WARNING: Explicit scenes ahead. You have been warned.


Loud voices overlapping with each other echoing in the staircase. The trio stopped on their track as all eyes looked down. Footsteps were rushing from below as the noise becomes louder from below.

“What’s that noise?” Pixie asked.

“What floor are we at?” Jason asked.

“Fifth floor,” Dan said. He kept counting the floor level from the beginning.

Shit, they found us too quick.

Although fighting them wasn’t a problem for Jason but if they started swarming them, then it was going to be a problem.

“Anyone want to volunteer handling them downstairs?” Jason asked.

The two soldiers looked at him with a baffled expression. The staircase was narrow, providing the best environment for a fight against a group of enemies.

“No one? I guess I’m it then,” Jason said. “Climb up and don’t wait for me.”

Jason left the duo behind as he rushed downstairs. A crimson hue enveloped his steel dirk. In a matter of seconds, he saw the incoming goblins. Five of them rushed up the stairs like mad. Jason noticed something about these goblins.

Why the heck are they drooling like that?

Jason used ‘Scan’ on one of them as a window opened up.


Humanoid creatures known to be a pest in the eyes of a human. They are smelly, nasty being, and breed like a locust. They pillage any human settlement in sight from food to even women. Small stature in size.

Species: Demi-human

Level : 2

Current State: High in libido

He saw the new criteria within the text window.

Horny? But why?

Then something dawned on Jason.

Don’t tell me, these things are chasing over that female soldier. Did they pick up her scent?


The goblins started making a ruckus as they saw Jason appearing from upstairs. Their rowdy voices echoed even louder in the staircase.

Jason charged forward without hesitation. In his eyes, these goblins were nothing. He slashed the first one right at the neck decapitating it instantly. A kick went right at the child-size goblin lifting up in the air slamming right at the wall. It knocked out in an instant.

His hands moved quickly as he stabbed one of them right in the eye-piercing right through the skull. One of them clawed at his leg but Jason jumped and stomped at it from above, leaving one of them left.

Jason was too quick in his action as the goblins couldn’t do anything against him. The goblin turned and fled but Jason threw the Steel Dirk in his hand as it stabbed right at the back of its head.

Basic Projectile Throwing level up to level 4

But then Jason’s head tilted upwards as he heard a loud sound of a door being bang open. The rowdy noises of goblins came from upstairs as he could only think about one thing.

“They noticed us,” said Jason. His feet rushed up the stairs as on the ninth floor, Pixie and Dan were engaging against a group of goblins who suddenly barged in from the eight-floor.

They came in like a swarm of bees as both Dan and Pixie saw the numbers kept increasing as they entered through that small door.

“Cauterize!” Dan shouted as the blade of his machete lightly glowed in an orange hue.

He hacked the goblins one by one with his burning hot machete. The goblins screamed over the intense burning pain but when one went down another quickly replaced their place. Pixie didn’t dawdle around as her hands kept on moving fast, stabbing those incoming goblins.

She managed to kill them with the superior stat that she had, but the numbers were pressuring her hard.

“Should we run upstairs?” Pixie asked as her breath started to heave with her stamina was on the low-side. She had killed five of them in a row and it drained her stamina just to stay alert.

“We can’t, they’re too many! We can’t show them our back!” said Dan.

Dan was getting tired. Claw marks riddled across his torn-up arm sleeves. He was winning against these goblins but he knew the future was currently bleak. His eyes glanced at the door as the goblins kept on coming inside.

They got the short-end of the stick compared to Jason who only dealt with only five of them.

The glow on his machete dimmed down as his skill time limit was up. He had no more EP to spare and what left was him relying on his pure body strength and willpower.

He hacked those goblins with blood spraying all over the place. But his eyes didn’t close.

“Argh!” Dan heard Pixie’s shout. He glanced over and saw the goblin yanking the night vision goggle from Pixie.

“Pixie!” Dan swung his machete and sliced off the goblin’s hand into two. The goblin shrieked in pain as it tumbled over the stair railing and fell to its death.

Dan covered Pixie from the front.

“You okay?” he asked.

Pixie adjusted the night vision goggle on her head as she tried to catch up with her breath. Then her eyes saw something.

“Watch out!” she said.

The goblins from the back took the initiative and leaped over their brethren and went for an aerial attack. Suicidal but effective. Two of them flopped over Dan as Dan’s knees buckled down over the weight.

“Shit!” Dan said as both of his arms were pinned down by the falling goblins.

