Jason smiled from ear to ear, seeing the total number of his EP. It was time to end his suffering. Jason pulled out every IV line on him as well as the lines from the machines. Blood dripped over from the needle holes in his arms yet he ignored it.

He clenched his fist and raised it up high before smashing it down at the plaster cast on his left leg. It broke into pieces revealing his bruised swelling leg filled with ugly stitches. Ugly to the point of even making Jason frowned. But that didn’t matter. Both of his hands glowed in green and as he touched his body while mumbling out.

“Minor Heal+.”

A green light engulfed his entire being and a few seconds later the light faded. Jason jumped out from the bed and as both of his legs touched the cold floor, his whole body was in perfect condition. Even the nasty stitches on his left leg were gone leaving nothing but his skin. He stretches his arms left to right as it had been too long laying on the bed. Then a blue window emerged.

Energy Guard reactivate

The pale whitish light returned once more as it covered Jason’s entire body.

I see. I need to be in perfect health before it can reactivate.

A new discovery and best to keep it in mind.

Man, I feel like I'm naked.

He glanced down and saw he was only wearing a hospital gown with nothing else under it. Going full Rambo wasn’t a problem for him but he does indeed needs proper clothes.

I’ll think about it later. First thing first, let’s get out of here.

He stood behind the door and opened it wide. He peeked through the open door and saw the hallway empty with only the flickering lights barely illuminating the corridor.

“Shadow Hide,” said Jason and in an instant, his whole body faded and turned into nothingness. He stepped outside of the room and jogged. He slowed down a bit as he walked in leisure and while at times taking a peek inside one of the patient’s room.

Out of sudden, a nurse walked by heading towards his way. He stopped on reflex, alerted by her presence. Yet the nurse passed by ignoring him, who was unseen by the naked eye. Jason couldn’t help but smile.

Damn, this is really good. I should have chosen this one from the beginning.

Pointless regret, the past is the past and now on to the future. Then thirty seconds were up and he didn’t even realize it.

“Hello there,” someone called out to him.

Yet Jason paid no heeds to it.

“Ehem. Hey mister, can you please return back to your own room, it’s bedtime,” a nurse came out from a patient’s room. She noticed Jason walking around with his expose butt wiggling by.

Jason turned around and saw the nurse who stood in front of a door. Jason looked from left to right.

“Don’t pretend to be dumb, I’m looking at you,” said the nurse as she pointed at Jason.

Jason didn’t speak a word and pointed at himself.

“Uhuh, stop playing around and go back to bed.”

Jason didn’t expect to be discovered this early. He was panicking and immediately used Shadow Hide once more. He disappeared into thin air shocking the nurse who saw her.

“OH MY LORD,” the nurse jumped in fright as her hands raised up high and the kidney dish dropping on the floor. Covered in sweat from top to bottom, frightened by the disappearance of Jason.

“GIRLS! there’s a ghost in here!”

The nurse turned around and ran while shouting at her peers down the corridor. She stumbled on her feet and fell while rolling on the floor. Jason saw it all and restrained himself from laughing. The nurse didn’t give up and stood once more, running back to her colleagues. Jason looked back at his Shadow Hide description and he saw the duration of being invisible.

I should have remembered.

He continued his journey while keeping count on the clock. Every twenty-nine seconds he renewed his Shadow Hide and continued searching for the way out. The third time he used, a blue window greeted him.

Shadow Hide level up to level 2

Shadow Hide

Allows you to hide in the shadow for a short time.

Lv.2 : EP cost 1,

Duration : 40 seconds

The duration just went up and he was grateful for that unique trait he had.

I'm glad I have Rapid Growth. It wouldn’t be this easy in increasing the skill level.

Soon he found the elevator. The one, far away from the nurses. He pressed down the button and waited.

“Thirty-nine seconds is up, Shadow Hide,” he disappeared once more with the clock keeps ticking.


The elevator door opened and he stepped inside as if it was natural. He pressed down on the ground floor and waited for it to close.

“Wait, wait, wait, please wait.” a voice called out from a distance.

Jason reacted and pressed the ‘open’ button. A second later, he slapped himself at the forehead realizing how stupid he was. He couldn’t help himself from being polite.

Idiot. Why the hell did I open it? I’m supposed to be in stealth mode.

A red-headed woman appeared with both of her hands stopping the elevator door from closing.

That’s not going to work.

Jason wasn’t sure whether this red hair knows anything about elevators. Doing it like that won’t really stop the door from closing. He recognized who she was. It was the doctor from before, she just finished her shift and on her way back home.

“Thank you for… Eh?” she thanked the empty air and realized the elevator was empty. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as her feet shuffled her away from the elevator.

She hugged her handbag close to her heart and stared at the empty elevator with her pale stricken face. The elevator door closed once more and Jason was happy she didn’t come inside. But then the door opened once more. Jason couldn’t help but frowned seeing this. He saw the red-headed doctor waiting outside while her eyes kept darting around within the elevator.

