“What?!” Dan and Pixie couldn’t believe what they just heard coming from Jason’s mouth.

“Are you crazy? A cesarean section? Here? In this filthy place? You’ll definitely kill her!” Dan protested knowing of how risky Jason’s plan was.

“To begin with are you even a licensed doctor? Do you even know the difficulty of what you’re saying?” Dan tried to reason with this man.

Yet the man turned deaf to his words.

“It’s fine, don’t fret about it,” said Jason as he wiped the blade of his steel dirk with a nearby cloth laying around.

“We need to stop him Pixie, or else she’s going to die,” said Dan. He hollered at his comrade taking arms against Jason for a single life.

“Like I said, stop being a fool and trust me,” said Jason as his eyes went towards the young woman.

“Think about this for a second, you’re not a doctor, you can’t…” Dan tried to reason with Jason for one more time but the man cut him off.

“Do you have amnesia or something? Don’t you know I can heal?” Jason said.

Dan knew about Jason’s healing capability but he wasn’t sure whether it was wise to proceed with such a risky attempt just because of an ability. Although Jason could heal but Dan was skeptical regarding the extent of Jason’s healing capability. What if after cutting her belly up, Jason couldn’t close the long incision wound? And what if she loses too much blood during the procedure? Can Jason’s heal replenish those blood?

Dan was a logical person and he knew when to stick with statistics.

“It’s too risky,” said Dan. “The best course of action is to bring her back immediately, the professional will handle it, we just need to do our job.”

“You’re forgetting something, I’m being paid for doing this and you’re just following orders like a dog, so I’ve got the biggest stake…” Jason stopped his words as he shook his head.

“Huh, why do I even bother explaining to you,” Jason walked towards the young woman with a protruding big belly. In an instant, he stood in front of her.

Dan and Pixie were alarmed as they rushed to stopped him.

“Stop!” Dan said.

But it was too late. The chipped blade of the steel dirk stabbed right at the abdomen of the young woman. The motionless young woman suddenly jerked in response.

“Argh!” she screamed to the top of her lungs due to the pain.

Jason and the duo turned alarmed seeing the reaction of the young woman.

Drool spilled over the floor as the young woman was jerking with her mouth continuing to scream.

Shit didn’t expect that to happened.

Jason composed himself as in a single motion he ran his steel dirk through the abdomen of the young woman, incising a huge incision wound. In an instant he dislodged his steel dirk, blood gushed out from the big belly like a fountain.

“No,” Dan and Pixie watched in horror over such a gruesome sight.

The young woman who screamed started to turn silent, she was becoming weaker by the second with blood escaping her body like a dam being broken apart.

Jason saw the countenance of the young woman as he immediately used his Major Heal. Warm green light full of life enveloped the young woman. Her health rejuvenated like a blooming flower. At the same time she was healing, Jason continued his job. He took a deep breath as he then plunged his arm right into the incision wound going deep into her belly.

Then a loud shriek broke the air, vibrating everyone’s eardrum.

“What was that?” Pixie asked as her head by instinct looked back.

A loud shriek that didn’t come from the young woman, as it came from outside of the panic room. Jason’s face grimaced hearing that shriek. That was definitely not from a goblin, he thought.

“Here,” Jason threw his steel dirk at Dan.

Dan caught it and glanced at Jason. He was still felt wary about Jason. Dan couldn’t stop this madman from cutting up the poor young woman but seeing she was stable within the green light, it seemed Jason’s healing capability had shown its worth.

“Defend us, I can’t do anything until I finish this up,” said Jason. Whatever was out there came at a bad time, a case of bad timing.

His hands were occupied handling the young woman and leaving her for a monster was not an option.

“Don’t let any of them come inside,” said Jason.

Dan and Pixie nodded at each other and stepped outside of the panic room. Their feet shuffled through the floor in a cautious manner. The night vision was still on as they scanned the entire vast office, looking for the enemy. Halfway reaching the middle of the office, the door to the office room broke as another shriek came alive.

Dan gripped on the steel dirk tightened as Pixie too gripped tightly to the only weapon she had left, the swiss army knife in her back pocket. It was better than nothing.

But seeing what entered the through the office made their whole body shivered.

A huge body walked through the door while ducking down its head. Dan and Pixie saw through the night vision goggles the monster that just walked in. From that height alone, that was definitely not a goblin.

“That isn’t a goblin,” said Pixie.

Dan could only watch as the monster with a huge bulking frame walked slowly towards them. As he observed from afar watching in awe, a strong light came from the side blocking his night vision.

“Ugh,” Dan was confused. But he heard Pixie’s voice.

“Dan, it’s dawn,” she said.

Dan took off his night vision goggle as he saw the first sign of light coming from the horizon. It was a beautiful sight, seeing the sun from the top floor, at least now he knew why the CEO of the company went to build his office right at the top. But now wasn’t the time for such a whimsical thing. He turned his attention back to the hulking mass of a monster who was approaching them with slow steps.

With the first light coming from the sun, Dan could saw what the monster really looked like, and what he saw wasn’t pretty.

An ugly monster even uglier than the goblins that he fought through the night. Multiple metal piercings riddles across it face while its flabby belly jiggled with each step it took. It had the same features as a goblin, darkish green skin tone, a nasty odor, bald with a crooked nose, and the iconic loincloth hanging by the waist. Yet what set apart this creature from goblin was its hulking size and the big-ass wooden club in its right hand.

“Can we kill it?” Pixie asked as she threw away the swiss army knife and grabbed a broken lamp post on the ground.

