Yan.

Suddenly, her hands trembled and some tea was spilled.

"What's wrong, Nana."

Lin Yan asked suddenly, he could see that this high-cold goddess was on her mind.

"Someone should be looking for me."

Gu Yuena's expression was a bit complicated.

Similarly, when the Goddess of Life explored her location, she also discovered the existence of the other party.

Moreover, the feeling in the dark tells myself that they are rushing here.

"Someone is looking for you?"

Lin Yan was stunned for a moment, and soon figured it out.

After a period of time, he could guess that Gu Yuena was not an ordinary person either.

It should be a soul master.

Looking at Nana's solemn look again, Lin Yan understood, she must have found the trace of her enemy and might come to her door at any time.

"Don't worry, I won't just sit back and watch your business."

Lin Yan comforted.

After getting along for this period of time, Lin Yan undoubtedly regarded the woman in front of him as a friend.

It's one's own.

Taking Lin Yan's temperament to protect his shortcomings, of course he can't see that he is being bullied.

Although he doesn't have much strength, don't forget that Ning Fengzhi is here.

What are you afraid of?

Just ask, in Douluo Continent Soul World, how many people are this Sect Master Ning making trouble?


Gu Yuena pursed her lips, her heart full of touch.

Is this the feeling of being pampered?

It's too warm.

At this time, Da Hei suddenly barked.

Lin Yan frowned slightly when he saw this.

He knew that the appearance of Da Hei, a mad dog, meant that a stranger had come, and that there was more than one person.

"Nana, you go open the door, let them in, let's talk."


Gu Yuena agreed softly and went to open the door.

In fact, she was not at peace.

Because she knew that outside the door was the arrival of the two great kings of kindness and life.


The goddess of life and the **** of kindness are full of vigilance.

The small courtyard in front of them was full of mysterious feelings, so they didn't dare to enter rashly.

At this time, the door opened. An icy beauty in a long skirt appeared.

"have not seen you for a long time."

"You are... Dragon God!?"

The two gods exclaimed.

This woman is quite different from the Dragon God in her own impression.

But the breath from the depths of the soul made them sure that this was their old opponent.

"Haha, stop being hypocritical here, why did I become what I am now, don't you know? What did you do to me at the beginning is not clear?"

Gu Yuena smiled disdainfully.

If it weren't for Mr. Lin's help, she was still recovering underground, and she didn't know how many tens of thousands of years would have to sleep to wake up.

Had it not been for the help of Mr. Lin, she would have died under the Raksha Scythe,

Isn't all this a gift from the other party?

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the two **** kings changed for a while, and in short they were not very good-looking.

"No, even if the lower realm of the **** king takes a shot at me, it should be the **** of destruction or the **** of Shura. Why are you two who are not good at fighting?"

Gu Yuena frowned.

She really couldn't figure out what the routine was.

"We did not agree with our opinions. My life and I don't want to see all the creatures become charcoal. I hope to reconcile with you and the strong man next to you."

The **** of goodness has a soft and requesting expression.

They are now determined.

The one who has been fighting with them must not be the Silver Dragon King in front of them, but someone else.

"Why talk? I can't decide this matter. You have found the wrong person."

Gu Yuena chuckled in a low voice.

These gods are so disgusting.

If it doesn't hurt, they will have such thoughts. Now they are worried that they will be overwhelmed. What have they been thinking about?

The next moment, Gu Yuena opened the door and walked directly towards the small courtyard.

Undoubtedly, this is to tell them again, come in if you want to talk.

That strong man is in this small courtyard?

The two great kings hesitated, but stepped into it.

It's all here, how can I give up if I don't try it?

Take a step back and say, and get a glimpse of the true face of that mysterious existence.

Separated by a door, it seems like a world away.

The goddess of life and the **** of kindness felt like they had come to another world.

The pressure of horror suddenly fell on them.

It's like, carrying the malice of a world...

Lin Yan was surprised. He didn't expect it to be two women.

Although she was not as good as Nana in appearance, her temperament was extraordinary.

At this point, Lin Yan can preliminarily determine that they may be of the same family as Nana.

The reason for coming to seek revenge is most likely due to family disputes.

At this time, the eyes of the two **** kings also focused on the person who happened.

Can not help but startled.

What a perfect face.....

However, when they saw Lin Yan facing each other, there was a meaning in their hearts.

The dark pupils seemed to be a black hole, letting their souls get lost in it.

"Mr. Lin, UU reading I brought them."

Mr. Lin?

At this time, Gu Yuena's words pulled them out of their sinking state.

But what made them even more unbelievable was that the extremely arrogant Dragon God never bowed his head in the face of the five great kings.

Now he is so respectful to a man?

I can't imagine it.

But.... Soon they saw the horror of Lin Yan.

"Please sit down."

Lin Yan spit out two words lightly.

Instinctively, the two **** kings resisted this commanding tone.

However, they found that their bodies were uncontrollable and sat down directly opposite the man.

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