Can’t she make up her mind already? I’m in the middle of breaking out of the hospital here.

As if she can hear Jason’s mind, she stepped inside the elevator with much reservation. Jason moved closer to the corner of the elevator.

In the first place, why is she using this elevator? There’s more of them close to the nurse’s counter.

Jason kept on complaining while being hidden. The door slowly closed once more but again a hand just had to stop the elevator door from closing. Jason was losing his patience.

Why are all these people stopping the door? Can’t they just fucking wait for another elevator?

A man entered his sight. He wore a white coat with a stethoscope hanging around his neck. A middle-aged doctor who has quite a good look. Jason wouldn’t be surprised if the male doctor is popular among his female colleagues. But what unfolded in front of him caused Jason to frowned.

“I’m surprised, Bryce. You didn’t even say goodbye to your own senior,” he stepped inside the elevator while pressing forward to the red-headed doctor.

Bryce backed away to the corner and much to Jason’s relief she went to the other corner.

“Please stop,” said Bryce.

Jason could hear her voice trembling and looking at those green eyes of hers. He knew what was behind those eyes.

She’s afraid.

“Stop? But why? I’m not doing anything, don’t you think so?” said the male doctor.

The male doctor stood in front of Bryce with both of his hands on the elevator wall. A sign telling Bryce that she wasn’t going anywhere. The male doctor leaned closer to Bryce as his face came closer to hers. He was disregarding the boundary of a human as he made sure she could hear him taking a sniff at her smell. Jason saw Bryce shivering from top to bottom.

“You really smell great,” said the male doctor, as he whipped out his tongue licking Bryce on her cheek.

“St…o..p,” said Bryce.

Her voice couldn’t come out in these desperate times. She was at her wits' end. She didn’t like this. She didn’t want all of this to happened and someone else felt the same.

I can’t stand this anymore.

Jason swung his arm and punched the male doctor right on the face. The male doctor didn’t even know what just hit him as he fainted instantly. The male doctor’s head smacked on the elevator wall before dropping on the floor turning limp like a ragdoll.

Bryce was shocked. She didn’t know what just happened. All of a sudden the senior doctor that assaulted her went down to the floor. Her knees grew weak as she slumped on the floor with her back on the wall. She stared at the sight of the unconscious doctor. She wanted to say serve him right but then she saw something unbelievable.

Jason who was still invisible didn’t stop his attack, he was utterly disgusted by this doctor that he had to kick it where it hurts. His feet kept on stomping at the male doctor’s crotch, as he swore he heard something being broken.

Bryce saw the male doctor’s crotch stomped by an unknown invisible force. Her eyes were quivering and goosebumps were felt all over her body. She too heard something being broken and she knew what it was. The limp body of the male doctor was kicked out of the elevator and that sight only made Bryce even more afraid by this unseen entity. A poltergeist was the likely culprit as that thought kept on circling inside her head.

Then the elevator door closed much to her horror, she was too late to exit the demonic elevator. Her mouth was opened wide as though she was screaming but nothing came out. Yet as time passed by within the elevator, nothing was happening. Her fear faded little by little as she started to think logically.

Did the ghost save me? Thought Bryce.

Although logically ghost doesn’t exist, yet she had to think of it in that manner. Seeing nothing was happening to her then that hypothesis she just made might be true. Her trembling finger pressed on the underground floor button where she parked her car. She arrived on her floor and the door opened. She fled the moment the door open. She was about to run but stopped after a few steps. Turning around, she stared at the empty elevator and said.

“Thank you.”

After that, she went to her car, a Nord Bigo. She opened the door and threw her handbag inside but then her phone rang. She took it out from her handbag and answered the call. She walked away from the car a few steps while glancing at the vast empty car park.

“What? He’s not there? But he’s just there a while ago,” it seems there was trouble in the ward.

Unbeknownst to her the backseat door opened by itself before closing it on its own.

“I just finished my shift, can you please let the on-call doctor handle this,” she hung up her phone and sat on the driver’s seat.

She started her car and made her way to the exit.

Jason who snuck into the backseat saw something by the exit. He didn’t like it even one bit.

A bunch of soldiers was blocking the exit of the car park. Bryce rolled down the side window.

“Ma’am your identification please,” Bryce let them see her doctor’s tag.

“Ma’am we need to check your car, please open the back trunk,” Bryce had an annoyed look on her but she didn’t refuse the request from the soldier.

She popped up the back trunk and the soldier checked with his flashlight. It only took him a few seconds before closing it back. He peeked through the door windows flashing the flashlight in his hand. The backseat was empty.

“Thank you, ma’am. You may go,” Bryce drove off, pressing down the throttle as her car sped away into the street.

Meanwhile, back at the backseat. Jason was staring at those soldiers who were standing guard. His eyes caught notice of some soldiers patrolling around the perimeter. That alone told him that they wanted him for something. Yet he had one word for them.


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