Jumping down from the sky-high tower, his heart beat wilder than ever. A gush of excitement filled up his entire being. Doing this kind of thing doesn’t play well for his heart more so for his mind. Extreme activities weren’t within his bucket list. But things changed and he himself didn’t realize it.

The fear replaced with excitement as the adrenaline pumped over his body. He held his horn sword with both of his hands, with the target in sight. It didn’t matter where he hit as long as he makes it bleed.

The horn sword stabbed right into the flesh of the ebony pterodactyl. It jerked out of pain and a loud shrill resounded in the air. It flapped its wings in a violent mannered, erratic in motion. It never expected to felt pain while fighting against these weak soft flesh creatures.

Jason was barely hanging on at the back of the ebony pterodactyl. His body was swinging from left to right like a pendulum in motion. His hands gripped tightly on the hilt of his horn sword.

The stab is too shallow.

Even with the added force from leaping plus the gravity, his attack was rather meager in result. His horn sword barely stabbed into its flesh. It was bleeding but it’s too little. It was akin like pricking a needle at the end of a fingertip. It hurts but it wasn’t enough.

“It’s injured. Rain down more bullets,” the men in black were eager in seeing it wailing in pain. They thought they finally did some damage to it but it was far from the truth. Jason was holding on to his life.

This isn’t fun.

Gritting his teeth, he let go of one of his hands from the hilt.

“Woah,” the ride was turning more violent. It was even worse than riding the mechanical rodeo bull.

He pressed on and dug his free hand into the flesh. Slowly his hand went on deeper into the open wound. Pain jolted across its body. The ebony pterodactyl landed on top of the roof as the entire roof quaked under its weight. The men in black staggered on their feet, while those people who were holding were screaming for their lives.

A sudden quake made them fell onto their knees. The ebony pterodactyl stood upright opening up its wings showcasing its large wingspan. Its head and long snout directed towards the sky as it let out a high pitch shriek.

Jason dug deeper until half of his arm was inside the flesh wound. He grabbed on to the muscles as he did the unthinkable. He dislodged the horn sword from the stab wound and in turn, he stabbed at another part on its back.


It shrieked in pain, not knowing where did it come from. But as its head stoop up high, its eyes saw something clinging in the middle of its back. A soft flesh creature stabbing into its flesh like fire ants biting over human trespassers. It was enraged, furious by that simple thought of being injured by a human of all things. It bent its neck to the back as the long snout began to counter attacked the silent attacker.

One of the men in black saw Jason clinging on its back. He was astounded by what he was seeing. Yet the moment he saw ebony pterodactyl trying to attack Jason. He shouted alerting the courageous man.

“Hey, watch out.”

But Jason couldn’t hear much less pay attention to his surroundings as he was knee-deep in stabbing the heck out of this creature. With little time that he had, he was making sure every second count.

Yet his gut feeling told him to glance to the side. He did so and he knew it was too late. The long snout slammed over his dangling body as he felt the full force behind that sudden attack.

E.Guard disabled.

Time to recover; 55 minutes

E.Guard level up to level 2

He welcomed the new level up but turning useless after gaining it was rather disappointing. The faint whitish glow that protected him vanished into thin air.

Jason was in a predicament. It shook him as he tried clinging on to the back of the ebony pterodactyl. He was starting to feel the pain over his left hand that was stuck inside the wound of the ebony pterodactyl. Rocking from left to right with only his stuck hand anchoring him unto the ebony pterodactyl put a heavy toll on his hand. His eyes went all over the place trying to see where the long snout was.

Here it comes.

Its snout tried to peck from above. Jason saw it coming and flung his body to the side, brushing it against the long snout. The friction made his skin burned and bruised. Jason frowned and endured the pain. The hand holding on to the horn sword stabbed at another place. The creature wailed once more.

Yet Jason didn’t stop at once, he stabbed at the same spot deeper and deeper. Blood spurted out from the wound, oozing out in its crimson red color. The ebony pterodactyl pecked once more and Jason dislodged his stuck hand and leaped to another spot.

He dodged the incoming attack and this time he grabbed on to the muscle of the new open wound. A new method in harassing the creature as he repeated the same process time after time. The men in black stopped firing as they witnessed the battle between these two.

Those who were fearing their lives were staring at this battle. Even those who were in hiding came out from their hiding place witnessing a fight that can no doubt be called similar to David versus Goliath.

One of them was the son of the conglomerate. Hiding underneath the counter of the lounge, he appeared and saw the unbelievable spectacle.

“What on earth,” he was speechless.

On the floor below the struggling ebony pterodactyl, blood pooled over. But the creature was still strong fighting against the human on its back.

“Arkkk,” the shriek of the ebony pterodactyl resounded in the air.

It had enough of being tormented.

Its wings flapped hard as it started to hovered once more. The wind generated by the flapping was stronger than before.

“Arkkk,” once again it shrieked. Like it was a signal, the ebony pterodactyl took flight.

It disappeared from the rooftop as it flew above the night sky.

Damn it.

Jason's brow furrowed and gritting his teeth, Jason held on. His hand stuck deeper into the stab wound as his legs were flailing around. While his other hand held on to the horn sword.

The temperature was going down, as Jason could feel the chill creeping on his skin. The higher it flew the faster the temperature was dropping.

Jason was hoping to continue his attack but he had enough trouble trying to hold on and not fall from this ridiculous height. He didn’t dare to look down, looking to the side was enough for him. The ebony pterodactyl flew passed the lining of clouds and there it was the bright moon unhindered by nothing.

Jason had a glimpsed of the beautiful moon. Even during this turmoil, he was amazed by the beauty of the moon.

It’s beauti-

Yet before he could further appreciate its beauty. The ebony pterodactyl made a sudden drop.

Damn this bird.

The speed it was dropping was at a whole other level. The rough air pressure was pricking his skin like numerous sharp needles. He couldn’t even keep his eyes open, squinting throughout the whole flight.

Shit, this is bad. If it starts to roll, I’m…

Speak of the devil, as if the creature could read Jason’s mind. The ebony pterodactyl started to roll while diving down. His legs swayed left to right like a piece of rag doll. Helpless against the strong turbulent of the air pressure.

I’m going to kill this bird.

He had enough of being played by this oversized bird.

To hell with it, all remaining points to energy.

The last gamble for the man hanging for his life.

“Wind Cutter, wind cutter, wind cutter…”

He mumbled those words repeating it like no tomorrow.

Within the stab wound, his stuck hand glowed in light green. He swung his hand within that stab wound and it didn’t matter how minimal his movement was as light green projectiles started pouring out.

Crescent shape projectiles started cutting down those muscles and flesh within the inside of the ebony pterodactyl.

“Arkk,” it shrieked yet it didn’t stop rolling in the air. The ebony pterodactyl was determined in squashing the human behind it. It didn’t stop rolling no matter the pain it's experienced.

Soon, the hotel roof was within sight. The people on the roof were relief seeing the dangerous threat was gone but their relief was short-lived.

Someone who was tending to their own wounds accidentally glanced upwards and its eyes turned wide.

“It’s coming back.”

To his words, everyone stared at the sky. Eyes wide open, with their jaws gaping wide. Fear came back plastered across their face.

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