Standing on top of a building, Jason saw the incoming group of orc marching down the road. He didn’t need any binoculars as the monocle zooming capability was enough.

“Eleven of them. Well, that’s quite a lot,” said Jason.

He was one kilometer away from the ongoing battle of soldiers against orcs. He left them without even saying a word. Leaving them hounded by the incoming pressure of more orcs would quicken up the pace of their battle, and what better way to improve their battle senses than a huge death threat coming from a klick away.

“Hmm, they’re better equipped. That’s a surprise,” it was random. Two or four orcs were equipped with crude weapons, like axes and spiked maces. Some even got a shield and torso armor.

“Hmm, but all of them are at the same level even with those gears, but…” a flash of an idea passed by, “Who cares, I’m definitely going to loot them.”

Having the necklace was a windfall. Taking big things weren’t going to be a problem as of now.

His two swords emerged, one the rare-grade while the other a normal one. Right and left, ready to spill blood. Jason took a deep breath with his eyes closed. He calmed himself down, preparing for the fight. He didn’t really need it but loosening up before a big fight wasn’t a bad idea.

“Fuh…” he sighed as his eyes were determined.

Brown light and a sliver of wind engulfed him for a while. Jason was ready. He leaped off the three-story building and landed on the sidewalk. Another green light enveloped him as he then charged right at the horde.

The orcs went wild, seeing a human. Their pudgy feet ran on the road as they bared their weapons at Jason. A fierce glint behind Jason’s eyes, he rushed straight on.

The first orc swung the axe with pure might. Jason ducked low, dodging it by a hair-breadth. He slashed the orc by the ankle, and as he turned his waist, the second sword came slashing at the orc’s flank. Blood was spilled, but Jason frowned.

“Oirgh!” the orc enraged as its face twitched. It swung the axe aside, but Jason was already gone.

“Orgh!” the other orcs started to scream. Jason was running around the horde of orcs as his blade met their fatty flesh.

He didn’t stop moving and with his speed bolster by the virtue of the wind, he glided on the road leaving behind the orcs who missed their attacks like a fool. Maces, axes, and fists cracked the asphalt road. The orcs were furious as Jason’s action riled them up.

Jason was dancing with his swords like mad, slashing every meat that he set his eyes too. Every time he cut these orcs, the frown on his face only grew deeper.

I don’t like it.

The slash didn’t feel good. It wasn’t smooth as he was used to. Usually, one slash was enough to eliminate all foes that he met, except for kobold, and now it included these orcs.

One more.

Jason spotted the last uninjured orc. He dodged and slashed until he finally a step away from the uninjured orc.

“One,” the right sword pierced right through the flank.

“Two,” the left sword slashed at the same spot.

He pushed his feet and jumped forward as a mace smashed right at the spot where he once stood. Jason rolled and turned as he saw these injured orcs coming at him without a hint of hesitation.

“These pigs are relentless,” said Jason.

Then, he vanished. The orcs were confused. Their heads turned left and right, searching for the daring human that dared ambushed them. But he was nowhere to be found. The orcs smashed their weapons and fists at the road venting their rage.

Meanwhile, Jason stood on top of the roof, visible for all to see.

“My strength is too low, can’t get a good slash,” said Jason with a frown.

If I focus only on my strength attribute, these pigs wouldn’t be a problem.

He was right. Although he was at level 28, his advantages gained through titles put his point status level the same as a level 65. But balancing his status attributes did have its own pros and cons, one of those cons was lacking in the force behind his attacks. The stronger monster he met, the more apparent this weakness would be shown.

Nonetheless, he did had a few tricks. The orcs who were searching for Jason suddenly fell on their knees. Some were retching and vomiting out their stomach acid while some were having seizures on the ground. It varied, but even so, all of them were affected.

Jason smirked on the top of the roof as the faint violet glow vanished away from his swords.