“What choice do we have,” said Dan as he gripped the hilt of the steel dirks tighter.

Then Dan made eye contact with the hulking goblin. A few seconds passed and the hulking goblin let out a shout with a shrieking nature. Both Pixie and Dan were dumbstruck by the sudden war cry and they felt as if their whole body turned numbed by the sound.

Pixie wanted to shout but even her lips were tightly sealed. The same thing ran through both of their thoughts.

I can’t move!

Then a shadow loomed over the top of Dan’s head. He turned and a huge black thing was heading straight for his head.

“Watch out!” he heard Pixie’s voice.

But he screamed.



Meanwhile, Jason was adjusting his major heal while probing through the inside of the young woman’s belly.

Shit, I can’t find any of those fucking goblin babies.

Jason cut her a bit too shallow as he too felt a bit apprehensive cutting a young woman’s body. He didn’t have the experience of an experienced obstetrician and he made a mistake.

Can’t stop now, can I?

He didn’t have the luxury to find a sharp object as the young woman was depending on his constant enlightening of his major heal. The open incision wound was still there and stopping the heal might be fatal at this point.

Jason did the unthinkable as he stabbed through the uterus of the young woman with his bare fingers. The young woman jerked a bit but soon calmed down by the nourishment of the heal. The pain subsided in an instant.

Jason dug deep and he felt something by the tip of his fingers. He grabbed it and pulled with all his might. A huge ugly green baby came out through the huge wound. Jason didn’t waste his time as he threw it away at a distance as he proceeded to find the other.

“Argh!” but the young woman screamed once more.

The sedative nature of his heal was quick to wear off as this procedure he was doing was too much for a weak young woman like her to bear and yanking off a huge ugly baby from her stomach was definitely overkill. Jason pumped more of his major heal as he proceeded to find another. But as soon as he found one, he heard another loud shriek coming through the door of the panic room.

I better hurry up before one of them die.

One by one, Jason took those ugly babies out of the young woman. Each time he did it, it only horrified him knowing the extent of this young woman had endured. She had carried ten babies inside of her and she still managed to hold on to her dear life.

Jason stared at the young woman with pity as he healed up the big incision wound one last time. He took a glance at the pile of stillborn goblin babies which was bigger than the one he saw back in the pantry room.

He had an inkling about the parent of these goblins and his instinct was telling him it was something bad.

The green light dissipated as the young woman was finally healed. Jason could felt the warmth on her skin as he could also saw her chest heaving up and down with vigor. For now, she was fine, albeit the flabby overstretch stomach she had right now might be a problem when she woke up.

But then he heard that awful shout from behind the door.

“Dan!” he heard a familiar voice calling out to one of the soldiers fighting for their lives.

Jason left the young woman alone as he stepped out of the panic room. His eyes narrowed as the blinding light from the sun took him by surprise. He covered his eyes with his arm but a large silhouette caught his attention.

“The hell?” Jason said.

A brutish looking creature standing tall towering above two meters was swinging a huge wooden club around smashing the floor tiles into pieces.

Jason saw a man fleeing around while grabbing on to his flailing arm. It was Dan.

Pixie was on the floor dragging herself far from the battle between those two. But rather than a battle, it was more like a game of whack a mole with Dan being the mole.

“They’re pretty rough up,” said Jason.

His eyes observed the hulking creature as he scanned it with his ability.

Goblin Giant(Mutant)

A blasphemous offspring between a goblin and a giant. One never could expect such a thing to happen but a courageous daredevil goblin did the impossible. It managed to impregnate a giant much to the loss of its life bringing life to the monstrosity of this Goblin Giant mutant. It is bigger and stronger than your average goblin but nonetheless, it is still a goblin.

Species: Humanoid

Level : 18

S.Ability : Giant’s Cry, Blunt Smash, Thick Skin

A level eighteen? Isn’t this a bit too much of a gap between level two to level eighteen? Shit, if other people underwent this mission, they wouldn’t have a good time. But sadly for this mutant, I’m here.

Jason took aim as he swung his arm releasing a multitude of crescent projectiles at the Goblin Giant. It had been a while since he last used this wind element ability of his and now was a perfect time.

He watched as he waited for his green crescent projectiles to cut the Goblin Giant into pieces. He had confidence over his status and he had no doubt his ability could kill the Goblin Giant in one shot but then the unexpected happened.

The green crescents stopped short as they hit something invisible. Those wind element projectiles disappeared as they fell on the floor. Jason definitely saw it.

“A barrier,” said Jason.

Then out of nowhere, something came from behind the Goblin Giant. A streaking erratic light came hurling straight for Jason.

Jason was alarmed as he leaped to the side while hiding himself within the shadow of his Shadow Sneak.

A burnt mark was seen right at the spot where Jason once stood.

Dan didn’t see what had happened as he was still trying to get himself away from the swinging wooden club but Pixie saw it, an electrical current traveling in the air before hitting right at the spot where Jason was.

“He’s dead,” said Pixie as she saw it clear as day.

That electrical current just zapped him from existence. As of now, she started to shiver in fright. If a man of Jason caliber defeated in an instant like that, what kind of luck would they need to survive through this?

While Pixie was contemplating her life choices, Jason was staring at the thing behind Goblin Giant. It emerged from the door floating in the air. It didn’t look like a goblin but its stature was similar to one.

It wore a robe over its body but its head was clear for others to see. It or he wasn’t as ugly as a goblin but definitely not charming. The huge pointy ears were like a tell-tale sign that this newcomer might be an elf.

But Jason didn’t care about that as one thing for sure. This floating creature smelled like trouble.

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