Scratching noises were heard all over the whole office room. Jason winced in annoyance as he couldn’t stand the scratching sound. It reminded him about his younger days when his annoying classmates scratching the blackboard with their nails. Those pesky little dinosaurs are trying to get inside and people started to panicked.

“Let me in,” Matt shouted as he slammed the door to the small room.

But those who were inside didn’t even falter. Matt was frantic as he turned the doorknob multiple times. While the female office worker kept moving closer to the glass wall. Her eyes were shaking as she couldn’t get her sight away from the only door to the outside.

She thought she could finally get away from this place with the help of this man. A man who deserved to be called a man compared to her male colleagues who were hiding inside the small room. But the situation seems bleak considering those things trying to get inside. She didn’t know what was outside but just the thought of it made her close to wet herself.

“Damn it,” Matt said as he slammed one last time to the door.

The fear was creeping up on him. He knew, sooner or later those things outside will barge inside. Just the thought of it made felt goosebumps all over his body. Then a thought flashed by in his mind.

“It’s you,” Matt turned his body towards Jason as he pointed his finger at him. The scrunched eyebrows of his only made it apparent that he was mad at Jason.

“You’re the one who brought them over here, aren’t you?” rather than a question, Matt was bluntly accused him.

Well, he wasn’t wrong in a sense.

“If it wasn’t for you. Those things wouldn’t notice us hiding in here,” Matt said.

Matt was pushing the fear away by diverting forcing his anger to Jason. At desperate times, anyone would do anything. Matt was just about to grab Jason by the collar but Jason turned his direction towards the office woman.

“Do something for me and I might consider bringing you along,” said Jason out of the blues.

His words caught both Matt and her by surprise. A blank confused look on her face.

“Come on. I don’t have all day, you want to escape from here or not?” Jason asked.

“I’ll do it,” she replied without a tint of hesitation.

“But Laurel…” Matt called out to the woman’s name as he couldn’t believe what he just heard.

“Good,” said Jason as he turned his attention to the door once more.

Him, being silent all this time wasn’t for nothing. An idea flashed by and he wouldn’t let it go to waste.

I guess it’s not a bad idea.

Jason readied his blade horn-cum-sword as his grip tightened. The noise from outside didn’t stop and Jason had enough of it.

“Laurel was it?” he asked.

“Yes,” Laurel’s voice trembled as she replied.

“Go towards the door and open it,” he said.

“What?” both Laurel and Matt replied in unison.

“Are you crazy? If you let them in, all of us are going to fucking die,” Matt said.

Laurel, on the other hand, was having second thought after hearing what Jason just said.

“Hey, are you going to help me or not?” he asked one more time.

Seeing there was no response from the lady herself, an idea just popped inside. Jason started pushing the office desk towards the door. He didn’t block the door, leaving a small gap for the door to be open. He then stacked another desk making sure the door won’t open that much.

“See, a makeshift barrier. They won’t get to you. I just need you to open and close the door according to my signal. It’s pretty safe, you know,” he tried to convince Laurel.

“I won’t let-” Matt tried to stop Jason but the sharp edge of the blade horn stopped his feet from coming closer.

“My horn sword doesn’t have any eyes. It’s best to keep your distance,” said Jason. A tint of intimidation behind his words.

Who would have thought Jason would give a name to his blade horn-cum-sword. Matt stepped back as a man with a sharp object calling it a horn sword was definitely not something he should confront with.

“You want to die here Laurel?” a question that pricked Laurel’s heart.

“No,” she replied, and it did come with action.

She walked past Jason and stood in front of the door. It was nerve-wracking for Laurel as she could hear the noise even more clearly. She toughened her heart and grabbed the doorknob.

“Laurel. Don’t,” Matt tried to reasoned with her.

But her eyes were showing that it was do or die. Jason couldn’t help but let out a smile.

“Open on my signal,” said Jason.

Laurel nodded.

“Open,” he said.

To his voice, she turned the doorknob and a powerful force slammed over the door. Laurel was caught by surprise and fell on the floor on her bum. She didn’t expect it to be this strong.



The barking sound of the mini-velociraptors was focused at the open door. From the look of it, those little dinosaurs caught on to the opening at the door.

“Close it,” Jason shouted.

He rushed towards the door and saw a few heads of those mini-velociraptor popping out like a mole in whack-a-mole.

Jason was a step to slow as a single mini-velociraptor managed to slip inside through the gap.

Shit, that slippery bastard.

“One of them got inside,” said Matt as he was sweating bullets seeing it up close.

The lone mini-velociraptor ran around the office. While Jason ignored it as his target was none other than those stuck heads. He arrived in the nick of time and swung his horn sword.

“Arp,” the mini-velociraptor yelped out of pain as blood spilled on the floor.

The horn sword was sharp but it was not enough with a single strike.

“Tough little bastard,” Jason didn’t stop as he hacked and slashed the heck of that single head. By the fourth time, a head dropped on the floor.

Jason’s level increased to level 6

A smile hung on his face. Who wouldn’t be happy obtaining another level this easy.


The pack of mini-velociraptor was getting stronger as they tried to break down the door.

“Hey, close the door,” Jason said.

Laurel didn’t move an inch after falling down as she was frozen in place. Her determination was rather short-lived.

“Laurel,” Jason shouted.

The shout snapped her out of it. She stood up with her staggering legs. Laurel tried to close the door, pushing with all her might. She saw it herself those heads jutting out from the door gap. A terrifying experience but she fought on.

Jason continued hacking down those heads as he put another three points into strength to bolster his attacking force. But the door gap was becoming wider as those mini-velociraptors outside were pushing like their lives were depending on it.

“Hey, push harder,” said Jason.

“I can’t, it won’t budge,” Laurel replied.

“You there,” Jason called out to Matt as his attention was still on those raptor’s heads.

“Me,” Matt said pointing to himself.

“Help her out, or else all of us are going to die,” said Jason.

Matt gulped down a mouthful of his saliva as he nodded in response. His eyes were still wary about the unseen mini-velociraptor which went off under the radar within this office room. Matt got up and slammed his body towards the door. Jason stabbed multiple times through the door gaps hindering those mini-velociraptors outside from pushing.

“Push,” Jason said.

Matt and Laurel pulled every strength they had and pushed the door with all their might.


The sound of the door locked from the inside.

“Nice,” Jason said as the door was finally shut tight. He didn’t stand around as he went and pushed the office desk from behind blocking the door completely.

Matt and Laurel slumped down on the floor with their backs behind the door.

A nerve-wracking experience and definitely something they wouldn’t like to experience again. Jason piled another office desk to the door with his strength that baffled both Matt and Laurel as they saw it first hand of how this man managed to do the impossible. But then Matt realized something.

“The one inside. There’s another one inside,” he repeated his words as he grew nervous once more.

“Argh, help,” a cry for help rang in the air.

The three of them turned their attention at the far end corner of the office room.

The door that was shut was open wide.

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