Poison Coat level up to level 2

The orcs weren’t dead, but they were incapacitated from fighting back. Jason dropped back from the roof, landing on the road in a hero-style manner.

Always wanted to do that.

He smiled as he brandished his swords. He entered the fray once more, and this time it was a lot easier. Some of the stronger orcs tried to fight back, but the poison already seeped into their veins and muscles, weakening them to an extent. Sooner or later, the poison would have killed them, but Jason wasn’t going to wait.

His swords went mad as he hacked these orcs heads like a lumberjack chopping down a tree. It was quick but took a bit of his time since the thick fat was a hindrance.

Intermediate Swordsmanship level up to level 5

Good news even more so after he looted those weapons and armors from the orcs. He picked the huge armor and lifted it up.

“Shit,” Jason said.

It smells bad.

The stank of the orc seeped deep into the armor. You should never underestimate the ability of an orc. Its stink ability really packed a punch.

The smell is even worse than a goblin. 

The armor vanished as it entered his storage space. He looked up and saw a few drones hovering on top of him. It seemed he had prying eyes. He clicked his tongue in annoyance. If he wanted to, he could have destroyed them with Wind Cutter.

But he quelled down his annoyance as he was still a partner with the Canadian military.

Then he felt the road trembled, turning around his monocle zoomed in as he saw more were coming, and the numbers were frightening. Expressionless as he stood there for a few seconds before he ran back to the group.

Jason came back, and the battle had ended, but not without injuries. A few soldiers were laying on the side of the road as Beth was trying her best healing them. The four orc corpses laid in the middle of the road as a few people were inspecting the corpses.

Some were resting, leaning their backs behind the buildings. They were tired just after a single fight. Jason shook his head as these people were definitely not capable of going up against that big horde.

From afar, Ryan ran towards Jason.

“I heard from the drone team, you killed those groups of orcs?” Ryan asked.

“Of course, I did. Who else would be dumb enough to do that,” said Jason with a smirk.

“Heh, I heard from Hakeem, didn’t think you were this cocky. But if I remember it correctly, the first time we met when you saved my ass, you’re not this cocky,” said Ryan.

“Well, that’s life,” said Jason, “and hey, did you bring any bombs around?

“Bombs?” Ryan was confused. “We’ve brought C4, but why are you asking?”

Before Jason could say a word, the drone team responded.

“Captain Ryan, we spotted multiple orcs three klicks away from your position. Numbers are reaching more than two dozens of them,” said drone team.

Ryan was shaken, hearing the news. Then he looked at Jason.

“is it for them?” Ryan asked.

“We need to block the road or hinder them in any way possible,” said Jason. The cockiness was replaced by the sharp eagle eyes of Jason, as it wasn’t time for playing around.

“The explosion won’t work on them, you know that,” said Ryan.

“A trench works fine or blocking with a building seems good,” said Jason.

“No, a bunch of C4 can’t demolish a building that easily more so if we want to use it to block the road,” said Ryan.

“Then, the trench?” Jason asked.

“Also not possible,” Ryan turned grim as he felt the pressure of it.

“Can’t you deal with them?” Ryan asked while hoping for the best.

“No, they’re too many,” said Jason. Ryan’s face fell as he was out of option. Then he felt Jason patted him by the shoulder.

“Bring me all the C4 you got,” said Jason.

“What are you gonna do?” said Ryan.

“Slow them down,” said Jason, then he continued, “if I can. It’s best if you station your soldiers up on the roof, better hide on the top rather than being sitting ducks on the road.”

Ryan nodded. He ordered his men to hid on top of the roof as he supplied the explosives to Jason.

Hakeem and Ester got the news. They insisted they wanted to come, but Jason straight up told them.

“You’re just going to hold me back, protect the soldiers and just wait,” said Jason.

Jason dropped himself off from the roof as the soldiers watched in shock. Hakeem and Esther ran to the edge of the roof as they saw him landed safely on the ground. At the same time, Hakeem and Esther muttered.

“Show off.”

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