“Dan!” Pixie rammed her combat knife right at the jugular of the goblin and kicked it away from Dan.

But the other goblin was still there, it was smiling and with its wide-open jaw, it went for Dan’s neck.


A punch right on its face. Dan let go of his machete and struck the smelly goblin right on the face. His strength was enough to throw the goblin away from him as he quickly balanced himself on his own two feet, but the goblins didn’t stop attacking.

Their voracious claw attacks bled both of Dan’s legs.

“Argh!” Dan shouted in pain.

“Fucking goblins!” Pixie shouted as she tried to protect Dan from the incoming goblins.

“Fuck!” but they were too many. Two hands were not enough to go against these many goblins.

In the end, her hands were grabbed by numerous goblin hands, restraining her from moving. She tried to push but the collective strength from these goblins made her unmovable.

Then her legs were grabbed by the goblins. Before she could do anything, the goblins pushed her on the stairs as she was left defenseless like a newborn baby.

Dan tried to help her out swinging the machete. He hacked one of them and the machete was stuck. The few of the goblins lunged at Dan clawing right at the man. A fierce claw ravaged his face.

“Ah!!” he screamed in pain as blood dripped over his face. The night vision goggle dropped on the floor broken beyond recognition.

Dan was clawed multiple times by these two goblins as the rest of them were focus at Pixie, a woman. Rather than doing the same thing to her, the opposite was happening. These goblins tore apart her thick military clothes away with hidden intention in mind.

Pixie wriggled around trying to resist but she was helpless. These many goblins were too strong for her. Then her bare flesh was revealed to these lustful creatures as their saliva couldn’t stop dripping from their foul-smelling mouth. One of them even started licking Pixie on the face as if savoring the moment.

Pixie was horrified as tears started to trail down from the corner of her eyes. She knew what was about to happen as these goblins unclothed their loincloths. At this moment, she regretted being able to see through the night vision that was still on her head.

“No!” she yelled from the very corner of her heart as she didn’t want this to happen. Then she felt her military pants being ripped apart exposing the lower half of her body.

“No, no, no, no!” Pixie struggled under restrain trying to get away for what was about to happen.

Then she stopped struggling as she felt those hands crawling on her body had stopped moving. She traced her eyes at these monsters and saw their head being sliced from their body as the blood of these goblins showered over her naked body.

She regained her strength as she crawled away from the bloody scene. A man entered her sight as he attacked the goblin scums into the netherworld. Pixie watched Jason killed those goblins while her body was trembling nonstop.

Jason massacred them all until fear crept into their heart. At this point in time, their instinct was telling them to run away as a predator was on the loose. There were still many goblins in the vicinity but seeing their dead kin piling up within the staircase made them fled for their life.

Jason watched as these goblins ran. He didn’t move an inch from where he stood as blood dripped from the blade of his crimson hue steel dirk.

Blood Edge Strike level up to level 7

Jason turned to the back and saw the state of Pixie. Through his night vision skill, he saw this woman defenseless with barely any clothes covering her skin. She was trembling up to bottom as tears were still trailing down cheeks.

“Pixie! Are you okay?” Dan asked as he couldn’t see a thing in this darkness.


The sound of a door being opened came from downstairs just a few floors below them. There were more coming.

Jason walked to Pixie and picked her up by the waist as he slung her on the shoulder.

“Don’t move,” said Jason.

Pixie kept her silence as she still couldn’t forget what had just happened. Jason came near to Dan and the man panicked feeling a sudden touch coming from the darkness.

“Get away!” Dan shouted.

“It’s me, don’t move a muscle,” said Jason. Dan calmed down as Jason picked him up by the waist.

Jason ran to the tenth floor and went inside. His eyes glanced side to side, searching for any hostile. The coast was clear and Jason ran around the floor until he found an office room. He stood at the door looking for anything that might seem suspicious.

With no enemy in sight, he went deeper into the office floor and found a small room, a pantry of the office. He went inside and shut the door behind him. But the moment he turned around, he met eyes with a bunch younger goblins who were eating through the food in the pantry. They were even smaller than the goblin he just fought.

“Goblin!” shouted Pixie as she too noticed them.

Jason put them both down and sprung into action. The young goblins didn’t move a muscle as they were curious about seeing these people. But then a man stood in front of them and within a few seconds, those young goblins were sent to the grave.

Jason's breath was ragged as he watched the death of an innocent goblin kid. He thought he would wallow in agony seeing how he killed a child monster but he knew the reality of it.

Even if it was young, it was still a damn goblin.

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