Kaiju a term originated from the Japanese language. A term that defined disaster itself. Monsters that only existed in the realm of fiction. Yet what Jason was seeing was the exact definition of a kaiju. Its head was jutting out from the crack. Even from afar he could saw how massive it was, even the ebony pterodactyl he fought paled in comparison. Like comparing an ant with an elephant. Shimmering reddish scale glowed even in the darkness of the night. Its yellow topaz slit eyes were moving around as if searching for something.

“Is that a T-rex?” Maria asked.

The resemblance was uncanny, Jason stared at it for a while and saw the huge snout that bore a resemblance to a tyrannosaurus. It was hard to notice but slowly the huge head was coming out from the crack. The hair behind his neck stood upright as he felt goosebumps just by seeing it. An ominous thought went by and he didn’t like it.

If that thing comes out, I don’t think America can survive this.

He even skipped New York City, knowing that a creature with that kind of size, a swing of its tail and every skyscraper will topple down like dominoes. Then something flew by above their heads.

A plane?


It wasn’t a plane but a drone. The military was having a hard time monitoring the whole city. They were blind here. Even with their satellite positioned above the city, none of them could get a clear picture as all of their images turned into a blur. As if something jammed their recon tech.

Inside a secluded military base armed with the most technologically advanced equipment. The whole operation room was in disarray. It had been two nights and none of their tactical actions did a thing.

“How’s the ground team?” a man standing at the end of a long table demanded a report of their ground team located at Outerbridge Crossing. General Grant was the one heading this operation and his options are getting fewer with the intended airstrike approaching.

“Not good sir, the UCs are advancing through the blockages. Our guns are ineffective,” a communication expert relayed the information.

“Then bomb the hell out of them, do anything as long as you kill these UC bastards,” dubbed by the military as UC or unidentified creature. They were at their wit ends trying to kill these creatures from another dimension but everything they did was useless.

“Sir, every type of explosive we throw at them is ineffective,” he didn’t want to say it but he had to relay the information.

Gen.Grant slammed his fist on the desk as he couldn’t understand how their weaponry couldn’t do a thing to these creatures and he wasn’t the only one having these problems.

“Any useful news from San Francisco?”

“No sir,”


“No sir,”


“No sir,”

“Give me something, damn it,” another fist on the desk. The whole operation room turned silent. Every military combat force was sent throughout these specific cities as the whole invasion from another world was happening and none of them were prepared.

“Sir we managed to get eyes in the city,” at last, some good news.

“Bring up the feed on the big screen,” yet the moment the image was brought up, every person in the whole room turned slack-jawed.

The drone was broadcasting a live feed of a huge head coming out from a crack.

“What in the world…” Gen.Grant didn’t have anything else to say. He was desperate to keep these things in check but the sight of this monstrosity made him give up. There was no way for him to save this city. He, of all people, didn’t want his name to be recorded in history as the one who blew up New York City but it seems he doesn’t have a choice.

“General, the live feed,” Gen.Grant turned his sight back to the big screen.

The drone caught sight of the T-rex staring right at the flying drone.

“It spotted us,” said the communication personnel.

But before Gen.Grant could deliver his commands, the live feed was cut off.

“What happened?”

His only eye in the city was gone and there’s was nothing he could do.

“The drone is destroyed, sir.”

Gen.Grant stared at the static screen as deep down he hoped the airstrike would be the last resort.

Since nuclear warfare on U.S soil would be the most unfortunate thing.


Jason saw something coming out at the opposite end of the crack. A long serpentine-like tail with a cudgel shape like thing at the end. It swung at a ridiculous speed and what happened next blew his mind.


The drone that was flying around Central Park was destroyed by an unknown projectile.

It’s him.

He swore he saw something flying through the sky and striking the drone. He set his eyes at the cudgel like shape and saw it was missing the sharp end.

It regenerated.

A sharp-pointed end came out from the cudgel.

Then he recalled the moment he saw Eugene’s helicopter being blown up. His heart shook and inexplicable anger emerged from deep down of his heart.


Jason tried to stand up. Maria aided him lending him her shoulder.

“He’s the one who killed them,” he muttered. Maria was confused.

“He? You mean that thing?”

“I saw it blow up Eugene’s helicopter, if it wasn’t for him,” Maria saw the look in his eyes. Jason was enraged. Whether it’s true or not, she let it be as though nothing at this point matter. Soon the airstrike will come and maybe that T-rex over there won’t survive the attack but neither will them.

They waited there on top of the rooftop along with the unfortunate others. In the end, no one manages to escape the hotel building. Not even the snobbish rich kid. Both Jason and Maria stood there staring at the sight of the T-rex.

“It’s coming out,” said Jason as a thick humongous leg appeared from the crack. The moment its feet touched the ground, the whole city quaked. Jason and Maria were staggering on their feet as the sudden quake caught them off guard.

That alone made Jason’s heart beat faster. The thought of going up against the kaiju-size T-rex was ridiculous. Him right now, wouldn’t hold a candle against it. Then a roar echoed throughout the city as if announcing its arrival. Like a greeting to those who will witness its undeniable might. Both Jason and Maria turned slack-jawed as they saw the full size of this T-rex.

No, the name T-rex paled in comparison to the grandeur of this gigantic creature. Standing tall at a massive height of 390 feet, its sight alone made people trembling in fear. It bore a resemblance to the tyrannosaurus, two bulking mass of legs with a huge claw resembling a velociraptor. Its two tails swung in an erratic manner slamming against the buildings and at both ends revealed the pointed end cudgel. A menacing weapon for a behemoth like it.

Where there should be two small arms fitting for a T-rex, it was not there replaced by a golden hue membrane-like capsules glowing in the dark in an interval. Like the beating of a heart. Those huge membrane capsules were giving Jason a bad vibe. Yet that wasn’t the end, on its back two huge scaly wings spread out in the air. Wings full of scales unfit for a creature to fly but for this one who knows what might happen.

Again, the menacing creature let out a booming roar towards the sky. The whole sky cleared off by that single powerful roar, revealing the moon bare for others to see. The moonlight shuns over the creature as it illuminated the scarlet glow of its scales.

“Scarlet Rex,” muttered Maria.

Jason was surprised by her naming sense as he turned over to her. In the moment of death, her naming sense somewhat improved.

“Your naming sense improved,” said Jason as he chuckled. He was scared seeing this thing but with death approaching, nothing matters.

“No, it's his name. Scarlet Rex the Emperor of Saurian,” muttered Maria as her eyes were glued at that creature. Narrowing her eyes she saw a glow surrounding this creature. A crimson glow that covered its entire body, if it wasn’t for the moonlight she wouldn’t have seen it.

“But how did you know?” Jason turned serious as he questioned her.

“I used identify on it and I think there’s something else,” said Maria.

“What is it?”


Yet before she could answer, people pointed up in the air as they saw numerous planes flying up the skies above New York City. Both Jason and Maria stared at the sky as they witnessed the bombs being released. Their end was coming and nothing can stop it. Jason pulled her close and hugged her.

Life is too short.

Then it exploded.

A symphony of explosions.

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